anyways, i finish my 3d today and got my 2nd project which is...."make a sculpture that contains texture and/or pattern and/or colour. after 3d was surface.....and we did ganna skip that class next week. also got my painting stuff done for tomorrow just need to time my self for my presentation and hopefully it goes well.
-my gaming news-
we played zombies again in Der Riese (zombie factory). it was me, dars, kev, and drei (flare, LBR, carpet & yellow) we played one game but it got messd up. then the second game was serious.....but around round 13-15 kev disconnects because he gotta go eat dinner. so it was just me, dars, and drei. our plan was......stay in teleporter C. i was using the shotgun and mg42; dars was using shotgun and STG; drei was using raygun and wanderwaffle (all our guns are fully upgraded). so we got up to round 28 and *spoiler alert!* we died in this round. what happen was.....around round 26 i got the brownin and upgraded it while darwin didnt buy any gun!! so he only got STG and shotgun. so the time i ran out of bullets at round 27 and theres no max ammo...i have 0 rounds on my brownin and about 400 on my MG42 so i was the suicide guy because i dont have guns and no perks because i died earlier since darwin didnt have anyguns then dars followed me to the teleporter....iunno why.....andrei was all alone and died there and we cant get back to him to he's a lost there running around trying to get power ups on the teleporter BUT the last teleport i went into didnt give any power ups so i died then darwin got swarmed but zombies and didnt have enough bullets to kill zombs and he only needed 10 points so he can get in the teleporter but was GG!