its done its over time to move to another game. ill say the story is okay...i like the gameplay tho. ill give this game a 7/10. i find myself not caring about the story half way through....i just want to lvl up my ids, different gamers got different approaches on gamz.
CoD: Black Ops
played some zombies with ads dars and juls. we played all map and since we havnt played in so long, we didnt had a plan so we just run around till we think of one that would work. accension we survived around 20s, kino around 20s and FIVE around 20s....then we played some multiplayer with the others. we tried the hiding tactics but failed. then we moved on to RC-XD and Sentry Gun spam killstreak on demolition, we basically save our killstreak until the last match. then our last couple of games we played with noobtube rpg and second chance....this game gets boring without these.