Monday, August 30, 2010

Final VIII

beat final fantasy 8.....last battle, first party was....zell (junction), rinoa (junction) and selphie. selphie died replace by iervine who died shortly then replace by squall (junction) who died when griever died because griever cast his limit break before he died and squalls vitality junction was blown away. the final party was quistis, zell and rinoa.....invisible moon ftw. [60hrs gameplay]

volunteer again...i think this is the 3rd day...

playd cod with the gameshare account....epic game....the account was a lvl 12 and i got 111kills on terminal demolition...from 1.50 - 1.80 kdr loll just epic "i totally got promoted after that" LOL.

kev bought greenday rock band phase...then we playd at his house because ads wants to transfer the greenday songs