well this is the life of a slacker art student. this is my room complete mess because i am really busy with homework i didnt have any chance to clean my room. as you can see theres my painting underneath my color wheel which is due today and i just finish lastnight (thumbs up for lazyness/rush work). theres also that giant hand thats my project for my introduction to 3d and i am not done hopefully i can finish it by today since the last day to hand it in is tomorrow.
life of a art student is a battlefield.....literary (a.k.a my room the the field).
heres the latest work for my gn archer. probably cant see the panel line but its there. i havent paint this yet, well just one side of the wing. a lesson learn, dont use paint thinner directly to the gundam because it destroy the plastic....my gn archer's shoulders are damage but its not as bad good thing i have plastic cement.
also, im planning to buy a ps3 slim with EB games deal. when you trade in 4 games you can get a ps3 for 199.99 with guitar hero, ill get the deal because i have games here i dont even use anymore might aswell use them for something and i think its a good deal since im trading my old games for 200+ ps3 and full set of guitar hero, if you ask me its not bad since im getting guitar hero with it which i can sell.