Friday, December 31, 2010
Almost tym for 2011
last day of 2010 and here comes 2011......damn lots happen in 2010 hope 2011 is as much fun as 2010 or more. famjams gonna start soon and school is just around the corner. gotta make sure i wake up early because my classes are 8ams.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Da Calm After the STORM
well now its time to rest after all those shopping and fam jams....gotta make this count because jan 1st is coming and more fam jams are coming. been playing borderlands. also, ive been using turtle beach and i need to get use to the sounds.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Trollz
me karl and kev went into the battlefield, its me and kevs 3rd time going. my plan is to scavenge the left overs from previous days and to help kev and karl look for the stuff they want. so first we went to bestbuy cuz karl wanted blu-rays there we saw the turtle beach and kev bought it. next we went to gamestop to check if they have ninja gaiden 2 for the ps3, kev wanted it because its 10$$ but he got trolled and said the game is only available online. then we went to another bestbuy to check more blu-rays and turtle beaches, unfortunately theyr out of turtles and no more blu-rays. then we took a break and eat. went to square one so kev can change his monster hunter tri copy because it was scratch and he dsnt want to risk it not working half way through the game. at square i saw at gamestop they have turtle beach on sale so i went and lined up....while i was in the line i can hear a mom and her son talking, the son want to buy the turtle beach BUTTT theres only one left. here the trolling.....the son is right behind me and im going to buy the turtle beach.....the lasttt oneeee. so i bought it then the mom got madd cuz they lined up for nothing while the kid bolted out of gamestop...........iunno why but it felt good getting the last headset. also, it looks like we have a new hunter....jaime got a wii and he's planing to buy monster hunter tri.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Box Dayz`
first...celebrated xmas at my cuzns house. chilled at my cuzns from 2pm till 12am. got home stayed up till 3am till i get a headache...fell asleep....woke up at 5am and went to line up at bestbuy. went with darwin, kevyn and russle. got to bestbuy and bought 2 games; borderlands for 29 and bioshock 2 for home at 10am. really tiring day, cant believe i went out without eating anything nor drinking head was ganna explode because the line up at bestbuy is ridiculous and its freezing outside, was not prepare because i woke up and left. then inside bestbuy is a battle field, so much people inside. i didnt even have a plan to buy anything in there....i was just ganna go in an grab whatever i find cheap and i found borderlands and bioshock. after our firs bestbuy we went to different store until we went to another bestbuy then i saw borderlands for we thought the turtle beach headset for the ps3 was was still 99.
check my grades for this semester!!! and im happy i pass everything!! got a 3.00 impress actually i thought ill get around 2.60s LOL
went out again with kevyn and adrian to walmart to check if they have cod black ops....unfortunately its not there so me and kev bought a wii charger, split it because we only have one controller. kev also bought a blu-ray. then thats that.......until tomorrow because karl called me and said if i want to go to bestbuy and other places with them and i said yes just cuz. soooo....into battle field tomorrow again!!!!!!
check my grades for this semester!!! and im happy i pass everything!! got a 3.00 impress actually i thought ill get around 2.60s LOL
went out again with kevyn and adrian to walmart to check if they have cod black ops....unfortunately its not there so me and kev bought a wii charger, split it because we only have one controller. kev also bought a blu-ray. then thats that.......until tomorrow because karl called me and said if i want to go to bestbuy and other places with them and i said yes just cuz. soooo....into battle field tomorrow again!!!!!!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
final this year is almost done!! not rly hoping for anything special this christmas. new years around the corner finally 2011 and almost my bday....darn...getting old already.
Friday, December 24, 2010
MH Tri!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Gar-Badge day!
keep telling myself to clean but no action.....rooms getting worse, keep piling up water bottles....will clean eventually, prob tomorrow.
cleaned my room a bit....and then chilled with kev dars and ads and went to some greek buffet.
cleaned my room a bit....and then chilled with kev dars and ads and went to some greek buffet.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Games Games gamz
been doing nothing other then sleep eat video games.....reach 8th prestige lvl 11 atm. didnt play zombies today because i wanted to prestige........prob play later. still gotta buy gifts, prob just do it later today.
didnt get to play zombies...everyone wants to lvl up
didnt get to play zombies...everyone wants to lvl up
Sunday, December 19, 2010
More ZombZ
played cod all day -.-
been playing multiplayer all day so at night we played some zombies. it was me vince and dars but vince bailed half way. we played in 'FIVE' and we made a new record of round 30 with just me and dars. i had the raygun and a random gun while dars got his shotgun and a random gun. during round 30 we got fire sale and i bought the box, i got the freeze gun. we both died a couple of times and ran out of monkey bombs...we thought it was the last wave of zombies so we decided to face them.....and it wasn't. we got caught off guard and instantly died.

im around lvl 40ish in multi player....almost there for 8th prestige.
been playing multiplayer all day so at night we played some zombies. it was me vince and dars but vince bailed half way. we played in 'FIVE' and we made a new record of round 30 with just me and dars. i had the raygun and a random gun while dars got his shotgun and a random gun. during round 30 we got fire sale and i bought the box, i got the freeze gun. we both died a couple of times and ran out of monkey bombs...we thought it was the last wave of zombies so we decided to face them.....and it wasn't. we got caught off guard and instantly died.
im around lvl 40ish in multi player....almost there for 8th prestige.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Gaming starts now!`
been playing video games none stop since my break starts....gotta abuse this because next term i got 7 courses. played CoD:Black Ops with dars today...we started at 12am ended at 2:44am. we played on 'FIVE' and we set a new record of 22. we got far because i got two upgraded guns, the mp5 and the freeze gun. darwin keep dying because he didnt get any good guns. been playing monster hunter too before i sleep.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The break begins....
my break officially starts today....just chillin at home and playing cod, hoping i didnt fail anything.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Last Day....then Freedomm
painting class today and we have our final test....he said its easy, that itll take 1.5hour to write. we also have to hand in one painting we did.
CoD: Black Ops
was playing zombie early EARLY this morning we started around 11pm-2am-ish. played with 4 people this time. the team was me lifebrandrobot, russle, and don.....we played at kino and FIVE then don left then piztolwhipped joined, played FIVE...after that i went to sleep cuz i got school today....still....nothing will beat the one game of kino with me vince, kev, and dars.....from 12am - game!!!.
update - played zombies again with dars. played from 8-11pm and we beat our record is 26.
CoD: Black Ops
was playing zombie early EARLY this morning we started around 11pm-2am-ish. played with 4 people this time. the team was me lifebrandrobot, russle, and don.....we played at kino and FIVE then don left then piztolwhipped joined, played FIVE...after that i went to sleep cuz i got school today....still....nothing will beat the one game of kino with me vince, kev, and dars.....from 12am - game!!!.
update - played zombies again with dars. played from 8-11pm and we beat our record is 26.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
End of 3d and Surface
went to my last day of 3d and surface design. did critiques for both and went home...nothing much.
tomorrow i got final test for painting and i got to hand in one of my paintings....then its freedom!
CoD: Black Ops
played some zombies with dars. beat our records of 21 in kino and got up to round....25ish....somewhere there and our 'FIVE' lvl 9 to round 13/15 somewhere there. also dead ops arcade from 12 to 20ish. it was just me and dars no one else wants to play cuz their too busy studying.
tomorrow i got final test for painting and i got to hand in one of my paintings....then its freedom!
CoD: Black Ops
played some zombies with dars. beat our records of 21 in kino and got up to round....25ish....somewhere there and our 'FIVE' lvl 9 to round 13/15 somewhere there. also dead ops arcade from 12 to 20ish. it was just me and dars no one else wants to play cuz their too busy studying.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Gotta hold it!
schools almost over....was debating whether i should skip or not but ended up going cuz im bored at home, only down side is the freezing cold weather.
its freezing cold....good thing the winds arent that strong. fml
CoD: Black Ops
reach 7th prestige....yess 9 custom classes.
played for a bit with people...and iunno if its just me but the connection sucks. specially when im in a party, we keep getting disband. this happens after the new patch thats suppose to fix all these stuff. plus in this new patch., u cant mute people in the lobby, it seems like this patch made the game worse for me. it made me rage quit because i cant start a game....i keep disconnecting me specially when we have a full party. my NAT says OPEN then sometimes does say that STRICT or MODERATE is bad but i was OPEN and its still bad. hopefully theyll fix this but not anytime soon. the new patch just came and theres new contracts and other changes i dont even know / care about.
its freezing cold....good thing the winds arent that strong. fml
CoD: Black Ops
reach 7th prestige....yess 9 custom classes.
played for a bit with people...and iunno if its just me but the connection sucks. specially when im in a party, we keep getting disband. this happens after the new patch thats suppose to fix all these stuff. plus in this new patch., u cant mute people in the lobby, it seems like this patch made the game worse for me. it made me rage quit because i cant start a game....i keep disconnecting me specially when we have a full party. my NAT says OPEN then sometimes does say that STRICT or MODERATE is bad but i was OPEN and its still bad. hopefully theyll fix this but not anytime soon. the new patch just came and theres new contracts and other changes i dont even know / care about.
Monday, December 13, 2010
How long has it been?
didnt go to media lab today because i haded my stuff online. this is the last week of school and im not going to my history class because i already write my final test and i dont want to grab my cheap skecthbook back so im thinking i should just go to interpretive drawing....gotta leave the house at 1pm will prob get home at 7pm if i stay for the full class. hopefully its not ganna be freezing death tomorrow.
finish both interpretive drawing and surface design. just need to mount my surface design.
CoD: Black Ops
still prestige 6th...been busy with school projects. reach lvl 49.
finish both interpretive drawing and surface design. just need to mount my surface design.
CoD: Black Ops
still prestige 6th...been busy with school projects. reach lvl 49.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Slacking spre
didnt do any of my project this weekend......will prob start outlining for my interpretive drawing. surface is easy and i already submitted my medial lab. so basically i only have 2 more projects to make and i have to hand in 3 projects and do critiques on them then i got my painting test.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
stayed home and catch up to my sleep cuz im not getting enough sleep playing cod.....and doing projects. so me kev and ads chilled, went to osmos and then to ads house. at house house we played some gamecube games on the wii. we played final fantasy crystal chronicles with 3 players. after FFCC i played some MGS twin snakes while ads and kev watch me play and eventually went to home around 5am. i couldve reach lvl 40ish in cod but ill do that tomorrow/today.
went to kims house because she told me she has free food. its her sisters birthday and theres too much food so i went there and eat.
gotta do interpretive drawing final project, its a triptych. im thinking making the 3 panels my window and in those panels is the weather outside....morning, noon and the sunset. then i have surface design....for that...its just random. after these projets im done.....all i have to do is go to class and do these critiques cuz we get mark for those.
went to kims house because she told me she has free food. its her sisters birthday and theres too much food so i went there and eat.
gotta do interpretive drawing final project, its a triptych. im thinking making the 3 panels my window and in those panels is the weather outside....morning, noon and the sunset. then i have surface design....for that...its just random. after these projets im done.....all i have to do is go to class and do these critiques cuz we get mark for those.
Video Games
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thursday!~stayed late?
went to painting for our last painting. stayed at sheridan with ken and kev till 10pm to do homework. done my i dont have to do them at home.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Skipperz part 2
went to my history class today because we have our final test. i skip interpretive drawin again because i dont have the stuff she told us to bring so its kinda pointless to go.
CoD: Black Ops
played some zombies with dars in kino got to round 17. dar got unlucky with the box.
Red Dead Redemption
played some undead nightmare till round 12 after our CoD zombie run and some co-op missions.
CoD: Black Ops
played some zombies with dars in kino got to round 17. dar got unlucky with the box.
Red Dead Redemption
played some undead nightmare till round 12 after our CoD zombie run and some co-op missions.
Monday, December 6, 2010
skip my monday class because its just work period. id rather stay home and work on other stuff than go to school and waste money. ill just work on my medial lab tomorrow morning in the learning commons because i dont have the 8am lecture. so far today i workd on my 3d sculpture...its basically base on an ash tray made up of straws and the light sources is in the middle, kinda reminds me of iron man. so what i did is i added more straws to make it look packed, it looks like it exploded. i was thinking of making it into a lamp but you have to press the light source pretty hard to turn it on and a straw wont do it so yea i just left it the way it is and add more straws. i still have to print out my history report and gotta do the coloring book for surface.
done surface coloring book.
done my 3d, color book, sketchbook, inspiration book, history report and hand painting done.
not done - final interpretive drawing, final surface design, final medial lab and final test for painting and history.
i wanna finish all my final project by this week so in the weekend im free. all i have to do is show up for the critiques and im serious!
done surface coloring book.
done my 3d, color book, sketchbook, inspiration book, history report and hand painting done.
not done - final interpretive drawing, final surface design, final medial lab and final test for painting and history.
i wanna finish all my final project by this week so in the weekend im free. all i have to do is show up for the critiques and im serious!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday work!
woke up kinda late today because i slept at 3am finishing up my history report paper thing. so far i finish 2 things; the hand painting and the history paper. only thing left for me to do are....history inspiration page(due this week), interpretive drawing(due next week), surface design colour book( due this week), surface design final project(due next week), medial lab(due next week) annddd just have to write the final test for painting and history. after all theseeee im doneeee....freeedommm...i can taste it.
started my 3d....and im debating weather i should make it better or leave it. the sculpture already looks nice as a "sun". if i try to make it better ill make it into a lamp.
Monster Hunter Portable 3
I saw some videos about it and i got the chance to play the japanese version and i gotta say....even tho i dont know whats going on because the text are in japanese...the game looks niceee. i cant wait to hunt these new monsters PLUS!!! the slash axe is here! cant wait to use it.
CoD: Black Ops
reach 6th prestige.
started my 3d....and im debating weather i should make it better or leave it. the sculpture already looks nice as a "sun". if i try to make it better ill make it into a lamp.
Monster Hunter Portable 3
I saw some videos about it and i got the chance to play the japanese version and i gotta say....even tho i dont know whats going on because the text are in japanese...the game looks niceee. i cant wait to hunt these new monsters PLUS!!! the slash axe is here! cant wait to use it.
CoD: Black Ops
reach 6th prestige.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
arrggh...procrastinate! did nothing the whole day...woke up at 11 then i doze off and woke up at 1pm...played cod till 4pm.....lazy to do homework.
CoD: Black Ops
still 5th prestige but got to lvl 42.
CoD: Black Ops
still 5th prestige but got to lvl 42.
Friday, December 3, 2010
More fridays
just cleaning up my room. need to start on my stuff before i forget everything. other than cleaning my room....i played video games!
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
played overrun with LifeBrandRobot....its just the two of us and it is HARD! the game is too hard with 2 people. need a full party of 4.
CoD: Black Ops
of course playing this game....5th prestige lvl 31 atm. too easy to lvl up in this game. just keep doing challenges and you'll be fine.
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
played overrun with LifeBrandRobot....its just the two of us and it is HARD! the game is too hard with 2 people. need a full party of 4.
CoD: Black Ops
of course playing this game....5th prestige lvl 31 atm. too easy to lvl up in this game. just keep doing challenges and you'll be fine.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Coming to an EnD
went to my painting paint. thats what we did the whole time.....then for next week well be our last painting session because the week after that is our final test.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
did my painting homework. the homework is to paint your hand. still thinking that i should the do my photoshop homework..i only need to do is to make the background then ill do the rest at school in design.
-> update - finish my photoshop background for my media lab.
dead nation also came out yesterday...i think it was nov 30th. if not....well...its out so it doesnt matter. want this game too its not because its a ps3 exclusive because its a zombie game.....who doesnt like zombie games, unless its not that good then i wouldnt buy it. this is why i need a capture card because of these zombie games. must...record.....funny game.
CoD: Black Ops
reach 5th prestige.
-> update - finish my photoshop background for my media lab.
dead nation also came out yesterday...i think it was nov 30th. if not....well...its out so it doesnt matter. want this game too its not because its a ps3 exclusive because its a zombie game.....who doesnt like zombie games, unless its not that good then i wouldnt buy it. this is why i need a capture card because of these zombie games. must...record.....funny game.
CoD: Black Ops
reach 5th prestige.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Tuesday Lazynez
went to my history class today because we have a review for next weeks final test. our sketchbook and inspiration book are due that day too, need 10 inspiration and 30 sketches. didnt go to interpretive drawing because of the weather.....hate rainy days cuz i feel lazy.
last day of november....almost Christmas!
so for tomorrow i gotta do my painting and my photoshop stuff.....if my computer starts to slow me down ima do my 3d.....need to remind my self to buy 3 triple A batteries for my light source.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit till i reach 45....6 more lvls till 5th prestige for another custom class.
got to lvl 48. i played because my rooms too cold so i warmd it up with the ps3.
last day of november....almost Christmas!
so for tomorrow i gotta do my painting and my photoshop stuff.....if my computer starts to slow me down ima do my 3d.....need to remind my self to buy 3 triple A batteries for my light source.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit till i reach 45....6 more lvls till 5th prestige for another custom class.
got to lvl 48. i played because my rooms too cold so i warmd it up with the ps3.
Monday, November 29, 2010
good thing i went to class today because he gave us some project that worth 5% of out final mark and it was due at the end of class. then i have to start my final project for that class......
been thinking of what i should do for my digital media lab final project....i think ima make a compact disk (CD) cover for some made up music. need to come up with titles for my "music"
been thinking of what i should do for my digital media lab final project....i think ima make a compact disk (CD) cover for some made up music. need to come up with titles for my "music"
Sunday, November 28, 2010
SunDeh Mornin'
since we went to darwins house and got home late...i woke up late again. woke up at 2pm then went strait to cod....see whos online.......yeyow. i swear this guy didnt sleep LOL.
this week gotta start doing my final projects, those things worth 30+ percents. for our digital media lab we have to do some poster things. surface design...more doodle things. interpretive ill find out this week. painting final test and final paintings in class. history final test sketchbook inspiration book and paragraph thing.
CoD: Black Ops
4th prestige lvl 34 atm....its pretty easy to lvl up in this game because of all the challenges and contracts that gives exp. keep trying out new stuff like new perks. got all the perks i use to pro.
this week gotta start doing my final projects, those things worth 30+ percents. for our digital media lab we have to do some poster things. surface design...more doodle things. interpretive ill find out this week. painting final test and final paintings in class. history final test sketchbook inspiration book and paragraph thing.
CoD: Black Ops
4th prestige lvl 34 atm....its pretty easy to lvl up in this game because of all the challenges and contracts that gives exp. keep trying out new stuff like new perks. got all the perks i use to pro.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Saturday CoDin'
played cod all day. got nothing better to do since all my projects are due next next week and some are due last week of school which is 3 weeks from now. so todays just a lazy day.
went to darwins house for free food because its his moms birthday. stayed there from 1am-6am.....
CoD: Black Ops
reach prestige 4 lvl 11 atm.
went to darwins house for free food because its his moms birthday. stayed there from 1am-6am.....
CoD: Black Ops
reach prestige 4 lvl 11 atm.
Friday, November 26, 2010
Catching up?
friday.....and i slept the whole day cuz i've been wanting to sleep since tuesday. not getting enough sleep cuz of cod, always finish playing around 1-2am. prob just ganna play cod since i found out that my painting is due next next week.
chilld with ads and kev. went to wild wing then timmies then to my house so ads can try out cod.
chilld with ads and kev. went to wild wing then timmies then to my house so ads can try out cod.
Painting....almost done?
went to painting today. did our practice painting our hands for our project which is due next next week, thought it was due next week. next week well be painting again...gotta remember i need 15x20 illustration board. after painting we went to the gym to workout then went home.
CoD: Black Ops
iunno bout this but drei said its going to be double exp weekend....looks like black ops all weekend then :)
CoD: Black Ops
iunno bout this but drei said its going to be double exp weekend....looks like black ops all weekend then :)
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Surface Desn Wed!
went to my 3d and surface design class....both class = boring. 3d we just look at pictures for out last project. then surface we critique our work.....4 people to be exact, wasted my time there because she let us out 3hrs early.......pointless.
Dead Space 2
thinking about preordering this games collectors edition. i really like the first dead space and i want to see the continuation of the story. i want the collectors edition because of the plasma cutter....heard its there. plus darwins getting it too so now i have a multiplayer buddy. nowwwww i have to save money because collectors edition cost 90.40$ with tax...unless they change tax b4 i can buy the game :/
CoD: Black Ops
starting to get bored of this game. started fooling around, started using snipers like the dragonov and wa2000 just to try it out cuz i keep using the AWP.
Dead Space 2
thinking about preordering this games collectors edition. i really like the first dead space and i want to see the continuation of the story. i want the collectors edition because of the plasma cutter....heard its there. plus darwins getting it too so now i have a multiplayer buddy. nowwwww i have to save money because collectors edition cost 90.40$ with tax...unless they change tax b4 i can buy the game :/
CoD: Black Ops
starting to get bored of this game. started fooling around, started using snipers like the dragonov and wa2000 just to try it out cuz i keep using the AWP.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Long DAY todayy
went to school just for my interpretive drawing, need to critique our work. it was freezing on the way im tired because i went to the gym during my 4hr break. now i have to go back again next week because its exam review for history and were starting something new on interpretive drawing.
finish my surface design project...95%...i only need to mount it and im done. im just letting the gouache dry.
finish my surface design project...95%...i only need to mount it and im done. im just letting the gouache dry.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Project mondeh?
did my interpretive drawing project number...4?...its either 3 or 4. anyways...i made some symbols on the illustration board using the glue gun. now i have to do my surface design...gotta start now. also got an email from my art history teach. says our final test is on dec 7th our sketchbook and inspiration stuff are due that day too.
did my surface design project..50% done
CoD: Black Ops
been hearing stuff about black ops next patch. not sure about these stuff but this is wat i heard. heard they will nerf AK74u (the submachinegun) - iunno why maybe because its too "over powered" according to people online. next nerf might be FAMAS (assault rifle) - iunno why...its pretty weak but does have fast fire rate and good accuracy. next nerf might be NOVA GAS (special nade) - again...iunno why....not much people use it......i might start using it tho because its jokes. also, no one uses tactical mask. best combo for this is prob scavenger, slight of hands (w.e prefer) and tac mask (so that u wont die on ur own gas). will this nerf affect me? dont think so...cuz i mainly use AK47 (assualt rifle) or GaLIL i did start using FAMAS. i do use AK47u but only use it when im bored using assault rifles. i might even start using the steakout.
finally reach 3rd prestige (Y) 2nd extra custom class :)
did my surface design project..50% done
CoD: Black Ops
been hearing stuff about black ops next patch. not sure about these stuff but this is wat i heard. heard they will nerf AK74u (the submachinegun) - iunno why maybe because its too "over powered" according to people online. next nerf might be FAMAS (assault rifle) - iunno why...its pretty weak but does have fast fire rate and good accuracy. next nerf might be NOVA GAS (special nade) - again...iunno why....not much people use it......i might start using it tho because its jokes. also, no one uses tactical mask. best combo for this is prob scavenger, slight of hands (w.e prefer) and tac mask (so that u wont die on ur own gas). will this nerf affect me? dont think so...cuz i mainly use AK47 (assualt rifle) or GaLIL i did start using FAMAS. i do use AK47u but only use it when im bored using assault rifles. i might even start using the steakout.
finally reach 3rd prestige (Y) 2nd extra custom class :)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
wasting too much time>
sunday today and i slept the whole day, woke up at 1pm and felt the lazyness....didnt do any of my homework and now im playing cod. looks like me karl and danillo will watch harry potter today.
we out with ppl today. didnt watch the movie because we didnt have enough time plus danillo needs to hand in his online thing because its due by 12am. so we ended up chillin with ppl, it was me, karl, danillo, kev and ads but we met up with darwin. after meeting up with darwin we went to adrians house to play rb3.
i guess ill start all my homework tomorrow!!!
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit...prob 2hrs. i keep making clips, kinda suks that it has to be 30s if its 31s or cannot upload it.
we out with ppl today. didnt watch the movie because we didnt have enough time plus danillo needs to hand in his online thing because its due by 12am. so we ended up chillin with ppl, it was me, karl, danillo, kev and ads but we met up with darwin. after meeting up with darwin we went to adrians house to play rb3.
i guess ill start all my homework tomorrow!!!
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit...prob 2hrs. i keep making clips, kinda suks that it has to be 30s if its 31s or cannot upload it.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Homework? today?...maybeee
well im thinking of doing some homework far....ive been slacking off, watching anime, and cod. ill prob everything tomorrow....since i finish my work on monday, im going to skip that class. plus hes not even going to class monday, so im all good. i have to do my interpretive and surface. plus i have to start my 3d cuz i dont want to start last minute. and for my painting....i have to paint my hand in a 12x12 illustration board but we have a "warm up" painting on thursday and its due next next week (week 13)...i just finish week 11.
my camera still got no memory. need to delete pictures or a new sd card. i want to take a picture of black ops and what i got with still upset theres no black ops poster. looks like ill just buy one.
CoD: Black Ops
almost 3rd prestige...lvl 38 atm. been playing around with theater mode. made couple of films to.
my camera still got no memory. need to delete pictures or a new sd card. i want to take a picture of black ops and what i got with still upset theres no black ops poster. looks like ill just buy one.
CoD: Black Ops
almost 3rd prestige...lvl 38 atm. been playing around with theater mode. made couple of films to.
Friday, November 19, 2010
getting there!
years almost done...not looking forward to next semester because i have 7 courses and one of them is business. here comes more presentations! suppose to do some of my homepwork lazy and played some cod instead. damit..need to start asap.
CoD: Black Ops
reach prestige 2. play a bit of zombie but it was just me and pretty far. we notice that to get far from zombie....u need to be lucky that the box spawn near u. pack a punch as early as you can. need wonder weapon. without any of these the game will be too hard. we played on all the zombie maps.
CoD: Black Ops
reach prestige 2. play a bit of zombie but it was just me and pretty far. we notice that to get far from zombie....u need to be lucky that the box spawn near u. pack a punch as early as you can. need wonder weapon. without any of these the game will be too hard. we played on all the zombie maps.
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Thursdayz Paintin!
today we painted more still life. painted metallic objects full colour. also got the project due week 13...thats next next week. gotta work on my interpretive drawing project and surface design cuz those are due next week....gotta play cod all night cuz no school tomorrow. tomorrow i gotta start my interpretive and surface.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
went to 3d and surface design today and we did nothing. i did get the project for surface design and its due next week. then were going to talk about our project on 3d next week. after my classes me ken and kev went to the gym to workout for about an hour. after gym we went to bestbuy to check on stuff and i bought a 20$ psn card so i can buy red dead redemption undead nightmare.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
not that screwd...yet
only went for my history class because we have a presentation, gotta say its not that bad. didnt go to interpretive drawing because its just work period and i already know wut we are doing. we just need to go to this website and find some stuff that we can use for our project, its also mix media. also finish my digital media lab. i did some yesterday in class and finish the rest today and handed it in. i also did okay on the last project....16 out of 20, lost some marks because its late. i have to go to surface design tomorrow because i dont know wut we are doing because i miss 2 weeks of surface. gotta go painting because hes ganna let us paint and hes going to mark it.
after my class i met up with kev at walmart cuz he has to buy his protein shake. then we just chill for a bit with drei at erin till kev has to go to his chiropractor.
dont have time to play my ds at the moment. because of call of duty, i dont get enough sleep so i sleep on the bus.
CoD: Black Ops
lvl 47 almost prestige 2....nothing special for prestige 2 other than the icon beside ur name. just want to get to 9 to get 10 custom classes. plus 14 to get gold gun.....gotta take awhile. but iunno....i might stop somewhere in the middle because i dont like the 14 and 15 icons. played for a bit with full party till we get bored of the game..then we played 2 games of wager match gungame and one in the chamber. was playing with yeyow, LBR, Jz, Vol, calculator and myself.
after my class i met up with kev at walmart cuz he has to buy his protein shake. then we just chill for a bit with drei at erin till kev has to go to his chiropractor.
dont have time to play my ds at the moment. because of call of duty, i dont get enough sleep so i sleep on the bus.
CoD: Black Ops
lvl 47 almost prestige 2....nothing special for prestige 2 other than the icon beside ur name. just want to get to 9 to get 10 custom classes. plus 14 to get gold gun.....gotta take awhile. but iunno....i might stop somewhere in the middle because i dont like the 14 and 15 icons. played for a bit with full party till we get bored of the game..then we played 2 games of wager match gungame and one in the chamber. was playing with yeyow, LBR, Jz, Vol, calculator and myself.
Monday, November 15, 2010
more pictures?!
did more adobe stuff today in my media lab. more illustrator, we learned brushes today.....then i still have to do the map. project 4...we have to make a map of whatever we can think of in illustrator and its due next week monday. looks like hes not ganna be there monday so it looks like im skipping class because we only have to send our stuff online.
saw the preview for unicorn episode 3.....looks like episode 3s ganna be epic...heres the video i found on youtube. looks really nice cant wait for this episode.
saw the preview for unicorn episode 3.....looks like episode 3s ganna be epic...heres the video i found on youtube. looks really nice cant wait for this episode.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Fam Jam Boxin
my relatives from new york came friday, looks like their staying here till sunday then going back to NY but my grandparents are staying. watch the paquiao boxing today and he ownd the other guy. pretty much wut i did today...and i learned mahjong...kinda.
CoD: Black Ops
trying to slow down the phase. got to lvl 41...prob ganna stop its already 3am :( cuz the boxing ended at 1am.
CoD: Black Ops
trying to slow down the phase. got to lvl 41...prob ganna stop its already 3am :( cuz the boxing ended at 1am.
Friday, November 12, 2010
another for ops!
suppose to get my blood sample today but the line was too long so we decided to just go home. after that we went to square one to mail my osap. now its cod time.
CoD: Black Ops
got to lvl 30 1st prestige. found the emblems on google images....the all look niceeeeee cep for 14 and 15....WHY!!!!! and you need to be lvl 14 to buy gold guns :(

played some zombies with vince, kev, dars and myself in 'FIVE' and Kino der toten. for FIVE we didnt last long because we dont know what to do...specially when the mad scientist thief comes and steals your gun away. we played kino der toten next and we last till round 26.....couldve made it to round 30+ but vince and kev wanted to sleep because we played from 12am to 4am in the morning.
CoD: Black Ops
got to lvl 30 1st prestige. found the emblems on google images....the all look niceeeeee cep for 14 and 15....WHY!!!!! and you need to be lvl 14 to buy gold guns :(
played some zombies with vince, kev, dars and myself in 'FIVE' and Kino der toten. for FIVE we didnt last long because we dont know what to do...specially when the mad scientist thief comes and steals your gun away. we played kino der toten next and we last till round 26.....couldve made it to round 30+ but vince and kev wanted to sleep because we played from 12am to 4am in the morning.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
4 painting?
was thinking bout if i should go to school today or stay home....but then i went to school to hand in my colour wheel and ended up staying for the whole period because we have to paint stuff. next week we have to paint stuff again! so i cant skip that :(
CoD: Black Ops
still at it and now lvl 49....almost prestige :)
CoD: Black Ops
still at it and now lvl 49....almost prestige :)
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Slow week
been playing black ops since yesterday and the days feels longer. game is too good...cant stop playing. went to school for my 3d critique then went home early, didnt go to surface. hopefully i didnt miss anything special for surface design. also, i might stay for painting tomorrow....iunno why...i should at home playing cod :p
then friday...gotta go to square one to mail my osap thing. my grandparents are coming over and staying here till new years. gotta get blood sample....gotta be a long dayyy fridayy.
CoD: Black Ops
was playing multiplayer the whole time. also played some zombie games.
then friday...gotta go to square one to mail my osap thing. my grandparents are coming over and staying here till new years. gotta get blood sample....gotta be a long dayyy fridayy.
CoD: Black Ops
was playing multiplayer the whole time. also played some zombie games.
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
another day of black ops? unlock 3rd zombie map :)
skip class today to play ops? damn serious gaming.
gotta go to class early tomorrow and critique my 3d work.....kinda dont feel like going to surface. dammn whys all my classes have to be boring. need to go to a computer program and get a good computer. so i dont have to keep buying stuff.
COD: Black Ops
finish the campaign and unlock "FIVE", a zombie gamemode. now i have 2 zombiee maps,,,,,i need the 3rd one but i dont know how to get it yet.
finally unlock the 3rd zombie just need to look down and press the triggers while on the main menu(after pressing the trigger, ur character will break free and you can walk around the room...look for a computer). then there will be a computer where u can press [] or x. type in DOA and there will be this game mode. its a different zombie because its not first person, its a birds eyes view. you can get an achievement for this, also, type in ZORK to unlock some text adventure game thing...dont really know what ZORK is about but you do get an achievement for it. saw the video for this on youtube....but i cant find it anymore ):
gotta go to class early tomorrow and critique my 3d work.....kinda dont feel like going to surface. dammn whys all my classes have to be boring. need to go to a computer program and get a good computer. so i dont have to keep buying stuff.
COD: Black Ops
finish the campaign and unlock "FIVE", a zombie gamemode. now i have 2 zombiee maps,,,,,i need the 3rd one but i dont know how to get it yet.
finally unlock the 3rd zombie just need to look down and press the triggers while on the main menu(after pressing the trigger, ur character will break free and you can walk around the room...look for a computer). then there will be a computer where u can press [] or x. type in DOA and there will be this game mode. its a different zombie because its not first person, its a birds eyes view. you can get an achievement for this, also, type in ZORK to unlock some text adventure game thing...dont really know what ZORK is about but you do get an achievement for it. saw the video for this on youtube....but i cant find it anymore ):
Monday, November 8, 2010
IT HaS BEGUN! (the end begins!)
went to my media lab today and it is boring.....pisses me off but good thing i came because he gave us work...which is 1%..........1 percent. after school i have to go to the doctor for my yearly check up. gotta say its pointless because we waited there for an hour for my check up and the check up took 20mins. went to school at 9am got home at 6pm. now the wait begins.....for black ops.
me kev drei and karl lined up for black ops at 9pm. we were the first ppl in the line. we got some free stuff for being first and answering some questions. we got a call of duty black ops hat, cep for karl cuz he didnt copy our answers.
Black Ops
gotta say this game is fun! played some online games for a while and played couple of zombie games to test it out. its a really good game but sniping is harddd....not even worth using it.
me kev drei and karl lined up for black ops at 9pm. we were the first ppl in the line. we got some free stuff for being first and answering some questions. we got a call of duty black ops hat, cep for karl cuz he didnt copy our answers.
Black Ops
gotta say this game is fun! played some online games for a while and played couple of zombie games to test it out. its a really good game but sniping is harddd....not even worth using it.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
While i have the chance...
ill make an anime post im currently watching. these are the fall animes (on going). im taking this chance because once i have black ops the blog might get spam with black ops stuff. ill make this as short as i can. the synopsis are what comes up on top of my head when i think of the anime.
Sora no Otoshimono Forte - second season of sora no otoshimono - echi/harem/romance
Tegami Bachi Reverse - some boy who delivers letters - shounen/fantasy
Psychic Detective Yakumo - some guy who can see ghost with his red eye. kinda reminds me of ghost hunt - romance?/horror
My Little Sister Cant be this Cute - some girl whos an otaku and shes hiding her hobby to her family and friends - comedy/echii
Fortune Arterial - a boy went to this school and its no ordinary school, there are vampires involve. looks like the boy is "special" - shounen/echii/romance/comedy
Toaru Majutsu no Index II - second season of Index - comedy/fantasy
Shinryaku! Ika Musume - some squid girl who came to shore to invade earth - comedy
MM! - a boy who suffers masochism and he seeks help with this club - comedy/romance/echii
Star Driver - a boy whos been washed to shore. he has a power to summon a cybody. - shounen/romance/mecha
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls - girls that turns into a master samurai once kissd by this boy. - harem/echii/comedy/romance
Yasuga no Sora - siblings who went back to their hometown because their parents was involve in an accident. - romance/slice of life/echii
Motto To Love-Ru - second season of to love ru - echii/comedy/romance/harem
these are the fall animes im currently watching. best anime out of the list, the anime im always waiting for, is MM!, jokes anime.
Sora no Otoshimono Forte - second season of sora no otoshimono - echi/harem/romance
Tegami Bachi Reverse - some boy who delivers letters - shounen/fantasy
Psychic Detective Yakumo - some guy who can see ghost with his red eye. kinda reminds me of ghost hunt - romance?/horror
My Little Sister Cant be this Cute - some girl whos an otaku and shes hiding her hobby to her family and friends - comedy/echii
Fortune Arterial - a boy went to this school and its no ordinary school, there are vampires involve. looks like the boy is "special" - shounen/echii/romance/comedy
Toaru Majutsu no Index II - second season of Index - comedy/fantasy
Shinryaku! Ika Musume - some squid girl who came to shore to invade earth - comedy
MM! - a boy who suffers masochism and he seeks help with this club - comedy/romance/echii
Star Driver - a boy whos been washed to shore. he has a power to summon a cybody. - shounen/romance/mecha
Hyakka Ryouran Samurai Girls - girls that turns into a master samurai once kissd by this boy. - harem/echii/comedy/romance
Yasuga no Sora - siblings who went back to their hometown because their parents was involve in an accident. - romance/slice of life/echii
Motto To Love-Ru - second season of to love ru - echii/comedy/romance/harem
these are the fall animes im currently watching. best anime out of the list, the anime im always waiting for, is MM!, jokes anime.
nov 7th is daylight saving and its time to turn the clock an hour back.
finish painting the colours for the colour wheel. all i have to do now is to cut it 1" x 1" and paste it on a illustration board. also got some anime such as Gundam Seed Stargazer and Eve no Jikan (Time of Eve) so i can put it on my ps3.
finish mounting my 1"x1" colours in the illustration board.
one more day....for black ops. i say its one because we are lining up for midnight release AND (for me) the day does not end until i sleep or looks like monday will never end :D
Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story
played for a bit and now im at the part where i have to save the koopa truppas (bowsers story).
Dead Space
@chapter 7...looks like i might not finish this game b4 black ops because its starting to get boring :(
finish painting the colours for the colour wheel. all i have to do now is to cut it 1" x 1" and paste it on a illustration board. also got some anime such as Gundam Seed Stargazer and Eve no Jikan (Time of Eve) so i can put it on my ps3.
finish mounting my 1"x1" colours in the illustration board.
one more day....for black ops. i say its one because we are lining up for midnight release AND (for me) the day does not end until i sleep or looks like monday will never end :D
Mario & Luigi: Bowsers Inside Story
played for a bit and now im at the part where i have to save the koopa truppas (bowsers story).
Dead Space
@chapter 7...looks like i might not finish this game b4 black ops because its starting to get boring :(
Saturday, November 6, 2010
itz almost time!!
well im almost done my 3d. i completely destroy my previous sculpture and made a new one because the previous one is too big. the sculpture im trying to make is a flower vase. now im debating weather i should paint the base or not. after my 3d i have to start my colour wheel....should be easy but it takes time.
finally finish my 3d sculpture and i like it :)
Pokemon White
Beath the game....15:07 hours. i rushed it just cuz i want to beat the game.

CoD:Black Ops -news-
saw how they going to prevent the quick scoping in black ops. gamestop also called for my pre-order of black ops. gamestop also told me about the trade in for their games right now, 3 games for free and 2 games for 14.99 they also said that the games has to be $8 worth. the hype keeps coming back.... i also seen some of the maps and i gotta say the maps looks pretty good and the graphics looks way better than world at war, their previous game. also seen some of the golden guns and some looks really nice and some looks...meh...really wanting this game specially for the zombies.
Dead Space
played a bit trying to get the trophy where you have to use the first gun only. @chapter 4
finally finish my 3d sculpture and i like it :)
Pokemon White
Beath the game....15:07 hours. i rushed it just cuz i want to beat the game.
CoD:Black Ops -news-
saw how they going to prevent the quick scoping in black ops. gamestop also called for my pre-order of black ops. gamestop also told me about the trade in for their games right now, 3 games for free and 2 games for 14.99 they also said that the games has to be $8 worth. the hype keeps coming back.... i also seen some of the maps and i gotta say the maps looks pretty good and the graphics looks way better than world at war, their previous game. also seen some of the golden guns and some looks really nice and some looks...meh...really wanting this game specially for the zombies.
Dead Space
played a bit trying to get the trophy where you have to use the first gun only. @chapter 4
Friday, November 5, 2010
Friday...ALMOST oppps
caught up on my sleep cuz ive been waking up early this week. today i did some of my 3d project but i ran out of straws.....need to buy some, im 80% done. after 3d all i have left will be painting. then after my painting ill have all the activities im going to miss while playing black ops.
Pokemon White
@ victory road
played for a bit with dars and kevs. kinda getting bored of it....maybe because ive been watching allot of black ops gameplays, the hype is too much right now.
Pokemon White
@ victory road
played for a bit with dars and kevs. kinda getting bored of it....maybe because ive been watching allot of black ops gameplays, the hype is too much right now.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Startz 2 G3T Buzsy?!
went to my pointless 3d because its just a work period and all my work is here at home. went to surface design then critique our projects then went home, the critique only took an hour because theres only 8 people in the class. after school, me and kevyn went to go grab some stuff then went to adrians house, get to play some rock band 3. rock band 3 is pretty good, its clean. went home after playing some rock band 3, got home at 12am.
Rock Band 3
its good and i like it. i would buy it but its not my thing to spend my money on equipments and songs. to make rock band good is to buy all the instruments and the accessories for the instruments also need to buy songs to make the play list better.
my last school day this week then im going to die for a bit.....thennn....catch up on school because once black ops comes out, ill be playing the F@K out of that game till i get bored. i need to keep playing the game and get bored of it so i can go to school or else whenever im at school, ill be craving the right now.
went to my painting class AND I DIDNT MISS ANYTHING (thumbs up). i was soo worried that im ganna be soo behind in painting class but nope its all okayy. he did give us a homework, to make 2 colour wheels. after my painting we went to the gym and work out. and now im just waiting for black ops. but tomorrow i have to do my 3d and finish my painting homework, so its out of the way.
went to my pointless 3d because its just a work period and all my work is here at home. went to surface design then critique our projects then went home, the critique only took an hour because theres only 8 people in the class. after school, me and kevyn went to go grab some stuff then went to adrians house, get to play some rock band 3. rock band 3 is pretty good, its clean. went home after playing some rock band 3, got home at 12am.
Rock Band 3
its good and i like it. i would buy it but its not my thing to spend my money on equipments and songs. to make rock band good is to buy all the instruments and the accessories for the instruments also need to buy songs to make the play list better.
my last school day this week then im going to die for a bit.....thennn....catch up on school because once black ops comes out, ill be playing the F@K out of that game till i get bored. i need to keep playing the game and get bored of it so i can go to school or else whenever im at school, ill be craving the right now.
went to my painting class AND I DIDNT MISS ANYTHING (thumbs up). i was soo worried that im ganna be soo behind in painting class but nope its all okayy. he did give us a homework, to make 2 colour wheels. after my painting we went to the gym and work out. and now im just waiting for black ops. but tomorrow i have to do my 3d and finish my painting homework, so its out of the way.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
BlaH BlaH tuesday
only went to my history class today so that i can grab my sketchbook and see my test, did pretty good for my sketchbook and my test. skipped my interpretive drawing because i got the feeling it would be boring. and looks like next week ill be skipping both history and interpretive drawing just to play black ops.....i know i shouldn't but if theres anything important i would've but my groupmates said we are not presenting that day and interpretive drawing is just more mix media hands on, soo....ima be at home playing some black ops.
finish mounting my geometric project on some white card stocks. still need to do the colouring book thing, too lazy tho. the themes i have to do for my book are winter, summer, autumn and this words for like a month now and i still didnt start....lolz.....
finish my colour book.....
CoD: Black Ops
saw some black ops zombie game play and its making me want to game even more week. the zombie looks really fun and i cant wait to use new guns on those zombies.
looks like kev wants to line up early for the midnight release. i guess ill be bringing my ds, prob ganna finish pokemon or something. kev wants to line up at 8pm...kinda early in my opinion, ill say around 9-930 is good....i do remember last year when we went to mw2 midnight home at 2am and the servers aren't up yet, so we played private match to test the guns.
Pokemon White
Got to the 8th gym....need to battle to get the badge.
finish mounting my geometric project on some white card stocks. still need to do the colouring book thing, too lazy tho. the themes i have to do for my book are winter, summer, autumn and this words for like a month now and i still didnt start....lolz.....
finish my colour book.....
CoD: Black Ops
saw some black ops zombie game play and its making me want to game even more week. the zombie looks really fun and i cant wait to use new guns on those zombies.
looks like kev wants to line up early for the midnight release. i guess ill be bringing my ds, prob ganna finish pokemon or something. kev wants to line up at 8pm...kinda early in my opinion, ill say around 9-930 is good....i do remember last year when we went to mw2 midnight home at 2am and the servers aren't up yet, so we played private match to test the guns.
Pokemon White
Got to the 8th gym....need to battle to get the badge.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Pointless Monday? again?
November is here! and it looks bad in the future because im starting to become lazy and black ops is coming.
back to school and monday class is digital media lab. got to class and our self portrait project is due in the beginning of class AND my usb didnt work, it froze the mac. now i have to hand in my project late because of this stupid usb. then, we did nothing other than learn adobe illustrator, kinda pointless because all he did was talk about the pen i left.
been fiddling with my hard drive, i thought i formated it into FAT32 but it didnt work. wanted to format it so i can watch my animes on the ps3 from my external hard drive. also, i watch gundam unicorn episode 2 and i gotta say.....its pretty damn good. highlight of the anime for me is the battle between shinanju and unicorn. i still want this shinanju to be part of my collection but its too expensive, ill wait.

in one week...well be lining up for call of duty black ops.
Pokemon White
still playing the game just got to the ancient castle. i only play this game on the bus now cuz i tried playing other games like mario and luigi bowser inside story, all of my games are too hard to play on the bus. cant take these games lightly.
back to school and monday class is digital media lab. got to class and our self portrait project is due in the beginning of class AND my usb didnt work, it froze the mac. now i have to hand in my project late because of this stupid usb. then, we did nothing other than learn adobe illustrator, kinda pointless because all he did was talk about the pen i left.
been fiddling with my hard drive, i thought i formated it into FAT32 but it didnt work. wanted to format it so i can watch my animes on the ps3 from my external hard drive. also, i watch gundam unicorn episode 2 and i gotta say.....its pretty damn good. highlight of the anime for me is the battle between shinanju and unicorn. i still want this shinanju to be part of my collection but its too expensive, ill wait.
in one week...well be lining up for call of duty black ops.
Pokemon White
still playing the game just got to the ancient castle. i only play this game on the bus now cuz i tried playing other games like mario and luigi bowser inside story, all of my games are too hard to play on the bus. cant take these games lightly.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Halloween 2010
did nothing special in halloween. i stayed home and did my projects, i finish my surface design geometric project. good thing i already finish my digital media lab project i just need to save the picture as PDF file and im good, ima do everything at school tomorrow. darwin also dropped by just so he can play some cod4 because he wants to create a class before he starts playing online with me.
nothing special happen this break week. just stayed home most of the time, went out with friends to go to the gym and work out. only thing i spent on is wasabi........
Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story
still playing the game. kinda hooked to it right now. just finish the bowsers castle and now bowsers inside some giant hole, looks like a mining shaft.
played for a bit with carpet and lbr. just because dars got cod4 from rus and wanted to try it before black ops comes out.
nothing special happen this break week. just stayed home most of the time, went out with friends to go to the gym and work out. only thing i spent on is wasabi........
Mario and Luigi Bowsers Inside Story
still playing the game. kinda hooked to it right now. just finish the bowsers castle and now bowsers inside some giant hole, looks like a mining shaft.
played for a bit with carpet and lbr. just because dars got cod4 from rus and wanted to try it before black ops comes out.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
almost over? halloween?
well this week is almost over and i am not looking forward to school. cause itll just put more stress on me. for today i did some of my project but kinda lazy day because i was just sleeping the whole day. i did the base of my sculpture for my 3d class. other than that i just played some video games.
tomorrows halloween and im ganna stay home and do my homework :/ because i procrastinate too much this break week and didn't finish my projects.
Super Mario Bros. Bowser Inside Story
started playing it and its pretty fun. not that far, just finish the beach lvl for bowser.
played a bit..about an hour just because im feeling bored. there's not much pros in cod4 anymore. been using the m40 sniper even tho i kno that sniping is different in black ops its still fun to just shot around with the sniper, im ganna miss the quick scopes...hopefully drag scoping is not that hard.
tomorrows halloween and im ganna stay home and do my homework :/ because i procrastinate too much this break week and didn't finish my projects.
Super Mario Bros. Bowser Inside Story
started playing it and its pretty fun. not that far, just finish the beach lvl for bowser.
played a bit..about an hour just because im feeling bored. there's not much pros in cod4 anymore. been using the m40 sniper even tho i kno that sniping is different in black ops its still fun to just shot around with the sniper, im ganna miss the quick scopes...hopefully drag scoping is not that hard.
went to the shreidan gym at brampton today with kev, drei, karl and i, from 12noon to 3pm. after the gym we went to go grab 2k11 at andreis place and went to my house. we played at my house from 4pm to 12:30am.
overall i didnt go to my school and ask the financial office about my stuff and didnt get the chance to do my homework. so ill prob do everything tomorrow. start my 3d and finish my surface design.
break week is now over. i did nothing productive other than going to the gym...i didnt even finish my projects. at lease i beat some games :/
gotta focus since i miss classes last week, like painting, i dont know what we are doing for this week. looks like im screwed for this week. hopefully i finish all my stuff as soon as possible and hopefully i pass my history midterm.
NBA 2K11
its me and karls first time playing it so we are considered noobs. it was me and andrei vs karl and kev the first round then we switch around. started learning the game and jaime joined and the team becomes me and andrei vs karl and jaime. pretty fun when theres noobs in the team because its not too competitive.
Pokemon White
on my way to the 8th badge.
overall i didnt go to my school and ask the financial office about my stuff and didnt get the chance to do my homework. so ill prob do everything tomorrow. start my 3d and finish my surface design.
break week is now over. i did nothing productive other than going to the gym...i didnt even finish my projects. at lease i beat some games :/
gotta focus since i miss classes last week, like painting, i dont know what we are doing for this week. looks like im screwed for this week. hopefully i finish all my stuff as soon as possible and hopefully i pass my history midterm.
NBA 2K11
its me and karls first time playing it so we are considered noobs. it was me and andrei vs karl and kev the first round then we switch around. started learning the game and jaime joined and the team becomes me and andrei vs karl and jaime. pretty fun when theres noobs in the team because its not too competitive.
Pokemon White
on my way to the 8th badge.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Lazy Thursday Break!
did nothing the whole day other than workout and video game and i told my self im going to do my homework, so tomorrow is 100% homework no distractions. what i need for my homework are newspapers, tape, and gluegun for my 3d. need watercolour paper, "inspiration", and some paint for my surface design. plus i have to remind myself to buy some white card stock to mount my surface design project, some geometric assignment.
need to remind myself to save up money because i want to buy that red dead redemption disk that comes with 4 dlc pack. need that undead nightmare game. saw some gameplay videos and its hyping me up. now i want to see some black ops multiplayer online gameplay and zombieeezzz.
got a phone call from the student loan thing. said i need to pick up some form in the financial office at sheridan and need to mail it to them. aarrgghhh....there goes my homework day. sigh..looks like i have to work on my homework on the weekend cuz tomorrow i have to go to sheridan and do this thing. then i have to go with my friend cuz he needs to buy a ps3, thats my whole day wasted right there.
Pokemon White
at the 7th badge.
CoD: WaW
played 2 games of zombies, der riese and the first map with yeyow, carpet and LBR. der reise we survive at round 20+ first map we survive at round 19.
CoD: BLACK OPS -news!?-
well i've seen some stuff about it like perks and guns but not sure if its 100% true. i've seen the list of stuff and i gotta say that this game is going to be hard and it looks like some of the perks are overpowered, also, once this game's out for half a year and some people are just starting, they will have a hard time because everyone will have the overpowered perks and guns already (ohh well doesn't really matter anymore, just hopping it doesn't become like mw2). in addition, the snipers, shotguns and light machine guns looks like it wont be used in black ops. this game will become submachineguns and assault rifles as the main guns in the game because it seems like there will be no more quick scoping and they nerf the shotguns and the light machine guns are too underused, unless they make the LMGs op.
only thing im looking forward to is the zombie game. also, theres a new special type of zombies in the game, some crawler zombie and new guns. hopefully they make allot of zombie maps for black ops.
now that we pre-order the game, theres no turning back. hopefully we can get hardened but it doesn't really matter to me since we already got 2 map packs in world at war, shi no numa and der reise.
need to remind myself to save up money because i want to buy that red dead redemption disk that comes with 4 dlc pack. need that undead nightmare game. saw some gameplay videos and its hyping me up. now i want to see some black ops multiplayer online gameplay and zombieeezzz.
got a phone call from the student loan thing. said i need to pick up some form in the financial office at sheridan and need to mail it to them. aarrgghhh....there goes my homework day. sigh..looks like i have to work on my homework on the weekend cuz tomorrow i have to go to sheridan and do this thing. then i have to go with my friend cuz he needs to buy a ps3, thats my whole day wasted right there.
Pokemon White
at the 7th badge.
CoD: WaW
played 2 games of zombies, der riese and the first map with yeyow, carpet and LBR. der reise we survive at round 20+ first map we survive at round 19.
CoD: BLACK OPS -news!?-
well i've seen some stuff about it like perks and guns but not sure if its 100% true. i've seen the list of stuff and i gotta say that this game is going to be hard and it looks like some of the perks are overpowered, also, once this game's out for half a year and some people are just starting, they will have a hard time because everyone will have the overpowered perks and guns already (ohh well doesn't really matter anymore, just hopping it doesn't become like mw2). in addition, the snipers, shotguns and light machine guns looks like it wont be used in black ops. this game will become submachineguns and assault rifles as the main guns in the game because it seems like there will be no more quick scoping and they nerf the shotguns and the light machine guns are too underused, unless they make the LMGs op.
only thing im looking forward to is the zombie game. also, theres a new special type of zombies in the game, some crawler zombie and new guns. hopefully they make allot of zombie maps for black ops.
now that we pre-order the game, theres no turning back. hopefully we can get hardened but it doesn't really matter to me since we already got 2 map packs in world at war, shi no numa and der reise.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
WedNesDay BreaK
rest the whole day because yesterday was intense workout at sheridan. but i feel like i did allot today maybe because i cleaned the washroom and it took about an hour....then i kinda clean my room, just throw away the water bottles. after cleaning, i played some video games to kill time.
me and darwin are planing on buying the red dead redemption game disk that comes out sometime november. it comes with all 4 downloadable contents. but what we really want in this disk is the undead nightmare dlc, just cause its new zombies. i need that capture card and start recording our games.
Pokemon White
taking it slow. i think i found my new lightning pokemon, i might use this spider pokemon (bug electric). i am now at the 6th gym leader.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows
beat the game. gotta say it does have a good story but it does have a god of war feeling into it. good game but i would just rent this game rather than owning it, i dont see me playing it again.

Cod: WaW
played one game on shi no numa with robot, carpet and i. last till round 21...dars fault again!!! because he got disconnected. we could have easily win the round but kev died in the previous round. our plan is...RUN AROUND activating traps, kev died and i activated a trap and i couldnt revive him. after the rounds over, its doggies, we dont have guns and kevyn loss all his perks. kev died because he got no juggernog and i died because theres too many dogs. all darwins fault.
me and darwin are planing on buying the red dead redemption game disk that comes out sometime november. it comes with all 4 downloadable contents. but what we really want in this disk is the undead nightmare dlc, just cause its new zombies. i need that capture card and start recording our games.
Pokemon White
taking it slow. i think i found my new lightning pokemon, i might use this spider pokemon (bug electric). i am now at the 6th gym leader.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows
beat the game. gotta say it does have a good story but it does have a god of war feeling into it. good game but i would just rent this game rather than owning it, i dont see me playing it again.
Cod: WaW
played one game on shi no numa with robot, carpet and i. last till round 21...dars fault again!!! because he got disconnected. we could have easily win the round but kev died in the previous round. our plan is...RUN AROUND activating traps, kev died and i activated a trap and i couldnt revive him. after the rounds over, its doggies, we dont have guns and kevyn loss all his perks. kev died because he got no juggernog and i died because theres too many dogs. all darwins fault.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
2sDay Break
went to the gym at sheridan brampton with kev, drei, and kall. after we went to wasabi, a japanese buffet. after that we just chilld at my house, so we were out from 9am to 9pm.
we chilld at my house, me drei kev and karl. played CTR, all the cods (cod4,waw,mw2).
we chilld at my house, me drei kev and karl. played CTR, all the cods (cod4,waw,mw2).
Monday, October 25, 2010
Mondeh Break
for today...just cooked food and workout after that i took a nap. thats basically my whole day, other than playing video games.
Pokemon White
at the electric gym leader. i finally complete my pokemon team. but im still planning on switching my normal type into a dragon type.
played a bit with yeyow. we played world at war first then we switch to cod4. its been awhile an i forgot how fun cod4 was...well it's still is fun but since black ops is coming out, these games are going to become less popular.
Pokemon White
at the electric gym leader. i finally complete my pokemon team. but im still planning on switching my normal type into a dragon type.
played a bit with yeyow. we played world at war first then we switch to cod4. its been awhile an i forgot how fun cod4 was...well it's still is fun but since black ops is coming out, these games are going to become less popular.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
o all the time! BreaK WeeK
sunday and all i did was sleep and video games (what i do everyday). now that the week is starting, i have to finish my projects. start it and finish it, hopefully by the end of this week im done. the stuff i have to do are: 3d sculpture - i got some shitty gluegun and now i need the base, ill use a newspaper. after the base i gotta use my gluegun to glue in straws, similar to my last project. second is surface design - i gotta have to finish both my colour book (winter, autumn, spring and summer) and geometric shape....i think thats about it, gotta think about what i miss. plus, i already finish my digital media lab, thumbs up for that.
Pokemon White
on my 4th badge. im building up my team at the moment...i kinda dont want to use the same pokemon team as my black version so im trying to mix my pokemons around. so my team are; water starter. zebra as lightning - im trying to change him but there's not much lightning pokemon to catch atm. weasel as normal - i can change him anytime. i might grab a grass type but this pokemonn learns hypnosis. kinda need him to catch hard to catch pokemons. ill change him into a dragon pokemon once i have access to them. aligator as my dark and ground - i used him in my pokemon black team, he's really good. next would be the monkey looking pokemon and he is fire type - there are 3 of these monkey guys in the game and u will get the opposite (weakness) element of ur starter. i pickd water so i get the fire monkey, in black i pickd grass so i get the water monkey, and for flying im going to grab the fossil pokemon which is rock flying.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows
at the second last chapter. almost donee...i feel like not 100% this game, iunno why.
also played some world at war with yeyow, lbr, and carpet. played some zombies and a little bit of multiplayer war.
Pokemon White
on my 4th badge. im building up my team at the moment...i kinda dont want to use the same pokemon team as my black version so im trying to mix my pokemons around. so my team are; water starter. zebra as lightning - im trying to change him but there's not much lightning pokemon to catch atm. weasel as normal - i can change him anytime. i might grab a grass type but this pokemonn learns hypnosis. kinda need him to catch hard to catch pokemons. ill change him into a dragon pokemon once i have access to them. aligator as my dark and ground - i used him in my pokemon black team, he's really good. next would be the monkey looking pokemon and he is fire type - there are 3 of these monkey guys in the game and u will get the opposite (weakness) element of ur starter. i pickd water so i get the fire monkey, in black i pickd grass so i get the water monkey, and for flying im going to grab the fossil pokemon which is rock flying.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows
at the second last chapter. almost donee...i feel like not 100% this game, iunno why.
also played some world at war with yeyow, lbr, and carpet. played some zombies and a little bit of multiplayer war.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
another day another waste?...
firday - i stayed home because of my day off and playd some games. after that kev calld if i want to chill, so i said yea. then they brought me to a buffet, japan buffet. arrgghh wasted 30$ right there. i keep wasting money.....gotta stop. after the buffet we just went to vinces' house and chilld.
saturday - me and adrian went to this game shop place in milton.....its not bad but its kinda depressing there. gotta say, good job keeping their collections alive. since their just setting up, they dont have all the stuff there. after going there we went to the mall just to check whats happening there, ads bought a ps2 wireless controller. after milton we went and bought some shawarma.
Pokemon White
i started playing pokemon white. also, i made 2 roms of i can grab all 3 starters. so far i beat black and i started a new game on white and im going to start a new game on another white version because i am buying the pokemon black once its out. so for this white version i picked the water pokemon. i just finish the 1st badge, the trio. as for the trio, there are 3 of them; grass, fire and water, so whatever starter you pick you will fight the opposite element (e.i. u pick grass youll fight the fire, pick fire u fight water and pick water u'll fight grass).
CoD:MW2 & W@W
ppl started playing again just for today. it seems like everyones hype for black in the middle, i loose the hype i gain the hype...repeat...just waiting for black ops. also for black ops, it seems like there's a new creature in the new zombie game. i cant wait for zombies....thats all im rooting for black ops right now.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows
got the i can double jump!
saturday - me and adrian went to this game shop place in milton.....its not bad but its kinda depressing there. gotta say, good job keeping their collections alive. since their just setting up, they dont have all the stuff there. after going there we went to the mall just to check whats happening there, ads bought a ps2 wireless controller. after milton we went and bought some shawarma.
Pokemon White
i started playing pokemon white. also, i made 2 roms of i can grab all 3 starters. so far i beat black and i started a new game on white and im going to start a new game on another white version because i am buying the pokemon black once its out. so for this white version i picked the water pokemon. i just finish the 1st badge, the trio. as for the trio, there are 3 of them; grass, fire and water, so whatever starter you pick you will fight the opposite element (e.i. u pick grass youll fight the fire, pick fire u fight water and pick water u'll fight grass).
CoD:MW2 & W@W
ppl started playing again just for today. it seems like everyones hype for black in the middle, i loose the hype i gain the hype...repeat...just waiting for black ops. also for black ops, it seems like there's a new creature in the new zombie game. i cant wait for zombies....thats all im rooting for black ops right now.
Castlevania: Lords of Shadows
got the i can double jump!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Pretty slow day?
im use to waking up early, so today i woke up at 6am and played pokemon. im pretty far, im at the elite four at the moment, the first battle. 22hrs gameplay.....darn i wasted so much time on this game without me noticing it.
-gaming update-
23hrs and 10mins on pokemon black and i beat the game. its time to beat pokemon white.....
-gaming update-
23hrs and 10mins on pokemon black and i beat the game. its time to beat pokemon white.....
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
BreaK weeek?!!1!
didnt go to school today because its just work periods. also not going to school tomorrow......basically my break week starts today. been playing pokemon and castlevania alll day.
pokemon black
im pretty far, got the 6th badge just now. all my pokemon are final evolutions...cep for one because i need to trade him in order to evolve. pretty addicting ill buy the english once its out for sure.
castlevania lords of shadows
im not really sure if im getting there or not....but i beat the lycans boss and now at the vampire phase.
pokemon black
im pretty far, got the 6th badge just now. all my pokemon are final evolutions...cep for one because i need to trade him in order to evolve. pretty addicting ill buy the english once its out for sure.
castlevania lords of shadows
im not really sure if im getting there or not....but i beat the lycans boss and now at the vampire phase.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Finally....its time
finish my long day of school, 8am-6pm. good thing i did my work because now im done with my digital media lab assignment and now im not going to school tomorrow and thursday. for my interpretive drawing, we did nothing other than critiques for the whole class, thats frekin 3hours. and history was my midterm and it was pretty easy.
and now its time for me to relax.....and do my other projects; surface designs geometric patters and colour book and 3d sculpture.
pokemon Black
pretty far in pokemon, 3rd badge i believe.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
borrowed my brothers game. its pretty good, the graphics is nice but the downside for me is that u can rotate the camera and its hard to predict the enemies movements...or maybe im just getting use to it because u need to block in this game to fill up the meter and in order to fill it up you cant get hit by anything. overall its a good game, kinda reminds me of GoW with dantes inferno.
and now its time for me to relax.....and do my other projects; surface designs geometric patters and colour book and 3d sculpture.
pokemon Black
pretty far in pokemon, 3rd badge i believe.
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
borrowed my brothers game. its pretty good, the graphics is nice but the downside for me is that u can rotate the camera and its hard to predict the enemies movements...or maybe im just getting use to it because u need to block in this game to fill up the meter and in order to fill it up you cant get hit by anything. overall its a good game, kinda reminds me of GoW with dantes inferno.
Monday, October 18, 2010
PoPoPoPokemonn...blk n wht
todays class was digital media lab and all we did was learn in-design and take our pictures for our next project. well the next project is to put ur self in a picture using photoshop and in-design which is due nov 1st, the day we get back after break week.
got my hands on a japanese version of pokemon black and white. gotta say it didn't disappoint me yet. ill prob buy the english version once its out because i dont know what im doing in game right now.
got my hands on a japanese version of pokemon black and white. gotta say it didn't disappoint me yet. ill prob buy the english version once its out because i dont know what im doing in game right now.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
almost there...?
for this week im only going for 2 days.....monday and tuesday. i dont really have to go wednesday and thursday....well.....thursday i do have to go but i kinda dont feel like it because its break week next week. for monday i only got the letter things and learning in-design...thats it. while tuesday i have a mid-term for history but i dont have to go to the lecture and 2d is just critique. so for wednesday i have 3d and surface, for 3d i bet he'll just talk for the whole class and for surface she'll just check our colour boook thingy. for thursday we have to paint a hard boil egg, lemon, and an orange on a color surface, in this case we're using a colour paper. and thats pretty much my whole week......
finally finish my interpretive drawing project. took me a while to finish it because my markers are drying up, i probably need new ones. on first i hated the drawing just because the original, which is on the sketchbook, is allot better....but now im starting to like it. mann, i wish i can take a picture but the camera is full memory already............
all thats left to do are:
inspiration book for history and that field trip thing, 3d project, digital media lab (letters, which ill have to finish in class tomorrow, and self portrait thingy), surface design (colour book and geometric designs).....i think thats all
played 2 zombie games on shi no numa and der riese. shi no nume 8 rounds der reise 21? rounds...cant remember but its in the 20 marks. died fast because we dont have was only me and kevyn whos on mic and we dont even kno if darwins the one playing his file.
im starting to get bored of this game....i've been grinding the whole time. because my characters are too weak and im also farming for gems to upgrade my crowns. i dont even kno wut to use. but i am using a ranger class for both male characters because it has target and their both using an axe while im using 2 black mages....i didn't get the chance to change one because im not using her atm im using the 2nd guy who has the ship.
finally finish my interpretive drawing project. took me a while to finish it because my markers are drying up, i probably need new ones. on first i hated the drawing just because the original, which is on the sketchbook, is allot better....but now im starting to like it. mann, i wish i can take a picture but the camera is full memory already............
all thats left to do are:
inspiration book for history and that field trip thing, 3d project, digital media lab (letters, which ill have to finish in class tomorrow, and self portrait thingy), surface design (colour book and geometric designs).....i think thats all
played 2 zombie games on shi no numa and der riese. shi no nume 8 rounds der reise 21? rounds...cant remember but its in the 20 marks. died fast because we dont have was only me and kevyn whos on mic and we dont even kno if darwins the one playing his file.
im starting to get bored of this game....i've been grinding the whole time. because my characters are too weak and im also farming for gems to upgrade my crowns. i dont even kno wut to use. but i am using a ranger class for both male characters because it has target and their both using an axe while im using 2 black mages....i didn't get the chance to change one because im not using her atm im using the 2nd guy who has the ship.
Saturday, October 16, 2010
all i did for the whole day was sleep eat and watch updates on the anime. then around 430ish pm we played zombie, it was me dars and kevs.
me kev and dars went to adrians house just to chill cuz his parents rnt home. we played some rock band and played some poker but what really killed the time was when me ads and dars look for memes in the
so we only played one game and it took us about 3 hours and the map was Der Reise (zombie factory). the plan is the same....we stay in the cat walk while i get the shotgun and another gun while darwin gets w.e he wants while one person get all the power weapons (raygun and wanderwaflle) in this case its THE carpet. we all have upgraded guns i had shotgun and raygun but since everyone has a raygun i traded my raygun to an mg42 and upgraded it....seems stupid? its cuz were all desperate for ammo and my raygun had 3 shots so i traded for the mg42. round 30 comes *spoiler we died* and we all have guns while darwin died in the beginning of the round because he's trying to grab the insta-kill. so darwin doesnt have perks and no ammo...we all dont have any ammo and hoping for a max ammo......didnt go well...last resort darwin keeps dying so he can use his darwin dies we revive, darwin dies we revive *repeat*....until kev hits him self with the raygun and died because when darwin was revive his character stands up....i try to revive carpet but the zombies starts pushing me away...then...we live happily ever after the end.
me kev and dars went to adrians house just to chill cuz his parents rnt home. we played some rock band and played some poker but what really killed the time was when me ads and dars look for memes in the
so we only played one game and it took us about 3 hours and the map was Der Reise (zombie factory). the plan is the same....we stay in the cat walk while i get the shotgun and another gun while darwin gets w.e he wants while one person get all the power weapons (raygun and wanderwaflle) in this case its THE carpet. we all have upgraded guns i had shotgun and raygun but since everyone has a raygun i traded my raygun to an mg42 and upgraded it....seems stupid? its cuz were all desperate for ammo and my raygun had 3 shots so i traded for the mg42. round 30 comes *spoiler we died* and we all have guns while darwin died in the beginning of the round because he's trying to grab the insta-kill. so darwin doesnt have perks and no ammo...we all dont have any ammo and hoping for a max ammo......didnt go well...last resort darwin keeps dying so he can use his darwin dies we revive, darwin dies we revive *repeat*....until kev hits him self with the raygun and died because when darwin was revive his character stands up....i try to revive carpet but the zombies starts pushing me away...then...we live happily ever after the end.
Friday, October 15, 2010 phase day off
friday day off went by soo fast. all i did was sleep, eat, shower, video games then clean my thing i know its already 7pm. i did get the chance to clean my room and play some world at war with gino, pat, and dars. kinda gay how they put up the map packs while joining a game and if you dont have the map pack and try to join that game, u will instantly get kick out. also, not much people are playing the game anymore so youll always join the same games. for example, let say your trying to join hardcore war and the map is corrosion but you dont have any map ull try to get out that lobby and try to join anythor one but you cant find any because theres only like 18 lobbys. so my friends gino and pat cant join most of the map pack games that me and dars bought.
me and ads met up with kev at BR. so we met up there and order some bubble teas and also we met new people, dono and ken are already there with kev. we were bored so we played some "flick" poker, instead of chips we bet flicks (basically who ever wins flicks the people who bet). we stayed at BR for 3 hrs........
me and ads met up with kev at BR. so we met up there and order some bubble teas and also we met new people, dono and ken are already there with kev. we were bored so we played some "flick" poker, instead of chips we bet flicks (basically who ever wins flicks the people who bet). we stayed at BR for 3 hrs........
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
STILL!!!! allot of stuff BUT....
-BUT....- its almost break week.....
anyways, i finish my 3d today and got my 2nd project which is...."make a sculpture that contains texture and/or pattern and/or colour. after 3d was surface.....and we did ganna skip that class next week. also got my painting stuff done for tomorrow just need to time my self for my presentation and hopefully it goes well.
-my gaming news-
we played zombies again in Der Riese (zombie factory). it was me, dars, kev, and drei (flare, LBR, carpet & yellow) we played one game but it got messd up. then the second game was serious.....but around round 13-15 kev disconnects because he gotta go eat dinner. so it was just me, dars, and drei. our plan was......stay in teleporter C. i was using the shotgun and mg42; dars was using shotgun and STG; drei was using raygun and wanderwaffle (all our guns are fully upgraded). so we got up to round 28 and *spoiler alert!* we died in this round. what happen was.....around round 26 i got the brownin and upgraded it while darwin didnt buy any gun!! so he only got STG and shotgun. so the time i ran out of bullets at round 27 and theres no max ammo...i have 0 rounds on my brownin and about 400 on my MG42 so i was the suicide guy because i dont have guns and no perks because i died earlier since darwin didnt have anyguns then dars followed me to the teleporter....iunno why.....andrei was all alone and died there and we cant get back to him to he's a lost there running around trying to get power ups on the teleporter BUT the last teleport i went into didnt give any power ups so i died then darwin got swarmed but zombies and didnt have enough bullets to kill zombs and he only needed 10 points so he can get in the teleporter but was GG!
anyways, i finish my 3d today and got my 2nd project which is...."make a sculpture that contains texture and/or pattern and/or colour. after 3d was surface.....and we did ganna skip that class next week. also got my painting stuff done for tomorrow just need to time my self for my presentation and hopefully it goes well.
-my gaming news-
we played zombies again in Der Riese (zombie factory). it was me, dars, kev, and drei (flare, LBR, carpet & yellow) we played one game but it got messd up. then the second game was serious.....but around round 13-15 kev disconnects because he gotta go eat dinner. so it was just me, dars, and drei. our plan was......stay in teleporter C. i was using the shotgun and mg42; dars was using shotgun and STG; drei was using raygun and wanderwaffle (all our guns are fully upgraded). so we got up to round 28 and *spoiler alert!* we died in this round. what happen was.....around round 26 i got the brownin and upgraded it while darwin didnt buy any gun!! so he only got STG and shotgun. so the time i ran out of bullets at round 27 and theres no max ammo...i have 0 rounds on my brownin and about 400 on my MG42 so i was the suicide guy because i dont have guns and no perks because i died earlier since darwin didnt have anyguns then dars followed me to the teleporter....iunno why.....andrei was all alone and died there and we cant get back to him to he's a lost there running around trying to get power ups on the teleporter BUT the last teleport i went into didnt give any power ups so i died then darwin got swarmed but zombies and didnt have enough bullets to kill zombs and he only needed 10 points so he can get in the teleporter but was GG!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
trying stuff out
so i didnt know that my brothers 60gb ps3 broke (blinking red light). not really sure if it has to do with the hard drive or the overheat of the processor. i cleaned the hard drive but still blinking red light. probably needs a new hard drive or need to reheat the processor with a heat gun. i really want to fix this ps3....if i did i might be able to keep it :)
so i finish my classes today and next week i have my midterm and my drawing getting bored of school. now im just waiting for the break week to come.
played zombies on shi no numa with kev and up to lvl 20 LOLL soo jokes. *spoiler alert!!* we died from dogs....well this what happens...LBR!!!! went to the wrong house! becuase he wanted to buy juggernog (spawned in Doctors Quarters) but went to the quick revive house (Comm Room) while me and kevyn stayed at the Slight of Hands perk room (Fish Hut)......then i died and loose all my perks. then we reach lvl 20 and it is....DOGGIES. darwin got his thompson, i have a ray that i cant use because im ganna kill my self so i was using the mp40 while kev has the wanderwaflle and the brownin but hes using the brownin....the time he was the end of us LOL
so i finish my classes today and next week i have my midterm and my drawing getting bored of school. now im just waiting for the break week to come.
played zombies on shi no numa with kev and up to lvl 20 LOLL soo jokes. *spoiler alert!!* we died from dogs....well this what happens...LBR!!!! went to the wrong house! becuase he wanted to buy juggernog (spawned in Doctors Quarters) but went to the quick revive house (Comm Room) while me and kevyn stayed at the Slight of Hands perk room (Fish Hut)......then i died and loose all my perks. then we reach lvl 20 and it is....DOGGIES. darwin got his thompson, i have a ray that i cant use because im ganna kill my self so i was using the mp40 while kev has the wanderwaflle and the brownin but hes using the brownin....the time he was the end of us LOL
Sunday, October 10, 2010
4 Heroes = 4guyz??
started playing final fantasy the 4 heroes of the light and i gotta say its pretty cool. its pretty hard if you dont have all the party members but the game is fun. well cant really criticize the game much since i only play the game for about 20mins.

happy birthday andrei gotta have to start playing those zombie maps lol
my cuzns came over so we can celebrate thanks giving and my dads birthday. just chilld and play some "horror/scary" video games like dead space and silent hill, since theres nothing better to do.
so i play ff4heroes for a bit and i gotta say its a grinding game....that is all.
happy birthday andrei gotta have to start playing those zombie maps lol
my cuzns came over so we can celebrate thanks giving and my dads birthday. just chilld and play some "horror/scary" video games like dead space and silent hill, since theres nothing better to do.
so i play ff4heroes for a bit and i gotta say its a grinding game....that is all.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Clubin' it up
friday off so i catch up on my sleep try to rest and did some of my homework. after all that, me and my friends went downtown to go clubing. its live there, not even ganna lie its really fun but in the club we went into....but....theres too much guys and theres allot of people that we know and theres only one dance floor. kinda disappointed but its a good experience, ill surely go next time IF theres a solid plan.
got zombie maps w@w - zombie factory and shi no numa.....
got zombie maps w@w - zombie factory and shi no numa.....
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
a year already?!?! ;oo
so after my classes today, 3d nd surface design, me and kev went to the mall to pre-order call of duty black ops. so i pre-order 2 copies because my bro wants it too but he cant get it first day so ill go get his copy. also, we got a "note" on our pre-order so we can get call of duty hardened edition.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
todays my 8am-6pm day..and i gotta say its boring as f@k.....we did nothing in history other than presentation, i wouldve skip but i wanna see hose the presentation goes. then my fckn 3hr break. thenn my interpretive drawing and it is boring as well we did nothing other than show us the project. then i went home and on my last bus on the way to my house i got fckn stung by a wasp inside the fckn stil piss off
Monday, October 4, 2010
all these games?
well i got my harvest moon tree of tranquility back and also started playing rune factory 2 and rune factory frontier....well im not really playing the console because i cant play it while im on the im playing rune factory 2 at the moment. its okay, the game has to tutorials what so ever. you basically need to find a way to learn how to play. they tell you stuff to do when you accept a quest. but that doesnt matter to me since i've played other harvest moon games but if newer gamer plays might take time to get into it. i'd rather play harvest moon grand bazaar but its starting to get boring....ill prob go back to it sometime.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
ive been doing my porjects....kindaaa...i started doing my 3d which is due this week and i should really start my painting and try to finish it this week. so i played zombies today cuz darwin got his ps3 in his room now.....playd a bit (a bit = 4hrs...didnt even notice the time).
Friday, October 1, 2010
OCTober is here....
my fridays off finally here....resting because im soo tired from all the projects plus i went to the gym yesterday, playd a little bit of ball and went to the weightroom. after my painting and workout me and kev stayed at sheridan for a bit because he needs to study for his test today and while hes studying im doing my homework........gotta start that power point ASAP!!!
o plus i heard they confirm zombies now in black ops....then again we cant pre-order hardened edition nor prestige because its already sold out.
i've been playing dead space and im almost done!! what i mean by done is the 100% trophies i only need 4 more then its a 100%
o plus i heard they confirm zombies now in black ops....then again we cant pre-order hardened edition nor prestige because its already sold out.
i've been playing dead space and im almost done!! what i mean by done is the 100% trophies i only need 4 more then its a 100%
Thursday, September 30, 2010
2 bee or not 2 bee...streesss?!
i handed in my projects, in timeeee. after my projects this week, my professors already gave us our next projects. i also need to start my painting and my presentation for painting and history. also, i need to finish my 3d sculpture, good thing i already got my sketches down and it looks like ill be using straw as my making a tea pot. as for my next project; geometric shapes for surface due week 7, letters for digital media lab and that field trip thing for history plus after my 3d he'll give us our second project.
im still playing dead space and trying to get 100% trophies. i just need to beat the game in impossible, use only the slicer gun (the very first gun), max out my equipments (only need 2 more to max out)...and i think thats pretty much about it.
im still playing dead space and trying to get 100% trophies. i just need to beat the game in impossible, use only the slicer gun (the very first gun), max out my equipments (only need 2 more to max out)...and i think thats pretty much about it.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Dead Space is donee.....
i finish dead space today in normal difficulty and im running the game again in new game plus. also, i finish my surface design project (Y) and i kinda started on my painting (i got the illustration board done). i also saw some of the pro perks in call of duty black bad, they made it really competitive and it looks like its an all pro game now. also, darwin told me that all black ops special editions such as the hardened and prestige, are now sold out for preorder might have to buy normal ops if that happens.

happy birthday to my bro (Y)
happy birthday to my bro (Y)
Monday, September 27, 2010
one after the othersss
finish my monday digital lab and handed my "fruity owl" in. after our "discussion" he gave us another project but this ones due week 7....which is....oct 19 (not bad). i just finish my interpretive drawing and i started my surface design and hopefully ill finish it by tomorrow or else ill get fckd.
i still have 2 presentations.....history and painting. and i still got my painting project plus that digital lab project....sigh...gotta keep in track with this stuff
chptr 10 on dead space
i still have 2 presentations.....history and painting. and i still got my painting project plus that digital lab project....sigh...gotta keep in track with this stuff
chptr 10 on dead space
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Video Games > Projects!
well i finish my photoshop work but its not saving as PDF file, ill figure something out. anyways, went to ads fam jam just to chill cuz of free food. playd some games cuz got nothing better to do. also playd dead space and i end at chapter 4.
and now....i got to start my project because everything is due this week and i am screwd if i dont do anything. i better get some rest or ill be dead by tomorrow. plus my rents are going to new york like sometime in october.....that means.......nothing change lol...they better give me some money or else ill get ownd at school.
chapter 8 on dead space
finish my photoshop project (10%)
finish my colour book "flavours" (10%)
now i have to do interpretive drawing due tuesday and texture assignment due wednesday
then i have 3d due next week wednesday (25%) then history presentation due nov 9 (week10) (20%) then painting of a metal object due oct 6/7 (20%) and painting presentation due oct 6/7 (20%).
im kinda loafing around.......sigh....last minute crap. but i have to do my part on the presentation since others are counting on me and im counting on them as well.
and now....i got to start my project because everything is due this week and i am screwd if i dont do anything. i better get some rest or ill be dead by tomorrow. plus my rents are going to new york like sometime in october.....that means.......nothing change lol...they better give me some money or else ill get ownd at school.
chapter 8 on dead space
finish my photoshop project (10%)
finish my colour book "flavours" (10%)
now i have to do interpretive drawing due tuesday and texture assignment due wednesday
then i have 3d due next week wednesday (25%) then history presentation due nov 9 (week10) (20%) then painting of a metal object due oct 6/7 (20%) and painting presentation due oct 6/7 (20%).
im kinda loafing around.......sigh....last minute crap. but i have to do my part on the presentation since others are counting on me and im counting on them as well.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Pub in the Space is Dead
went downtown yesterday for the stop light pub with kev andrei and ads. i dont want to be stuck home doing my homework so i went out for a bit...grab some drinks and chill. i finally bought dead space...used for $15...well im not ganna find it cheaper because the greatest hit is $20.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Allot OF WORK!!!
i got more homework for far i got a painting project and a painting presentation, interpretive drawing, 3d project, surface design colour book and textture assignment and photoshop...."fruit thing" basically all my courses got projects.....FML
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
more project.....
well i finish my classes today, 3d and surface. 3d we did nothing....other than talk while surface we did some mix media learning about texture. i have a project for 3d due oct 6th (i think) and surface due next week. allot of project due next week.....sigh
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
i had history and interpretive drawing today.....from 8am-6pm = torture. for history, we did nothing other than the powerpoint AND we got our presentation stuff and i didnt expect to present at week 10 because week 10 is november 9th and thats when black ops is coming out.....looks like i cant skip that class. also for my interpretive drawing we just got our 1st assignment and its due next week......everything is due next week. i really need to start my homework but i get home late and all i do is eat then rest because i got an early class tomorrow.
Monday, September 20, 2010
More Photoshop
just finish my digital media class. it was a waste of time actually cuz i already knew what we're doing. so our project is making fruit faces.....basically you pick a picture and change it into fruit figures....thats it and its due next week.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
SC imba
ive been watching quite allot of sc2 gameplays nothing better to do. it seems like terrans the main race that can most likely annihilate the 2 other race which are the protoss and zerg, even with the nerf....still imba. ive been watching the vids cuz i want to buy the game but i still need a good computer to use. the computer im using is fairly old.....been using it since high school and its slowing down, even with photoshop the computer seems to slow down specially when i use photoshop while listening to music. now that the new patch 1.1, i think its 1.1, is coming...i heard theyll going to nerf terran in this patch....not sure what else comes with the patch.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
today is basically the first day of painting. its the same painting class i had last year. im taking this class again because i fail painting last suks.....its the same thing but different teacher and he teaches different compare to my old teacher.....i like how this teacher teaches. this class is different because instead of using canvas paper we use white i have to buy mylar at the bookstore....which is 79 cen a piece.....cant messd up my painting no more.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
X'fer to this class
i change my thursday surface design to wednesday so i can have a thursday off...buttt....i didnt have a thursday off because they put ONE class which is painting -.-.....anyways, surface design sounds fun but it looks like the further we go in things the boring itll get and its pretty messy because we're working with paint. got a project for our "color book" to put in a collage for certain words....sour, sweet, fruity, acid, bitter, spicy, minty and salty. so the homework is just to put up a collage about the words like if i use fruity ill put bunch of fruits in the page.
todays my 3d class too........boring as F A K!! all he did was talk about stuff like design and other stuff....i wasnt even listening i was just waiting for him to give use the sheet for our homework/project
todays my 3d class too........boring as F A K!! all he did was talk about stuff like design and other stuff....i wasnt even listening i was just waiting for him to give use the sheet for our homework/project
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Tired Tuesday
hate my tuesday class cuz i start at 8am and end at a 3 hr break and i cant even do anything other than wait till my class starts. its so boring in my class....history class we did some powerpoint....then my break....then we did some stupid ink media in drawin.....its too messy and almost forgot i got homework...gotta draw 10 things of 3 objects in my sketchbook.
Monday, September 13, 2010
just finish my monday class, digital media lab. i kinda like it......hope it gets better as the class goes on. its basically just about photoshop and other adobe stuff. i might need a mac for this.........arrggh.
remember to get an access card and to download cs5 ASAP because he'll give the 1st project next week.
remember to get an access card and to download cs5 ASAP because he'll give the 1st project next week.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Its hard to Harvest the Moon!!
im still playing harvest moon bazaar. the game is good but its hard to make money.....u can sell stuff in the market but you wont get as much money if you sell your stuff in the bazaar (your market). basically its not that pick up income anymore.......u actually take initiative to sell ur stuff in order to make money. ill say this is the top 3 hand held harvest moon first being the remake on gba and then innocent life on the psp. i would play the wii version but it will take too long plus its a waste of electricity.....thats why i like hand held games specially like harvest moon which takes time.
yawn....too tired
just chilld with jam, kev, ads and dars. we went to darwins house and play some cod waw. got nothing better to do and school just started so theres not much homework. after darwins house we went and play some billiards....pretty fun. remind my self to buy art stuff and 3 objects to bring for tuesdays drawing thing.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Day off....
todays my day off....and the only day its been sunny outside, well dsnt really matter. i've been palying kingdom hearts and finally finish ventus' that i beat the game im just trying to get 100% on aquas story....i think shes ganna be my main character....her magic is really strong and her strengths not bad, i just like the aoe spells like thunder.
been playing kh since this morning...100% couple of stuff but getting boring now....need multiplayer. ill wait till people get far in the to harvest moon.
so kev and dars came by just to chill....and darwin finally bought a ps3 but he has to leave it here until hes ready to take it home because of school.....well...thats just the way it is.
gratz on ur ps3 dars (LBR!!!) gotta play black ops once its out!!!! ZOMBIEZZZ
been playing kh since this morning...100% couple of stuff but getting boring now....need multiplayer. ill wait till people get far in the to harvest moon.
so kev and dars came by just to chill....and darwin finally bought a ps3 but he has to leave it here until hes ready to take it home because of school.....well...thats just the way it is.
gratz on ur ps3 dars (LBR!!!) gotta play black ops once its out!!!! ZOMBIEZZZ
Thursday, September 9, 2010
3rd Day...good luck?!.....nahhh
finish my surface design class.
i also switch this class from thursday to wednesday so i can have a thursday off......but she put painting for my thursday....rage quit.....fml. lease i still have fridays off plus i already took this painting class last year.
i also switch this class from thursday to wednesday so i can have a thursday off......but she put painting for my thursday....rage quit.....fml. lease i still have fridays off plus i already took this painting class last year.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
2nd DAY!!....
my second day is only one class, 3d studio design. i like this class....i like 3d all along. hope it doesnt disappoint me just like what my art fund 3d did.......
finish terras story (khbbs)
finish terras story (khbbs)
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
First Day 2nd year?
just finish my first day.....8am - 11am history class and 3pm - 6pm Interpretive drawing. both class.....meh okay i guess (it is school). just need to remember what to bring next week for my classes.
history = sketchbook
drawing = ink (buy), brush (search house), container, manila paper (buy), 3 objects.....
so tired....woke up at 5am and got home at 7pm....what a day.
good thing i only have one class tomorrow....8am
Harvest Moon Bazaar.....pretty good game. the first harvest moon where you can double jump.
history = sketchbook
drawing = ink (buy), brush (search house), container, manila paper (buy), 3 objects.....
so tired....woke up at 5am and got home at 7pm....what a day.
good thing i only have one class tomorrow....8am
Harvest Moon Bazaar.....pretty good game. the first harvest moon where you can double jump.
Monday, September 6, 2010
khbbs Aqua...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
WORLD o' Mine CcCraft
im still fascinated by this game called minecraft. its a game similar to rune factory (fantasy harvest moon). but in this game u are alone and try to survive. u will gather resources to build ur shelter because once it gets dark zombies and all these enemies will come and get u. the game could be addicting specially for me since i like these kind of games. i mite buy it since its only 10$$.....ill wait tho because the games not 100% finish.
kingdom hearts birth by is awesome....
kingdom hearts birth by is awesome....
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thats Done...
my bro took dragon age back soo i guess its over....nothing to play atm. also, after watching a couple of videos about black ops i gotta say i like the gameplay and i also like that the game is being run by currency. you have to buy attachments and the most expensive attachments is the grenade launcher. i like how they bring some of the cod4 guns back and some mw2 guns and they also add some of their own guns (black ops guns). now that theres no more stopping power....the game might be more balance because now all guns are at their base damage....but then the pro perks are back meaning more quick scope and by saying that....snipers are looks like its a one shot kill. i notice because they bring back the wa2000. then again the specs on the guns are different.....ill just wait and hope to see more about blk ops.
went to ads house to play some video games; rock band, cod, tekken 6, and ssf4. from 9pm - 457am.....dammn hardcore. jaime and andrei came too and jaimes the one who brought tekken and ssf4.
went to ads house to play some video games; rock band, cod, tekken 6, and ssf4. from 9pm - 457am.....dammn hardcore. jaime and andrei came too and jaimes the one who brought tekken and ssf4.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
My Classes?
i have to choose my courses....didnt know that. since no one told me (email/mail) i have to choose my course. good thing theres some spots left BUTT....i have 3 classes starts at 8am - 11am. one class starts 3pm - 6pm....but i have a friday off. arrgghh soo frustrating choosing your own classes, if i know that i have to choose my courses earlier i couldve think about what to take and be prepare...but nope...i just throw stuff in there and hopefully i pickd the right one.....or else.....
still playing dragonage but starting to bore me.....iunno why but it freezes allot specially in large scale battle where i have to use an aoe spell.....maybe the ps3 cant handle this game....iunno but it seems like it
still playing dragonage but starting to bore me.....iunno why but it freezes allot specially in large scale battle where i have to use an aoe spell.....maybe the ps3 cant handle this game....iunno but it seems like it
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Dragons Age is Origin!!! ?
i started playing dragon age origin still stuck because i dont know what to pick....mage, warrior or rouge.....i have all 3 classes and im stuck in the beginning of the game because i keep switching. im thinking of becoming a mage....i might make a new one because i messd up my current mage.
went to go volunteer again....this is our 4th
went to go volunteer again....this is our 4th
Monday, August 30, 2010
Final VIII
beat final fantasy 8.....last battle, first party was....zell (junction), rinoa (junction) and selphie. selphie died replace by iervine who died shortly then replace by squall (junction) who died when griever died because griever cast his limit break before he died and squalls vitality junction was blown away. the final party was quistis, zell and rinoa.....invisible moon ftw. [60hrs gameplay]
volunteer again...i think this is the 3rd day...
playd cod with the gameshare account....epic game....the account was a lvl 12 and i got 111kills on terminal demolition...from 1.50 - 1.80 kdr loll just epic "i totally got promoted after that" LOL.
kev bought greenday rock band phase...then we playd at his house because ads wants to transfer the greenday songs
volunteer again...i think this is the 3rd day...
playd cod with the gameshare account....epic game....the account was a lvl 12 and i got 111kills on terminal demolition...from 1.50 - 1.80 kdr loll just epic "i totally got promoted after that" LOL.
kev bought greenday rock band phase...then we playd at his house because ads wants to transfer the greenday songs
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Last Day D School
todays the last day of my driving school. he didnt even care anymore and gave us the answers. good thing i finish the booklet handed it in and finally......its over.
kev and ads came over just because. kev finally got rock band and now hes about to buy greenday rock band, prob tomorrow.
kev and ads came over just because. kev finally got rock band and now hes about to buy greenday rock band, prob tomorrow.
2nd Day?
me and my friends volunteer again today just because we know not much people can go, plus its fun to just chill with people you dont see often. so we started at 630pm finish around 9pm, were suppose to start earlier but its too hot. after we finish our job we just went back and eat then just talk about whats happenin.
driving school tomorrow.......arrgghhh......still didnt finish the book. i just need to write a paragraph about some BS driver observation.
i still need to buy those paint and putty for my GNX......i want to start but i need the materials first. prob get them when school starts (random times we go to square).
driving school tomorrow.......arrgghhh......still didnt finish the book. i just need to write a paragraph about some BS driver observation.
i still need to buy those paint and putty for my GNX......i want to start but i need the materials first. prob get them when school starts (random times we go to square).
Friday, August 27, 2010
just went and helped my friend to hand out fliers. basically we went door to door promoting to vote for his dad and ask if we can put a sign up to their lawn. well....didnt really go that well but we got some people so its better than nothing. after everything we just went back and chilld. eat some pizza and play some video games just to kill time.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Start the LVL UP!
im so bored that i started cleaning my room!!! then tried to play some cod then i went back to ff8. im starting to max out all the characters. so far; squall, quistis and zell are at 100.
went to kevs house and watch kick ass. good movie (Y).
went to kevs house and watch kick ass. good movie (Y).
Feelin' it over!?
now that im at the final boss in ff8, it feels like i dont want to play it anymore because i already know how its going to end. i really never played it before rather iwatched my brother play it....thats why i know the story. i mite start CTR after.....whenever i got nothin better to do.
my schedules still messd up and i might need a mac for one of my classes. something called digital media arts.......this computer is too weak to handle anything, its already outdated.
my schedules still messd up and i might need a mac for one of my classes. something called digital media arts.......this computer is too weak to handle anything, its already outdated.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
sighh....its overrrRR
went and took my G2 test today. first off, my instructor was pissd at some guy. for the whole time while im driving to Brampton he was on the phone and yelling at some guy. plus, im sooo tired i was falling asleep while driving LOLL!!! i even hit the curved....its a good thing i woke me up. then during the test.....i got some guy and he keeps complaining......"press the the gas." putting sooo much pressure on me. but finally got my G2......time to get my G ASAP!!
i check my schedule and i got some digital media lab and.....HISTORY of wesetern art. aarrrggghhh....i hate history.
me kev ads dars and jaime went to go watch scott pilgrim vs the world (i think i spell his name right). gotta say its a pretty good movie. after the movie we just went and grab some mcdolands and darwin told me that i didnt finish dq9 yet......since i beat corvus i didnt bother with the game.....dunno if ill continue to play or maybe ill just go back to it.
i check my schedule and i got some digital media lab and.....HISTORY of wesetern art. aarrrggghhh....i hate history.
me kev ads dars and jaime went to go watch scott pilgrim vs the world (i think i spell his name right). gotta say its a pretty good movie. after the movie we just went and grab some mcdolands and darwin told me that i didnt finish dq9 yet......since i beat corvus i didnt bother with the game.....dunno if ill continue to play or maybe ill just go back to it.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Almost there!?
disk 3 ff8....i got all the GF and all ultimate weapons except for quistis.....working on it. max lvl squall and zells at 91. not sure if im ganna use rinoa for as my 3rd, i would use irvine but i need pulse ammo and im too lazy to farm energy crystals.
well tomorrows my driving test......hope it doesnt rain and hopefully i pass.
me ads and kev went out and checked if toys r us still got that rock band set......unfortunately......they dont have it anymore. so we just venture around the area. went to superstore, eb games, walmart and futureshop........nothing new.
ff8 - disk 4
well tomorrows my driving test......hope it doesnt rain and hopefully i pass.
me ads and kev went out and checked if toys r us still got that rock band set......unfortunately......they dont have it anymore. so we just venture around the area. went to superstore, eb games, walmart and futureshop........nothing new.
ff8 - disk 4
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tiring Day!!
went to angelas party from 7pm to 430am. got home around 440ish and played ff8 till 530ish. then i have to take a nap because i have driving at 12pm.......tired
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Driving day....
ive had another driving school today and all we did was watch some video. then he gave us a surprise quiz. everyone in the class has the same answer and we all have 8 mistakes and he said were only allow to have 5......looks like we all got ownd there. and oh...more people join the class so im not the only guy anymore. also drove in the freeway in heavy rain....i think im getting better.
happy birthday to my friend angela....finally 19 :)
happy birthday to my friend angela....finally 19 :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fast Phase FF
Still playing final fantasy 8 and im almost done disk 2. i wonder if im rushing this game to fast. i am taking my time drawing magics till i reach 100. my characters are pretty much stronger than their lvls which means i can take on monsters easily since the monsters lvl are base on your characters lvl.
arrgghh...driving school tomorrow plus i have to drive home. also, my test is next week.....just hoping it doesnt rain.
i receive a mail from sheridan college and its a sticker for our student ids. its basically a sticker that changes the year from 9/10 to 10/11......guess were not getting a new id.....
i just finish disk 2
arrgghh...driving school tomorrow plus i have to drive home. also, my test is next week.....just hoping it doesnt rain.
i receive a mail from sheridan college and its a sticker for our student ids. its basically a sticker that changes the year from 9/10 to 10/11......guess were not getting a new id.....
i just finish disk 2
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Final Fantasy 8....playin it
we gameshare two psn games; final fantasy 8 and ctr: crash team racing. and i've been playing ff8 since yesterday. im pretty far, im at the part where irvine need to snipe edea. i didnt beat ff4 yet and here i am playing a new game.
ohh yea a little late but....r.i.p. LifeBrandRobot - he now loss the capability to play mw2 loll. nothing to worry darwin said he will buy black ops with us which means he will buy a ps3.....probably xmas if not summer.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Dragon Quest 9....
finally finish dragon quest 9...took me forever because i didnt stick with one job for my main character. it took me 44hrs of gameplay. i beat the game with:
Paladin lvl 28
Martial Artist lvl 48
Priest lvl 42
Mage lvl 41
cant believe i beat the game with my lvl 28 paladin.
Paladin lvl 28
Martial Artist lvl 48
Priest lvl 42
Mage lvl 41
cant believe i beat the game with my lvl 28 paladin.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monster Rancher....done?
well just beat monster rancher....kinda. i got to s rank then it starts to get boring. unlock some of the strong monsters with the help of the internet. i used the dragon to beat the s rank and after s rank theres ss and sss rank. thats kinda easy to get since the tournaments only got 4 monsters but the monsters do break the 999 limit. the game gets boring pretty fast and they did take off some monsters that im familiar with like the gabu or that raptor and the jelly dude.
this site basically helped me unlock the monsters:
this site basically helped me unlock the monsters:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monster Rancher? DS?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
wat cha hate?
i started palying ff4 again and i dont even know what im suppose to do and where to go. i hate this...i shouldve beat the game before moving to pretty far at dq9.....i should beat it now b4 moving back to ff4 or chocobo fables but im too busy doing random quest. i just saw the trailer for call of duty black ops........and it looks like it will ruin my life....again....just like mw2..........peace schooool
iunno if i should pre order the game or wait......i think if i wait...ill kill me cuz i hate waiting. i just hope the games not as broken as mw2.....cuz im seeing the same thing as mw2.....i think it uses the same engine cuz its exactly the same. most of the guns, the call signs are back, customizable killstreak, explosions. i just hope theres no corrupt perks....that will give advantage to noobtubes or w.e explosives they have in the that explosive crossbow thing.
iunno if i should pre order the game or wait......i think if i wait...ill kill me cuz i hate waiting. i just hope the games not as broken as mw2.....cuz im seeing the same thing as mw2.....i think it uses the same engine cuz its exactly the same. most of the guns, the call signs are back, customizable killstreak, explosions. i just hope theres no corrupt perks....that will give advantage to noobtubes or w.e explosives they have in the that explosive crossbow thing.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Drivin School....
finish the first day of driving school today. its soo boring plus i got to wake up really early. good thing he let us out 3hrs early. the class is pretty small, 5 the only guy *yess*. they just give you hints of what to do when your driving, what to look out for, what to do in different situations, etc. they also give you homework, gotta answer some questions and you have to answer the whole book.
GN X = Galantmon? / GUNDAM?
i started the color scheme of the GN X......thinking of making him look like galantmon (its a digimon) since he got a lance and im giving him gyans shield. i was thinking of giving him a sword by dismantling my flags gun sword thing but i need another gun sword thing. also made a Lead Gundam color scheme and it looks pretty cool.
so i made these layouts of GNX galantmon and GNX 00....i actually made allot since i dont know which one to pick....i made some gold GNX, desert GNX, white knight and dark knight GNX. but these are the top 3rd lol
Galantmon Color
Lead Gundam color - looks like 00 gundam lol
so i made these layouts of GNX galantmon and GNX 00....i actually made allot since i dont know which one to pick....i made some gold GNX, desert GNX, white knight and dark knight GNX. but these are the top 3rd lol

too much stuff going on cant really focus on one thing. im doing this gundam project, playing dq9, playing mw2, playing cod4 campaign, i still need to beat ff4 and that chocobo game....and now were planning on buying either ff8 or ff9 on the psn....gameshare. and after my GN X i mite start to mod my flag....sicne i dont really pay attention to it mite as well make him look better. also, im starting this driving school tomorrow omg gotta wake up at 7am leave around 8am then it starts at 9am - 3pm OMG im ganna die....i gotta do these sit ins every saturday then my driving test on august 23rd.....hope i pass :D
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