back to school and monday class is digital media lab. got to class and our self portrait project is due in the beginning of class AND my usb didnt work, it froze the mac. now i have to hand in my project late because of this stupid usb. then, we did nothing other than learn adobe illustrator, kinda pointless because all he did was talk about the pen i left.
been fiddling with my hard drive, i thought i formated it into FAT32 but it didnt work. wanted to format it so i can watch my animes on the ps3 from my external hard drive. also, i watch gundam unicorn episode 2 and i gotta say.....its pretty damn good. highlight of the anime for me is the battle between shinanju and unicorn. i still want this shinanju to be part of my collection but its too expensive, ill wait.
in one week...well be lining up for call of duty black ops.
Pokemon White
still playing the game just got to the ancient castle. i only play this game on the bus now cuz i tried playing other games like mario and luigi bowser inside story, all of my games are too hard to play on the bus. cant take these games lightly.