me and dars went on a game hunt because of eb games and gamestop sales. dars bought vanquish, enslave and tony hawk ride, 10 dollars each and i bought tony hawk ride and the last copy of medal of honor. we also went to exscargo cuz dars want to buy a tv and he did....he bought a 24" LED monitor 1080p. its pretty good....we tested it with my wii; he didnt bought his HDMI yet. dars left all his goods at my house because he's going to Philippines for two weeks and he didnt want his stuff breaking while he's gone because his stuff do get raided from time to time and stuff gets broken and sometimes missing.
-gaming-Vanquishstarted playing this game and im halfway through it....i knew this games ganna be easy. im trying to get as much trophies as possible.
Medal of Honorplayed some multiplayer since dars was watching me play. im starting to become really good with the game because i start to unlock more stuff. gotta finish other games before i can start medal of honor campaign.