Saturday, October 30, 2010

almost over? halloween?

well this week is almost over and i am not looking forward to school. cause itll just put more stress on me. for today i did some of my project but kinda lazy day because i was just sleeping the whole day. i did the base of my sculpture for my 3d class. other than that i just played some video games.

tomorrows halloween and im ganna stay home and do my homework :/ because i procrastinate too much this break week and didn't finish my projects.

Super Mario Bros. Bowser Inside Story
started playing it and its pretty fun. not that far, just finish the beach lvl for bowser.

played a bit..about an hour just because im feeling bored. there's not much pros in cod4 anymore. been using the m40 sniper even tho i kno that sniping is different in black ops its still fun to just shot around with the sniper, im ganna miss the quick scopes...hopefully drag scoping is not that hard.