also downloaded golden axe since its free for psn plus users. its a beat em up game....pretty old, i think it came out sometime in the 1990s...not really sure but i havent seen this game when i was a kid so ill never know. pretty fun and a hard game.
Red Faction Guerrilla
finally beat this game!! took me a long time but i had fun. ima give this game 7.5/10....cant decide if 7 ot 8 so made it 7.5.....the game does get repetitive at times and there are too much side quest to do that i forgot the story. i story of the game was okay....but for me the game is about blowing things up and get as much salvage (money) as i can so i can buy upgrades. online multiplayer is fun but finding one for me takes awhile and not much people play anymore since the new red faction did came out. still a very fun game, blowing things up, upgrading weapons......side quest........wayyy too much side quest and they all pretty much the same. you go bring a car back, destroy stuff, go on raid, defend...pretty much all the side quest there. this game does take time and it made me feel like im playing grand theft auto. i would play the second red faction, red faction armageddon but not my priority....maybe sometime in the future.
start playing this game today and i am having fun so far. its a hack and slash game/platforming, similar stuff as god of war. only difference is that you have a buddy that comes along with you and she is basically a support character, she cant really do much other than make decoys and upgrades.....well....thats all ive seen her do so far.