well yesterday me and kevyn went to our school event "so you think you can dance sheridan" and Blake Mcgrath is one of the judges and i got to say that it was worth going there, there was allot of good dancers that performed. today me and kevyn went to our old school sja because it is multicultural night......wasted my $5 but ohh well got to see how my old schools like now.
yeah this is the hand i was working on a while back i got it back weeks ago but i was too busy.....playing cod.
theres deathscythe too, didnt finish because im busy.....with cod.
its pretty sad because i could have finish all of my work if im focus.
i didnt even start my english, painting, imaging, and now theres a new 3d project. forgot to take a picture of my dragon fly for my 3d project....ill do that when i get it back.
btw that hand is a B+ :D
and yeap i change my url from flarefrancis.blogspot.com to simpleinformission.blogspot.com