My parents are back from the Philippines and they bought tons of food. i didn't do anything today other than sleep and eat but i played sims just to kill time and i thought of painting my GN-X III because by just looking at the bad stickers, i couldnt stand it. i also finish building both zaku II and gelgoog all thats left is to take pictures of it then paint it to whatever comes to mind. school tomorrow hoping that this weeks lessons are easy. also my parents bought some gundams, Susanowo and Deathscythe Hell Custom. only bought two because they couldnt fit anymore in the bags so my mom told me its the same price only no tax, which is cheap. im thinking of customizing my deathscythe but ill wait until i have enough experience and time, since school started. ill focus more on my GN-X project first.

i didnt have enough time to take pictures of the box and deathscythe didnt come with a box so i just googled images. when i get my camera back ill start taking pictures of the gundams and start posting.