Marvel vs Capcom 3
still playing arcade and trying to get all the characters ending. im still trying to figure out my characters but dont really care about that right now....im just doing as much stuff in arcade till i get the trophies then im ganna move on to looking for my team. i am using doom zero ammy atm till i get to galactus. once im at the final boss i just change to the characters to unlock their ending
i started the single player for this game...got nothing else to do really and i can play mvc3 when i get bored of shooters. the single player felt like wolfenstein and the guns are pretty futuristic, kinda reminds me of resistance gun for humans. me and dars did try single player....i didnt get the full experience because not much people are playing it and the connection is pretty bad.
since singularity multi wasnt the best connection, me and dars moved on to cod and played with people. we look for hiding spots in maps then we help dars get ghost pro....through the whole game darwin was just shooting air supports while sitting at the back of the map sniping.