well me darwin and kevyn had a "gundam party" yesterday, didnt had the time to post because i was too tired. well me and kevyn went to square one to buy stuff and we bought gundams.. i bought 1/100 no grade blue frame second and kevyn bought 1/144 HG arios and 1/100 no grade dynames. me kevyn and darwin later build our gundamsm, darwin finish his red frame 1/100, he had this gundam for about a year and he just finish it. kevyn and i build blue frame and arios and we didnt finish them. today i finish my blue frame and kevyn finish his arios. ill take some picture when i get the camera from my parents.
got to say i have to buy the mg blue frame and the mg red frame kai.
now that i have the no grade blue frame, once i buy the mg blue frame i will give him two buster swords and the no grade two daggers. i still have to buy a action base for this blue frame.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas and more
Merry belated Christmas.
well christmas was fun and got to say this year has been fun.
got my gifts and happy to see everyone again.
well its been kinda busy because my aunt and uncle visited us from new york and we watch sherlock holmes and avatar all in one night and now im sick. i was out for 3 days strait and just got home, did allot of crazy stuff. i ended up not buying gundams too because we didnt stop to any gundam store but its okay since i still have the money to buy gundams just hope for sales.
well christmas was fun and got to say this year has been fun.
got my gifts and happy to see everyone again.
well its been kinda busy because my aunt and uncle visited us from new york and we watch sherlock holmes and avatar all in one night and now im sick. i was out for 3 days strait and just got home, did allot of crazy stuff. i ended up not buying gundams too because we didnt stop to any gundam store but its okay since i still have the money to buy gundams just hope for sales.
Monday, December 21, 2009
The Start
the break is here and the only things i've been doing is playing call of duty....got nothing better to do other than wait for something to come up. also bought gifts for my cousins and now im broke....spent all my saved up money to buy gifts. ohh well ill save up again better to give and see my family happy than be selfish.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
ITS OVERR....or is it?
wellll this semester is done...even though i have school tomorrow but its the last day. hand my stuff in and everything, i didnt even write my test because i dont even know anything in that class. now that this sem is done...i got my next semester schedule and it is worse than what i have today because i have early classes which is 8am - 3pm (mondays) then theres these random days which starts 3pm-6pm which sucks because its really late, i rather do one thing....wake up early to go to school early or wake up late to go to school late but now its messed up.
finish building arios along the way when i was doing all my projects and call of duty is still on going...ill try to take a picture of arios when i have the time, since xmas is coming soon i might have to do a bunch of stuff like shopping for presents etc.
finish building arios along the way when i was doing all my projects and call of duty is still on going...ill try to take a picture of arios when i have the time, since xmas is coming soon i might have to do a bunch of stuff like shopping for presents etc.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
well.....i finish my projects!!!....for this week only. no pictures because I have to hand them in. ill try to take a picture of my 2D project because i have to hand it in on friday anyways.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
my aunt, uncle, and my grandparents visit us from NY just to drop off my grandparents here because they will spend their x-mas here. did nothing just the usual fam jams so i didnt start my projects....really got to start those things cause each projects is worth 15% up to 30% of my final mark.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Projects and more projects!
well im doing my color theory project which is to paint 4 paintings of various artist and write a report about it. so far i finish 2 paintings today and will finish 2 paintings tomorrow, that is the plan. i still have to start my english which is due this week and i have to start my imaging, 2D, 3D another english homework and my life drawing portfolio. mann too much projects to do but after all of this it'll be x-mas break so ill just have to hang on.
i also broke a peg on unicorns back pack (i was sooo MADDDD). i was just playing around with it trying to transform him and i broke it. ill try to fix it when i get the time.
also, i found a gundam in my brothers closet. i forgot the name of it but it is from gundam seed and it is a gouf...a blue gouf. i found it scatter and is missing parts, ill try to paint it black. i still have to finish my deathscythe.
i also broke a peg on unicorns back pack (i was sooo MADDDD). i was just playing around with it trying to transform him and i broke it. ill try to fix it when i get the time.
also, i found a gundam in my brothers closet. i forgot the name of it but it is from gundam seed and it is a gouf...a blue gouf. i found it scatter and is missing parts, ill try to paint it black. i still have to finish my deathscythe.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
The wiiware
well i've been playing these wiiware games and its pretty fun, more games to ruin my projects. ive been playing pokemon rumble with my friends and i just got contra remake and gradius rebirth all these nostalgic games. i also got crystal defenders r2 ill get r1 if r2 is good...even though i shouldve got r1 first. also downloaded final fantasy my life as a dark lord, dont know why but these tower defense games are so much fun. me and adrian was playing defend your castle and it is fun but its tiring because you keep have to press A to the enemy and throw them up and imagine that with 20 enemies on the screen and each waves takes about 2 mins in the level we decided to give the wii a rest, wouldve been fun with 4 players.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
well im proud of myself that i actually finish my project *thumbs up!*.
well yesterday me and kevyn went to our school event "so you think you can dance sheridan" and Blake Mcgrath is one of the judges and i got to say that it was worth going there, there was allot of good dancers that performed. today me and kevyn went to our old school sja because it is multicultural night......wasted my $5 but ohh well got to see how my old schools like now.

well my room is messy again but i finish my project and thats how it turned out to be. i was thinking of making it green or orange but that means i have to mix color and i am using gouache paint (im just being lazy). but im digging this blue color now.

yeah this is the hand i was working on a while back i got it back weeks ago but i was too busy.....playing cod.
theres deathscythe too, didnt finish because im busy.....with cod.
its pretty sad because i could have finish all of my work if im focus.
i didnt even start my english, painting, imaging, and now theres a new 3d project. forgot to take a picture of my dragon fly for my 3d project....ill do that when i get it back.
btw that hand is a B+ :D
and yeap i change my url from flarefrancis.blogspot.com to simpleinformission.blogspot.com
well yesterday me and kevyn went to our school event "so you think you can dance sheridan" and Blake Mcgrath is one of the judges and i got to say that it was worth going there, there was allot of good dancers that performed. today me and kevyn went to our old school sja because it is multicultural night......wasted my $5 but ohh well got to see how my old schools like now.
yeah this is the hand i was working on a while back i got it back weeks ago but i was too busy.....playing cod.
theres deathscythe too, didnt finish because im busy.....with cod.
its pretty sad because i could have finish all of my work if im focus.
i didnt even start my english, painting, imaging, and now theres a new 3d project. forgot to take a picture of my dragon fly for my 3d project....ill do that when i get it back.
btw that hand is a B+ :D
and yeap i change my url from flarefrancis.blogspot.com to simpleinformission.blogspot.com
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
School Work
well this week is a killer because everything is due and im doing everything in the last minute, not a good idea. well today's introduction to 3-d and i just finish my dragonfly because my old bug was destroyed. but yesterday was life drawings in class drawing while in imaging we just have to hand in our projects and we also receive our new project. all i've been doing is projects on after the other. i really need to start these projects ahead of time but i cant do them at home because theres too much distractions here. i've been playing call of duty thats why its hard for me to do these projects and i also got the new super mario bros. i also havent been building any gundams because of my projects. it seems like these projects are like me building gundams, it kills time but i already have mw2 to waste my time on.
Friday, November 20, 2009
New Moon
well after my useless classes today me and kevyn just met up with kim, angela and shilpa in the theater to watch new moon. me and kevyn thought that it would be sold out so we were thinking to watch 2012 instead but luckily its not. i got to say the movie is pretty good and ill say its better than the first one.
after watching the movie we called it a night and play.......cod
after watching the movie we called it a night and play.......cod
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
well tuesday is here and it went by pretty fast because i've been doing this over and over again since september. well what we did in life drawing class today was a practice for next weeks inclass project where we have to draw a person like what we always do. cod mw2 hype is still here and i've been playing it exactly a week now and i got to say when you first get it the game will surely looks different in many ways but once you keep on playing it, it will look exactly like cod mw. well its just a normal day other than i got to see kevyns face again since of mw2 i havent seen anyone in the group.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Fam Jam
just sent time with my family to watch the paquiao boxing fight and it was a good fight because it last till the end, moneys worth. did nothing today other than play cod, really need to start on those homework projects or else ill fail my courses.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Still at it
well still addicted to MW2 cant stop playing. basically today was a pointless day for painting class because we did nothing other than talk about our paintings and talk about our project and thats that. the project given to us is hard because we need 4 painters/paintings then make a "report/summary" of the painters or paintings then after thats done we have to imitate the paintings that we chose. hopefully i finish this in time just because MW2 is here and i cant really focus.
after my class today i went strait home just to play ps3 then me, kevyn and andrei play a game of domination. after our game of domination, we took a little break then me and kevyn continue to play the spec ops game and i got to say i enjoy playing that co-op game....but zombies is better..
after my class today i went strait home just to play ps3 then me, kevyn and andrei play a game of domination. after our game of domination, we took a little break then me and kevyn continue to play the spec ops game and i got to say i enjoy playing that co-op game....but zombies is better..
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The effect
first off, i think im totally addicted to modern warfare 2 now because thats the only thing i've been thinking off since the day i start playing online (its a bad thing). well today in 3d we start doing our individual projects which is making any kind of bugs using wires. i really like that class because its fun and maybe its more hands-on compare to other class that i have because we actually make something. my deathscythe project will take awhile because i have to do my homework plus i have to play MW2. i also got a new tv in my room its really good but the thing is that my dad put it up too high that my neck kills everytime i play but w.e its there and i can play ps3 and watch tv in hd now. the side effect was.....kevyn didnt sleep because of the game and got ownd because he missd his midterm LMFAO..........................ownd
Monday, November 9, 2009
Got it today at 1:30 am and i also won a poster and call of duty is awesome.....better than what i had expected. basically me andrei and kevyn went to gamestop because we all preordered call of duty and these people are asking us questions to win a call of duty poster and the question i got was "how many shot does a wonderwaffle have" an i answer 3 and i got it right, thats how i got a free poster.
i took a picture of the poster i got and the version of the game that i bought.
i took a picture of the poster i got and the version of the game that i bought.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Death Modin' ?!! (",)
well did nothing today other than spend my time with gundam death scythe. i started and finish the legs today and it did took quite the time to finish one leg plus the brain storming.

I basically melt those holes on its legs and the put some clear plastic underneath and color them green for the lower part and yellow for the upper, i used a sharpie marker. i also paint those circle parts of the knee gold. i got those clear plastic from my 00 gundam kit.

these are the step by step of how i install the tubes. i basically made holes for the tubes to go through(those "tubes" are from my old earphones) and used a glue gun to put them in place. those tubes do hinder the articulation of deathscythes legs but not as much. i like how the legs turn out to be because even though it lacks articulation now, deathscythe can stand solid with all his equipment now.
I basically melt those holes on its legs and the put some clear plastic underneath and color them green for the lower part and yellow for the upper, i used a sharpie marker. i also paint those circle parts of the knee gold. i got those clear plastic from my 00 gundam kit.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Uncharterd 2...done
finish uncharter 2 today in normal dificulty got to say it is a pretty good game but it does gets boring once in a while. i also started the modification to my deathsycthe hell custom, hope for it to be awesome after im done with it. after my english me and kevyn went to the gym and workout then played basketball for a bit then went to our class. introduction to 2d is a fun class because our project is about making our own character. after school me and kevyn went to the mall just to check whats new and to see if well find anyone we know, we went to go grab shawarma after. then adrian came to my house then we just chill and watch some funny videos on youtube.
Video Games
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Got and did it?!
well underestimated my painting class because i am doing horrible in that class. painting is not for me just because of the trouble bringing the paints and other materials plus i just cant paint properly...OR...the professor doesnt teach us anything all he does is critiques our work, basically we are just learning from our mistakes. i also pre-ordered COD modern warfare 2 today, pretty late but i get a copy for sure and it will ruin my school life for sure.....
i also found this picture while i was cleaning my computer. this picture was the reminder of our failure during the stop light pub in downtown ryerson university, its because of the rockstar energy shot...we didnt have any beer so we tried to pump our selves up with caffeine (didnt work).
i also found this picture while i was cleaning my computer. this picture was the reminder of our failure during the stop light pub in downtown ryerson university, its because of the rockstar energy shot...we didnt have any beer so we tried to pump our selves up with caffeine (didnt work).
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
3D Class :)
introduction to 3d didnt disappoint me yet because today we start a group activity of making bugs out of wires and its so much fun. today was just a warm up on making our own individual bugs project and im still thinking of what to make for my project.....
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Another game
just play basket ball with kevyn because we wanted to check sheridans gym and im surprise i still know how to shoot a ball and actually getting it in. i haven't play any ball since high school of grade 11 and that is a pretty long time ago. we also checked out the wieght room and i got to say that even though the equipments are old its better than joan of arc's. for todays lesson in life drawing is the same as always but the model was late so we only had an hour of class basically just practice for next week. while imaging, i totally skip it because just the thought of me going there is enough.....i still dont like that class im just hoping i pass.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Playing more games
today i just played uncharted 2. i started all over again in my ps3 because my save file is in my brothers ps3 which reminds me that i should grab those save files if i dont want to start over new games specially in borderlands.
doing my homework at the moment in which i should have finish during my reading week, thats what a slacker is for anyways.
doing my homework at the moment in which i should have finish during my reading week, thats what a slacker is for anyways.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
just finish bioshock today and i got to say it is a good game. bioshock is not as good compare to other fps out there but even if its different i still like it and i know that bioshock 2 is ganna be way better than the first one. still cant wait for it to come out and i stil didnt pre-order modern warfare 2, hope they dont ran out of copies before i get mine, im planing on pre-ordering it soon anyways.
mann im wasting too much money these days....
mann im wasting too much money these days....
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Happy Halloween
happy halloween to all!
- waiting for this day to end because the weather is bad, looks like its going to rain.
- also waiting for friends to call to hang out.
- did nothing today other than play bioshock....pretty good game, i only bought it because i want to buy bioshock 2.
- GN Archers pics.
"Gundam Form"
"Mobile Armor Mode"
- waiting for this day to end because the weather is bad, looks like its going to rain.
- also waiting for friends to call to hang out.
- did nothing today other than play bioshock....pretty good game, i only bought it because i want to buy bioshock 2.
- GN Archers pics.
- me, darwin, kevyn, and adrian watch paranormal activities.
- disappointed because....
-> the movie was ruined because of the person sitting beside me, i over heard them talking about the ending.
-> while watching the movie, allot of people are making jokes and sounds so its not as "intense" as i thought it would be.
-> didn't get scared because the whole thing was ruined.....
- me, darwin, kevyn, and adrian watch paranormal activities.
- disappointed because....
-> the movie was ruined because of the person sitting beside me, i over heard them talking about the ending.
-> while watching the movie, allot of people are making jokes and sounds so its not as "intense" as i thought it would be.
-> didn't get scared because the whole thing was ruined.....
Thursday, October 29, 2009
After MY Battles
first off the after battle look cherudim is done here are the pictures (zoom in to see the details better). and ohh the GN Archer pictures will come up sometime soon because i couldnt find the album where i put Archers pictures.
and since im bored i keep alternating with cherudim and playing PS3. for the PS3 i started playing Demon's Souls and it is one of the hardest games i've played and it is very frustrating because everytime i die i loose all my soul. well thats all i've been doing all day and its a time well spent because i am satisfy with the results of cherudim.
and since im bored i keep alternating with cherudim and playing PS3. for the PS3 i started playing Demon's Souls and it is one of the hardest games i've played and it is very frustrating because everytime i die i loose all my soul. well thats all i've been doing all day and its a time well spent because i am satisfy with the results of cherudim.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Bored to be Unbored?
well i got nothing to do this break week other than wait till its friday since i might go to wonderland with my friends. other than doing my homework, i decided to do some arrangement on Cherudim such as battle damage look. i also finish GN Archer but did not start arios yet because im kinda waiting for an orange paint to paint its legs and i didnt start Epyon because i didnt want to ruin it. basically just wasting time but i kinda like it like this other than the loads of projects they give to us at school.
ill follow up the pictures once i have the time to upload them.
ill follow up the pictures once i have the time to upload them.
Monday, October 26, 2009
The Start of Break week
so today's basically the start of our break week even though not for me since i have mondays off but it is for everyone who's in college( i think ). me and my friends also played.....pokemon cards just because were bored and we figured out that we all have a deck so why not play it. i also bought a ps3 slim today, i havent tested it out yet since i have to clean my room first and set it up.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
this week is the hell week for sure. its because im such a slacker and didnt do my projects in advance. now i have two more projects left and I AM DONE!! im happy because next week is reading week which means no school for a week on top of that my teachers didnt give me any homework. i've been doing homework from last week till this week thats why i didnt have enough time to work on my gundams, like my gn archer....

well this is the life of a slacker art student. this is my room complete mess because i am really busy with homework i didnt have any chance to clean my room. as you can see theres my painting underneath my color wheel which is due today and i just finish lastnight (thumbs up for lazyness/rush work). theres also that giant hand thats my project for my introduction to 3d and i am not done hopefully i can finish it by today since the last day to hand it in is tomorrow.
life of a art student is a battlefield.....literary (a.k.a my room the the field).

heres the latest work for my gn archer. probably cant see the panel line but its there. i havent paint this yet, well just one side of the wing. a lesson learn, dont use paint thinner directly to the gundam because it destroy the plastic....my gn archer's shoulders are damage but its not as bad good thing i have plastic cement.
also, im planning to buy a ps3 slim with EB games deal. when you trade in 4 games you can get a ps3 for 199.99 with guitar hero, ill get the deal because i have games here i dont even use anymore might aswell use them for something and i think its a good deal since im trading my old games for 200+ ps3 and full set of guitar hero, if you ask me its not bad since im getting guitar hero with it which i can sell.
well this is the life of a slacker art student. this is my room complete mess because i am really busy with homework i didnt have any chance to clean my room. as you can see theres my painting underneath my color wheel which is due today and i just finish lastnight (thumbs up for lazyness/rush work). theres also that giant hand thats my project for my introduction to 3d and i am not done hopefully i can finish it by today since the last day to hand it in is tomorrow.
life of a art student is a battlefield.....literary (a.k.a my room the the field).
heres the latest work for my gn archer. probably cant see the panel line but its there. i havent paint this yet, well just one side of the wing. a lesson learn, dont use paint thinner directly to the gundam because it destroy the plastic....my gn archer's shoulders are damage but its not as bad good thing i have plastic cement.
also, im planning to buy a ps3 slim with EB games deal. when you trade in 4 games you can get a ps3 for 199.99 with guitar hero, ill get the deal because i have games here i dont even use anymore might aswell use them for something and i think its a good deal since im trading my old games for 200+ ps3 and full set of guitar hero, if you ask me its not bad since im getting guitar hero with it which i can sell.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Busy busy
- still didnt finish the paint job for archer because ive been out and/or doing homework. i didnt even start building my arios or my epyon yet.
- this week has been hell to me because of all the art work we have to do and it is getting harder and harder every week because there's this big jump with the work.
- im still stuck doing my homework because next week everything is due.
- i still cant believe i forgot to bring my art work to my teacher even thou it is 2 weeks late, ill just tell her to give me a zero because of my stupid irresponsibility.
- went to the spotlight party at ryerson on friday, it was fun. i meet my old friends and made new friends. even thou it wasn't what we expected, it was a very fun experience and lessons learn.
- make sure not to mix energy shot with beer because when you wake up in the morning it is a killer.
- reminder that to save money, be cheap and dont buy anything unnecessary.
- this week has been hell to me because of all the art work we have to do and it is getting harder and harder every week because there's this big jump with the work.
- im still stuck doing my homework because next week everything is due.
- i still cant believe i forgot to bring my art work to my teacher even thou it is 2 weeks late, ill just tell her to give me a zero because of my stupid irresponsibility.
- went to the spotlight party at ryerson on friday, it was fun. i meet my old friends and made new friends. even thou it wasn't what we expected, it was a very fun experience and lessons learn.
- make sure not to mix energy shot with beer because when you wake up in the morning it is a killer.
- reminder that to save money, be cheap and dont buy anything unnecessary.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
today we have to finish our project in life drawing class and we learn something new that we will going to do next week. and i miss another imaging class because i kinda know what we are doing but i havent even start anything. now i think im screwed because i miss to much of that class.
my friend started building his gundam which is the strike freedom. just hope he doesn't mess it up.
my friend started building his gundam which is the strike freedom. just hope he doesn't mess it up.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Monday no school
there's no school or work for everyone today because its a holiday so my day off isnt that special. beside today's just a work day. i just finish my hand and bone project basically we just need to draw a life size hand on the mylar and a life size bone of the hand on the mayfair. i finish that but i didn't finish my imaging work its basically making shapes applying a vanishing point and making elipse, i hate that class because its boring.
im also working on my 00 gundam again. just painting it since i got nothing better to do and i dont want to start another gundam. i also finish painting my friends freedom parts such as the hands, neck, basically the gold parts into shiny gold.
im also working on my 00 gundam again. just painting it since i got nothing better to do and i dont want to start another gundam. i also finish painting my friends freedom parts such as the hands, neck, basically the gold parts into shiny gold.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Busy weekend
its been busy this weekend because of thanks giving and my friends from their university and college dorms are back. me and my friends just went out and have fun during thanks giving. i also spent my time with the old crew (friends). and i also finish building my susanowo but not my archer because i cant find the time to paint the archer back pack. kevyn bought the 1/100 freedom which is pretty sick. this week has been busy because of thank giving but its worth spending with family and friends. i also got a new gundam today and it is OZ-13MS Gundam Epyon. i bought epyon because you cannot find this kit anywhere. i was debating wheter ill buy the 1/100 heavy arms custom or the 1/100 serpent but i saw epyon, altron, and deathscythe hell and i wouldve bought all of those models if i have enough money but i didnt; hopefully those model kits are still there next month because im trying to limit myself to buy one to three model kits per month because im wasting too much money already.
it was fun to see old faces, nostalgic. to tell stories about our experience in college and just to laugh about the past. we are growing up faster than i thought, time just cant forgive you when you waste it.
well school is going to start and i didnt even start any homework. i guess ill be drawing everything tomorrow and hopefully i have enough time.
Happy Thanksgiving!! :D
it was fun to see old faces, nostalgic. to tell stories about our experience in college and just to laugh about the past. we are growing up faster than i thought, time just cant forgive you when you waste it.
well school is going to start and i didnt even start any homework. i guess ill be drawing everything tomorrow and hopefully i have enough time.
Happy Thanksgiving!! :D
Thursday, October 8, 2009
after today
well todays class i thought i was in trouble because of my paintings and it turned out to be that EVERYONE in the class has the same problem, that they got the email late and didnt have time to paint. this week has been hell to me because of all the work we have in class and at home, im really happy that this week is almost over. the work they making us do is a totaly different level there was a big jump from introductions to the real thing, its ganna be hard from here on end. i also did not have time to work on my gundams, i still have unbuilt ones. im still trying to finish the painting for gn archer.
since i havent getting any sleep this week, ive finish watching Gantz and now that the anime finish i continue to the manga from chapter 90. i did not like the ending of the anime.
since i havent getting any sleep this week, ive finish watching Gantz and now that the anime finish i continue to the manga from chapter 90. i did not like the ending of the anime.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
well this is what i get for being lazy...now i have homework and i didnt start anything and it is due tomorrow. i also skip one class yesterday hopefully its nothing major. the only thing im worried about is how am i ganna finish this painting assignment. today me and my group in introduction to 3d made a cardboard shoe and we use my shoe as a model, if only i could updload the pictures. it was pretty interesting, im thinking of making one just to put in my room probably a gundam face. i also started watching Gantz yesterday and i am almost done. i got to say that Gantz story is pretty interesting i actually got into it.
Monday, October 5, 2009
anime club!! todays anime club was okay, it wasnt what i was expecting. all we did in the club was watch oldies anime, it was nostalgic. todays just a chill day for me since i did nothing other than sit in the computer and wait for the time to pass by. waiting is a killer and now that i waste my time i have to do my homework and it is due tomorrow. im guessing i have to spent the night drawing.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
today is one of those days that went by pass because all you did was sleep. today i slept and eat then went back to bed. and now im stuck doing my homework, at lease i finish some. the good thing is that i dont have school tomorrow then i can finish up my homework then. i've downloaded final fantasy fables chocobo dungeon, hope its good and its another way to ruin my homework.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Yesterdays tomorrow
just finishing up GN archer the only thing left is to color her back pack. thats what ive been doing today just finishing up archer. i also went out and went to the mall to mail something but unfortunately the post office was close. also doing my homework so that i dont have to do it later.
me and my friends just went and grab some shawarmas and brought it home to my house and eat. after dinner we went to go play some ds games. and my school yesterday was pointless because i left 2 hours early for my english class and 3 hours early for my intro to 2d. but next week is going to be bad because i notice that my classes are getting harder and harder, i should really take those extra activities for my life drawing.
my anime club also starts on monday. hopefully i can go since i dont have any classes on monday and i dont want to waste money to get there, hopefully my friend can give me a drive. and i still wonder what activities we'll be doing in the club.
me and my friends just went and grab some shawarmas and brought it home to my house and eat. after dinner we went to go play some ds games. and my school yesterday was pointless because i left 2 hours early for my english class and 3 hours early for my intro to 2d. but next week is going to be bad because i notice that my classes are getting harder and harder, i should really take those extra activities for my life drawing.
my anime club also starts on monday. hopefully i can go since i dont have any classes on monday and i dont want to waste money to get there, hopefully my friend can give me a drive. and i still wonder what activities we'll be doing in the club.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
out of the blue
todays the first day of october and i got to say it is tiring. schools the same thing over and over again, it feels like i've been doing this all my life. make you wonder what will happen in the future. today i basically have color theory class and we just paint and learn about monochromatic. at the bus today there was these girls that thought i was, probably, 15-16 yr old boy, pretty sad if you ask me. after my school i head home and meet up with my friends and just went out and eat some burgers and grab some coffee while my friend interview me with my health history. now im just ganna work with gn archer.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
end of sept
todays weather sucks because its been raining and its really really cold outside. its the end of September and i got to say that this month went by fast. for today we played with clay again in class but good thing its is the last time we'll use those because next week is a group project and we will make a shoe out of cardboard, sounds cool and i would make one myself just to put in my room. now im feeling a little ill because of the weather and hope to get better by tomorrow. im still working on GN Archer, dont have enough time to work on my gundams because i have to do my homework but Archer is looking quite nice so i might start Arios next. i will post some pictures here just for updates whenever i have time to take pictures of archer.
later today my mom told me about my osap. apparently they didnt give me my money yet because they need my cheque but stupid enough they didnt tell me anything like a simple reminder would be helpful but nope its pissing me off. i understand that theres more than one person that has problems but if they want more people to apply for their loans they should be more organize, its fruastrating.
later today my mom told me about my osap. apparently they didnt give me my money yet because they need my cheque but stupid enough they didnt tell me anything like a simple reminder would be helpful but nope its pissing me off. i understand that theres more than one person that has problems but if they want more people to apply for their loans they should be more organize, its fruastrating.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Simple Tuesday
another day wasted. my courses for today was bad, first course was life drawing and did nothing but draw and draw and waste paper. second class was imaging it was the most boring class ever because all she did was talk for 2 hours. so i left class 30mins early because i was one of the few that finish early. got home did nothing other than watch anime, i continue watching gundam seed destiny. i also continue working on GN Archer, just painting some parts because i dont like using stickers even if i made a mistake painting i can always use the stickers to cover up the mistakes. i just need to remind my self about the homework i have so far (life drawing and color theory).
Monday, September 28, 2009
Bday Monday
today's my brother's birthday and me and my mom made pie, it turned out bad. i finish deathscythe hell custom and i got to say this is one badass gundam. i also helped my friend with his errand and on the way we visited some game stores to see if they have some games that are on sale, we did found some games i wanted to buy just for collection. after everythings done we head home and eat because for my bros bday, another day well spent. i also started building my GN Archer.
"Deathscythe hell custom"
The finish deathscythe.
you can also see the MK II and Zaku II FZ at the back.
But this is not completely finish because as i said before i was thinking of customizing this model, therefore, i did not put most of the small parts on him just like those white pieces on his shoulders.
Happy Birthday to my bro and Tim Park (former jap club pres).
The finish deathscythe.
you can also see the MK II and Zaku II FZ at the back.
But this is not completely finish because as i said before i was thinking of customizing this model, therefore, i did not put most of the small parts on him just like those white pieces on his shoulders.
Happy Birthday to my bro and Tim Park (former jap club pres).
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Another Beginning
today i bought three models. namely 144 GN Archer, 144 Arios, and 144 Gogg. i gave the gogg to my cousin, therefore, in total i got two kits today. i bought them because i've wanted gn archer for the longest time and i thought ill get arios at the same time, it was 20% off because there was a sale. i also started building my 100 deathscythe hell custom. i am thinking if i should customize him, maybe sometime later on when i have more money to buy random stuff i can put on the model. i also escort my friend to someones house because he bought pokemon fire red for the gba system for only $10, it was worth driving there.
basically just eat dinner out at swiss chalet. i am wasting too much money on food, its basically my life now. after the dinner we just went to my friends house and play poker.
basically just eat dinner out at swiss chalet. i am wasting too much money on food, its basically my life now. after the dinner we just went to my friends house and play poker.
Friday, September 25, 2009
More than many
finish friday!!!!
finally finish friday and did nothing the whole day. still worry about the class i missed. i still have homework to do but ill do it on my breaks. was about to go to some boat party today but fail because none of my friends are going. basically did nothing today other than waiting. also bought some pizza from this place, really cheap and pretty good. after the wait, we finally met up with my friend to go and get bubble tea.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
More Misfortune
taking the bus to school is a killer. i really hate taking the bus because there's so much stuff happening. like today, the bus took forever to get to sheridan because there is a construction on the way but good thing i didnt miss anything at school. at school today i just painted some stuff, it was boring because half the time all he did was talk about our previous work. on the way home another bus ride to hell because the road construction is still on going and it took about an hour to get to my stop so i stoped by the mall to grab something to eat. another awkward situation happen is when the bus driver was hitting on some girl on the bus. allot of random things happening this week. this week is nothing but problems.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
More and More
well today just basically finish my introduction to 3d. intro to 3d is fun but really hard. we've been playing with clay, it seems really easy but once you have the clay on your hand it is hard to make the face of the model. i also got a new cellphone today its a samsung SPH-m320. and now im just doing my painting homework, i like that class since we dont really do much. just hoping nothing stupid happen tomorrow because this week so far is killing me, so many bad things happening one after the other.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
many things happened today. unfortunately its the first time i miss a class in college and it's not good to miss it because i missed the participation mark, homework, and the in class work which worth probably 5% and now i have to do my life drawing homework and i dont even know how to do it. another thing happened is that i messed up on my work on imaging class and now i have to do it here at home. well thats about it because ill be doing my homework all night tonight. something good better happen soon because this weather looks bad.
Monday, September 21, 2009
School Tomorrow
My parents are back from the Philippines and they bought tons of food. i didn't do anything today other than sleep and eat but i played sims just to kill time and i thought of painting my GN-X III because by just looking at the bad stickers, i couldnt stand it. i also finish building both zaku II and gelgoog all thats left is to take pictures of it then paint it to whatever comes to mind. school tomorrow hoping that this weeks lessons are easy. also my parents bought some gundams, Susanowo and Deathscythe Hell Custom. only bought two because they couldnt fit anymore in the bags so my mom told me its the same price only no tax, which is cheap. im thinking of customizing my deathscythe but ill wait until i have enough experience and time, since school started. ill focus more on my GN-X project first.

i didnt have enough time to take pictures of the box and deathscythe didnt come with a box so i just googled images. when i get my camera back ill start taking pictures of the gundams and start posting.

Sunday, September 20, 2009
New items
I went to the mall with my friends and there i bought mangas namely; École du Ciel vol 1 and 4 and Mobile Suit Gundam Lost War Chronicles vol 1 and 2. both mangas are gundams and i bought them used but still decent. ive also got sims 3 and so far my computer can't really handle the graphics but still playable. i also have lunch with families because it is my uncles birthday. now i got to wait for tomorrow and do my homework before tuesday. hopefully i dont get too distracted with the mangas and games i have.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Yet another
nothing happened today, just chilling at home and playing some video games. since i got nothing better to do, i finish the first story of kisuke from the game muramasa the demon blade. i finish gelgoog as well but no paint and sticker whatsoever because im still waiting for a camera and my parents are coming back on monday and hopefully they buy me some good stuff. im still in progess of zaku II.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Finally Friday!
Final friday arrive and i am relieve that this week is over but not until it hits next week when all my courses gets harder and harder, im just wishing that winter wont hinder with my transportation to my school. just finish my friday and introduction to 2d is getting interesting i just need to bring my painting equipment to do my homwork. today i just hangout with my friends, eat dinner and just talk at tim hortons. nothing much happen but i keep spending my money and most of them are for food and school supplies. well friday ends nicely and its a good way to end my week, dont need to think about school and just hangout with my friends.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Another day passing by
well i started posting my MSM-10 ZOCK in our building blog since my friend finish posting his heavy arms and 00 gundam. well finish my painting class, got to say it pretty boring because time was passing by really slow. after i finish i went strait home but unfortunately i have to stand up in the bus because all the seat are taken AND i have to wait for an hour because the bus that goes to my street changes schedule, basically once the 4:30ish is done the next bus will come at 7ish. well got home and im very tired because my class ends at 5pm got home at 7:30pm and still have a class tomorrow morning at 11am - 5pm no breaks. i still didnt finish my gelgoog but im almost done my zaku II just need to finish the head then its ready for pictures and after that itll be ready to paint, still thinking what color to use.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
well finish my sculpture class and it was fun because we played with clay and we have to recreate the models head. and now im just at home basically just sitting here watching anime and will probably play wii and finish up kisuke's story in muramasa. i like my courses because its all labs i dont get much homework if i do its easy i just dont like to bring my art supplies home because its too heavy and i take the bus home unless my friend gives me a ride. im also planning to get reborn's gundam but im not sure when because i still didn't the gundams i wanted, namely; gn archer and arios.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Tried and Tired
well second week starts off with my life drawing class and we have to draw a nude woman. its a fun class because we don't have to do much we just sit there and draw. i also met a new friend on the way yo school and the weird thing is that he knew one of my old friend and i also met a new friend, all in all i met two new friends today. then my next course started and we have to measure some stuff and do some math, i hated it because its the exact opposite of my first class. its frustrating today because i have to go to school early and i get home around 7pm. i just want to sit here eat my dinner and sleep and wait whats going to happen tomorrow.
Monday, September 14, 2009
The first day off
today is my first monday day off and i finally finish my painting homework, it does not look the best but i still finish it. i played all day with my wii, super paper mario. paper mario is pretty addicting game i made it to world 3 and i just stop playing because i need to organize the stuff i need for tomorow since i have school. got to bring my drawing utensils and my drawin homework what's worse is that i forgot what to bring to my second period class, ohh well il just have to bring my whole art kit. i also build my zaku II and its close to finish but i want to customize it but i still need to take pictures. i also got a haircut i bet no one will notice.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Games and Homework
Remember the game i just downloaded called muramasa the demon blade? i just finish one story in "muso" mode and the character i used was momohime. apparently there are different ending and it depends on the blades you use on the final battle. i think i got the bad ending cause i didnt like it. me and my friends also watch fast and the furious trilogy in blu-ray because my friend got it as a birthday present. i also did not forget my homework even though i only finish one of them which is a blind contour selfportrait, it wasn't hard but time consuming. i dont have school tomorow because i have mondays off but i have to go to school to go to the gyms wieghtroom and to buy my books, it cost $75 dollars for 2 books and a dictionary. the books are quite expensive and i have to use my own money because my parents are not here yet. im just hoping the bookstore is not as busy compare to last week, it was hectic.
i also started building my two gundams, zaku II FZ and gelgoog. i cant take any pictures because i still dont have the camera so i cant customize them. i also downloaded new games for wii namely; super paper mario and mario galaxy. i've heard they are good games so im going to try them out but im not ganna be able to play allot because school will get harder and harder every week so my gaming time will be reduce.
i also started building my two gundams, zaku II FZ and gelgoog. i cant take any pictures because i still dont have the camera so i cant customize them. i also downloaded new games for wii namely; super paper mario and mario galaxy. i've heard they are good games so im going to try them out but im not ganna be able to play allot because school will get harder and harder every week so my gaming time will be reduce.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The finale The start
Finish the first week of college. this week has been chill, i really like college. after today me and my friends celebrate the first week end of college (suppose to be to celebrate my friends birthday but were doing that tomorrow [today]). i was up late because we've meet new friends along the way and we had fun for a bit, had a drink, play some games, went to places, etc. we also watch a move called Crank and well be watching Crank 2 tomorrow. and now i am tired because i just got home really late but it was a fun night.
i've been saying tomorrow even though im suppose to say today but it all happened yesterday September 11.
i've been saying tomorrow even though im suppose to say today but it all happened yesterday September 11.
[note ends here]
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Third day
I have to go to school late today because my class starts around 2pm. finally got to my class, its color theory. painting class should be fun and the same people from my other classes are here as well. i got my first painting homework which is the 9 gray shade which is fairly easy its just i dont want to carry my art kit home, therefore, i have to bring the box of paint in my bag tomorrow so i can do my painting homework on the weekend. this week has been really tiring and it will only gets worse from here. also, i have downloaded the game called muramasa the demon blade for the wii and i got to say it is pretty interesting and a fun game you just need to get use to the controls and combos but i must not let this game hinder my studies.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Second day
Second day of college starts my third course which is introduction to 3D design. it is a fun class, we scavenger hunt some materials we have to talk about in class. it is basically a group class because we have three or four group projects. the good thing is that i get to go home early and sleep because three buses is a long ride home. my parents also left me and my brother today and now heading to the phillipines. also, i cant start building my gundams because my dad took the camera with him. now everytime i'm bored i cant build so i just play some video games.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
First day
My first day of college was fun, meet new people and made new friends. i already got my first homework and i did enjoy my my tuesday schedule and hopefully the rest of the week is similar to what i did today. i finally talk to the OSAP people but they told me it will take them two weeks to process my document. and now my parents are getting ready to leave and go back to Philippines because of my grandfather. i wish i can come with them to visit my old friends and buy new stuff like clothes and gundams and i also want to see how the Philippines turnd out to be, i heard its really hard to live there now. hope they can buy me the stuff i told them to buy and to have a safe trip going there and coming back. well ill just see what will happen tomorow, hope its a chill class and i need to bring something to entertain me like my ds, i cant bring my psp since the x buttons broken, because it is really boring there specially with my brakes.
Monday, September 7, 2009
The mall and memories
Me and my cousins went to this place called pacific mall and they have another gundam sale. i was about to buy an MG GP03 but i did not have enough money so i bought two gundams instead, namely 1/144 Gelgoog/Gelgoog Cannon and 1/144 Zaku II FZ with the deal 50% off. it was a long drive took about an hour to get there and about an hour and 30mins to get back because of the traffic. now expect another build blog in my gundam building blog but i will let my friend finish posting his gundams before i can post mine, ill put up the gundams i bought in this blog before posting in the building blog. also, my cousin from the phillipines inform us that my grandfather passed away today, may he rest in peace.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Important aspect
Well i finish building my MSM-10 Zock its as big as a 1/100 scale gundam, its as big as my 1/100 shining gundam, so better check how it is build in the building blog. My psp finally gave up on me, the "X" button does not work anymore and now i need to open my psp and fix the x button. I am rewatching the anime Tengen toppa gurren lagann and it's a really good mecha anime, i like it. also, i found out that my grandfather on my dads side is sick, hope he gets better soon. I finally finish my lightbox, its my first but it works fine. I will take pictures using my lightbox soon.
Happy birthday to my friend Kevyn Sayson, wish for more birthdays to come.
Happy birthday to my friend Kevyn Sayson, wish for more birthdays to come.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Gaming 4Ever
Me and my friends played games together for the last time because schools going to start soon and we must have as much fun as possible before we are completely occupied by homework. We played old school games such as Super Mario Bros., Rival School, Marvel vs. Capcom, Halo 2, and many more. We also found our selves listening to old music and old cartoons such as digimon and pokemon. Mannn, once you are old, time goes really really fast unlike when you were a kid you have all the time for your exploration but now that you've explore everything, there is nothing left but to live life and keep moving forward.
Friday, September 4, 2009
The Downtown
I went downtown with my friend to visit one of my friend and along the way we've meet new friends. My friend guide me and showed me around downtown toronto and showed me a hobby store filled with gundams. I bought a nice nippers at the hobby store but unfortunately i did not have enough money to buy a new gundam. i was thinking of buying GN Archer or Hy-Gog, i guess im not ganna get the chance to buy a cheap GN Archer and a Hy-gog but look at the bright side, i can finally start building my other gundam starting with my zock i got with a 50% off. i will post the building proccess in my other blog called gundambuilders. and oh, im ganna build a lightbox for my gundams. also, i've hang out with one of my friend because he's leaving to go to windsor on sunday, hope he makes tons of friends and not strees with studies.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Something new
Starting college soon and hoping not to fail anything. Friends leaving to go to their residence, most of em are already stress and sad because they are leaving their good friends behind but its the time to meet new people and make new friends. To get to my college, i have to take three buses and it takes about 40mins to get there *sigh*. also, OSAP are not very organize with their system. I have to go back twice and the second time i went back they told me im missing a piece of document but the time i got home i told my mom what i needed and my mom showed me that the document was already sent long time ago when they asked for it on the mail, this is just to frustrating. i guess well just have to see what'll next.
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