still got loads of games to beat. still didnt touch dead space 2 and crysis campaign/story. there still folklore...castle crashers and dead nation. also the winter animes are slowly finishin up! but hopefully spring animes comes soon and as good as the winter animes.
theres also a minecraft update...i think its beta 1.4 now. they added wolves and cookies in the game!!! time to tame some wolves! it looks like to tame the wolves you'll need some bones and to heal them you need to feed them cooked pork chop or maybe you can feed them uncooked or maybe any type of food....still need to try this. i didnt update my minecraft yet because i dont have the time to play minecraft atm. got pokemon and other online games to play....ill probably start a new world when i hav the chance.....
finish keats chapter back to ellens.