todays weather sucks because its been raining and its really really cold outside. its the end of September and i got to say that this month went by fast. for today we played with clay again in class but good thing its is the last time we'll use those because next week is a group project and we will make a shoe out of cardboard, sounds cool and i would make one myself just to put in my room. now im feeling a little ill because of the weather and hope to get better by tomorrow. im still working on GN Archer, dont have enough time to work on my gundams because i have to do my homework but Archer is looking quite nice so i might start Arios next. i will post some pictures here just for updates whenever i have time to take pictures of archer.
later today my mom told me about my osap. apparently they didnt give me my money yet because they need my cheque but stupid enough they didnt tell me anything like a simple reminder would be helpful but nope its pissing me off. i understand that theres more than one person that has problems but if they want more people to apply for their loans they should be more organize, its fruastrating.