me kev and dars went to adrians house just to chill cuz his parents rnt home. we played some rock band and played some poker but what really killed the time was when me ads and dars look for memes in the internet...lol.
so we only played one game and it took us about 3 hours and the map was Der Reise (zombie factory). the plan is the same....we stay in the cat walk while i get the shotgun and another gun while darwin gets w.e he wants while one person get all the power weapons (raygun and wanderwaflle) in this case its THE carpet. we all have upgraded guns i had shotgun and raygun but since everyone has a raygun i traded my raygun to an mg42 and upgraded it....seems stupid? its cuz were all desperate for ammo and my raygun had 3 shots so i traded for the mg42. round 30 comes *spoiler we died* and we all have guns while darwin died in the beginning of the round because he's trying to grab the insta-kill. so darwin doesnt have perks and no ammo...we all dont have any ammo and hoping for a max ammo......didnt go well...last resort darwin keeps dying so he can use his raygun...so darwin dies we revive, darwin dies we revive *repeat*....until kev hits him self with the raygun and died because when darwin was revive his character stands up....i try to revive carpet but the zombies starts pushing me away...then...we live happily ever after the end.