i did work out for an hour and a half. i was just at the basement watching cartoons while working my biceps, chest and abs....i knew it was an hour and a half because i finish 3 cartoons....ate my last protein bar after.
Dead Space 2
finish the game!!! i gotta say its a big improvement from the first dead space. i like the new guns specially the javelin gun. ill rate it 8.5/10....ill say its good because there not much loading other than when u save or die/restart. i guess ill count elevator ride or opening doors as loading but those are fast enough that it wont keep you waiting. the controls are solid, if you play the first dead space theres no problem playing this game, only thing missing when i play the first dead space was the fact that i cant shoot unless i aim....got use to it tho. i like the online too....cuz i dont care about my kill death ratio half the time. im thinking of buying the dlc for this game too cuz its another story....i wanna know what happens next. been playing the game non-stop last night!! got hook to the story and theres no loading screen that can stop me!! now ill just try to get as much trophies as i can with the new game +