today's my brother's birthday and me and my mom made pie, it turned out bad. i finish deathscythe hell custom and i got to say this is one badass gundam. i also helped my friend with his errand and on the way we visited some game stores to see if they have some games that are on sale, we did found some games i wanted to buy just for collection. after everythings done we head home and eat because for my bros bday, another day well spent. i also started building my GN Archer.
"Deathscythe hell custom"The finish deathscythe.
you can also see the MK II and Zaku II FZ at the back.
But this is not completely finish because as i said before i was thinking of customizing this model, therefore, i did not put most of the small parts on him just like those white pieces on his shoulders.
Happy Birthday to my bro and Tim Park (former jap club pres).