my professor for business did told me im getting a 48% in class....she told me to hand in the business plan then she will boost me up. i wonder if i fail my other classes too, probably scams and media if i dont hand in this final project. doing bad because i just not motivated to do the work. i am going to 3rd year vca and well see what will happen next.
Marvel vs Capcom 3
got the game tuesday at eb games. i grabed it because they messd up the pricing. i got for 30 something plus edge card discount for use games.
im just trying to get the easy trophy atm. still looking for my team so im just training, doing mission, or playing arcade. im thinking of using zero dr. doom and ammy....but...iunnnooo. im not sure if i should keep ametarasu or change it to hulk but im still learning!!! i only know how to use zero properly and i dont even know how to properly use doom, only use him as assist atm and i use amy for otg but not working properly...well seee how far i can go with this team.