went out for another eb hunt with kal this time. i didnt buy anything this time though....i was thinking of buying destroy all humans 1 and 2 for the ps3 but i didnt feel like i really want the game, maybe because im too obsess on trying to get dark cloud 2 that it over shadows other games i want to play. i am planning on buying dark cloud 2 online instead...trying to win a biding here and if i dont win the bid ill just try and get it cheap on ebay or where ever i can find it cheap...and!! worse case scenario......ill just have to look for it here or go back to brampton and buy it there for about $35-40. kal did buy fallout 3 goty, enslave and bioshock 2. then again medal of honor is sold out. still dont understand why the ps3 games are always sold out but xbox360 aren't. i thought people like the xbox but they have too much games they just want to get rid of, i think thats the reason of the sale? too much spending this month! theres going to be games coming out soon, looking forward to dead island and i still want to buy earth defense force since dars and kal will buy it when i buy it......3 players right off the bat!!!!! it will be time to destroy some building and shoot some bugs!
-gaming-Vanquishfinally beat the game. gotta say its a fun game....got frustrated couple of times and i should have had done casual difficulty with no death so i can get the achievement or could've done hard mode to get the hard mode achievement rather than doing normal. ima give this game 9/10...i really had fun with this game and im not really a fan of 3rd person shooter. i like the booster that lets you move from cover to cover, its basically the strafe of the game. also like the slow-mo/bullet time whatever people like to call it. overall its a really good game, story was good, gameplay was good, the game features are good and the achievements are pretty easy to get, just takes time like any other achievements. they could've put multiplayer in this game but then again it would be hectic to see people just sliding all over the place. good game by SEGA and hoping enslave is a good game but ill probably beat red faction first before moving on to another game.