i once again awaken my nds to play games. i started playing rune factory 3 because i couldnt sleep so i decided to start this game....unfortunately......it didnt put me to sleep, kept me awake till i hear the birds chirp. fallout 3 just lags too much, freezes too much, raging too much....it will take awhile before i can go back to that game and that is why i started infamous.
Rune Factory 3
good game and it is a long game. i was thinking of starting golden sun but i kinda got bored because im not in the action right away. i played the previous rune factory on the nds and i gotta say that i like this one compare to the old rune factory 1 n 2.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Friday, July 29, 2011
Takin it Easy
started playing infamous again because i got bored of prince of persia. i was playing fallout 3 to get the trophies i miss but its too laggy and while i was playing the dlc at point lookout, the game turned black and the ps3 returned to the xmb. fallout 3 game of the year became worse than the normal game. theres too much frame rate drops and freezes, its saddens me that this happens in a good game. i had to restart my ps3 so many times playing the dlc's but playing the normal world didnt had a problem until i started the dlc.
start a new game and im going for negative karma this play through. ima try and get the leftover trophies.
start a new game and im going for negative karma this play through. ima try and get the leftover trophies.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Journey to Shangri-La
black ops new downloadable content comes out of psn today and of course we are getting it. even though this map is very expensive...we will make most of our money through time by playing the zombie map shanri-la. we dont really bother about the multiplayer maps but i might play the maps in this dlc just o try it out.
CoD: Black Ops
played zombies with dars for the first time and it is HARD! need 4 players because we cant think of a good strategy for 2 players. later on me kal and dars played this map and we did die countless times BUT! we finally got a new record of round 16....our old record...round 7.
played the multiplayer maps with dars. the maps are pretty good! im surprise i like it.....except the map called hazard, its the golf course map. its a very massive map and once your team get contain and your team does not know how to move out....your screwd. the other maps are pretty balance because you can actually move around the map and not contain compare to hazard. this is most likely the best map pack in black ops in my opnion.
CoD: Black Ops
played zombies with dars for the first time and it is HARD! need 4 players because we cant think of a good strategy for 2 players. later on me kal and dars played this map and we did die countless times BUT! we finally got a new record of round 16....our old record...round 7.
played the multiplayer maps with dars. the maps are pretty good! im surprise i like it.....except the map called hazard, its the golf course map. its a very massive map and once your team get contain and your team does not know how to move out....your screwd. the other maps are pretty balance because you can actually move around the map and not contain compare to hazard. this is most likely the best map pack in black ops in my opnion.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Almost dlc?
was suppose to clean up but fell asleep, was too tired from yesterday. been playing too much fallout and forgot about prince of persia....maybe thats why not much people like it or maybe because im just looking forward to an rpg game. i also got dark cloud 2 in the mail yesterday and its in good condition, better than my other games...next ps2..........hopefully i can find one for cheap OR fix my ps3 if i can find a T10 screw driver to fix this yellow light.
Fallout 3
long game! but im done the trophy quest except for the nuka-cola challenge...take time for that quest to finish. i just need to get to level 30 with neutral and bad karma, easy because im very good karma i just need to do bad things while im 29 before i level to 30. just need to find 10 more bobble head and kill the behemoth super mutants. then im pretty much done...i just need neutral and bad karma for level 8 and neutral and good karma for level 14 then this game will be platinum.
Fallout 3
long game! but im done the trophy quest except for the nuka-cola challenge...take time for that quest to finish. i just need to get to level 30 with neutral and bad karma, easy because im very good karma i just need to do bad things while im 29 before i level to 30. just need to find 10 more bobble head and kill the behemoth super mutants. then im pretty much done...i just need neutral and bad karma for level 8 and neutral and good karma for level 14 then this game will be platinum.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Summah Freezin
went to go pay for my tuition for vca year 3. after me kal and dars just chilld and went to places just to check whats on sale.
Fallout 3
this game is starting to suck because the dlc keeps on freezing on me. i cant even start the alien dlc because it freezes in the cut scene and i cant do anything about other than restart the ps3. starting to get fed up with this game and im at 70% trophies. i was planning to platinum this game but i dont think thats possible because i cant even play the alien dlc....time to surf the net for solutions.
well all i have to do is to restart the game and this problem should fix it. im just collecting the log now. i o have a guide for it to where i can find them because i cant miss the first 19 because i cant go back to them.
Fallout 3
this game is starting to suck because the dlc keeps on freezing on me. i cant even start the alien dlc because it freezes in the cut scene and i cant do anything about other than restart the ps3. starting to get fed up with this game and im at 70% trophies. i was planning to platinum this game but i dont think thats possible because i cant even play the alien dlc....time to surf the net for solutions.
well all i have to do is to restart the game and this problem should fix it. im just collecting the log now. i o have a guide for it to where i can find them because i cant miss the first 19 because i cant go back to them.
Monday, July 25, 2011
iTs Beginning
dars finally back from phillipines and we did some co-op stuff, some fail cod zombies and FEAR 3 campaign.
Fallout 3
done the pitt dlc and the alien dlc is next...saving the best for last. i will probably be max level after the alien dlc, im at 27. after the dlc im going to do the quest i havent finish, i just have to look at my trophies and see what im missing then wiki it.
beat dars campaign mode. now he finally beat another game.
Fallout 3
done the pitt dlc and the alien dlc is next...saving the best for last. i will probably be max level after the alien dlc, im at 27. after the dlc im going to do the quest i havent finish, i just have to look at my trophies and see what im missing then wiki it.
beat dars campaign mode. now he finally beat another game.
Sunday, July 24, 2011
lazy day today....kinda hot but thanks to air condition it wasnt that bad. i just played fallout the whole day, was debating weather i should continue on prince of persia or beat challenge mode in vanquish but fallouts already in the ps3 so thats that.
Fallout 3
lvl 25 now and still doing some quest. i did one of the downloadable content, somewhere called point lookout. it was fun but short quest...maybe because i already got overpowered guns that i just plowed through the quest. fallout's been running slow lately....sometimes when im walking and encountering some enemies i just freeze but if i wait long enough the game goes back. well im doing all the add on quest now and after finish the add ons ill probabaly look for the bobbleheads and kill the behemoths...after i max out my level first just to be safe.
Fallout 3
lvl 25 now and still doing some quest. i did one of the downloadable content, somewhere called point lookout. it was fun but short quest...maybe because i already got overpowered guns that i just plowed through the quest. fallout's been running slow lately....sometimes when im walking and encountering some enemies i just freeze but if i wait long enough the game goes back. well im doing all the add on quest now and after finish the add ons ill probabaly look for the bobbleheads and kill the behemoths...after i max out my level first just to be safe.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Lass Day
last day of my painting class today and got an A! now that my saturday class is over.....i got nothing better to do, i guess its time to continue my other projects at home.
Fallout 3
got to level 23 now. im starting to do the quest i miss for trophies and starts looking for more bobbleheads.
Prince of Persia
getting bored of this game. it its fast phase but its too repetitive....and i got really pissed off at the gear puzzle part because the girl takes long to help me turn the gears. so far it hurts me to think that i have to play this game :'(
Fallout 3
got to level 23 now. im starting to do the quest i miss for trophies and starts looking for more bobbleheads.
Prince of Persia
getting bored of this game. it its fast phase but its too repetitive....and i got really pissed off at the gear puzzle part because the girl takes long to help me turn the gears. so far it hurts me to think that i have to play this game :'(
Friday, July 22, 2011
one step
slept the whole day cuz im too tired from working out yesterday plus the heat makes me lazy. did not much today other than watch the updated on going animes and video games. was suppose to chill today but i guess everyone felt lazy too.
Fallout 3
i think im almost done the game. whenever i beat a quest im getting silver trophies, that means im almost done. level 21 atm, probably do the dlc quest soon just to get more experience.
Fallout 3
i think im almost done the game. whenever i beat a quest im getting silver trophies, that means im almost done. level 21 atm, probably do the dlc quest soon just to get more experience.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Phase Fast
days been going by pretty fast and ive been waking up early...maybe cuz im too occupied on video games. im surprise that dark cloud 2 didnt come to mail yet, maybe because the dude used some snail mail, hopefully it will come tomorrow.
me and kall went to sheridan to go to the gym. on the way to sheridan we went to eb games and i bought....fallout 3 goty, ratchet and clank crank in time and jade cocoon 2 (for the ps2). i bought fallout cuz its game of the year and its 19...i mite regret that. ratchet and clank was 4.98....good enough and i might buy something for the 2 used games for 20 and buy the first ratchet and clank game. jade cocoon 2 for 1.99 + edge card....rare game that i wanted to play (rpg). well most of the ps2 games are rare cuz they dont make them anymore.
Prince of Persia
getting frustrated in this game now. its repetitive too and the combat in this game is not my type. this game is all about the character winning. i doesnt make you feel defeated...just frustrated, why undefeated? cuz i haven't seen the "gameover" yet....i dont even know if it exist in the game.
Fallout 3
whenever i get bored of prince of persia i just go back to fallout. im pretty far actually, got to level 15. im doing the main quest still and i do the side quest if i ever bump into people that want me to do something. im actually getting addicted to this game.....now that i bought game of the year edition.....ima be playing this game for awhile now.
me and kall went to sheridan to go to the gym. on the way to sheridan we went to eb games and i bought....fallout 3 goty, ratchet and clank crank in time and jade cocoon 2 (for the ps2). i bought fallout cuz its game of the year and its 19...i mite regret that. ratchet and clank was 4.98....good enough and i might buy something for the 2 used games for 20 and buy the first ratchet and clank game. jade cocoon 2 for 1.99 + edge card....rare game that i wanted to play (rpg). well most of the ps2 games are rare cuz they dont make them anymore.
Prince of Persia
getting frustrated in this game now. its repetitive too and the combat in this game is not my type. this game is all about the character winning. i doesnt make you feel defeated...just frustrated, why undefeated? cuz i haven't seen the "gameover" yet....i dont even know if it exist in the game.
Fallout 3
whenever i get bored of prince of persia i just go back to fallout. im pretty far actually, got to level 15. im doing the main quest still and i do the side quest if i ever bump into people that want me to do something. im actually getting addicted to this game.....now that i bought game of the year edition.....ima be playing this game for awhile now.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Moving Everywhere
Prince of Persia
start playing this game. got too frustrated trying to beat challenge mode in vanquish and got bored of shooters......need more role playing games.
Fallout 3
started playing this game again because i didnt really got far in my first playthrough and didnt like it the first time, it grew on me especially after playing glitchy new vegas. i dont to be stuck playing prince of persia because its repetitive and i need to spies it up a bit or else i will get bored of prince of persia fast.
Prince of Persia
start playing this game. got too frustrated trying to beat challenge mode in vanquish and got bored of shooters......need more role playing games.
started playing this game again because i didnt really got far in my first playthrough and didnt like it the first time, it grew on me especially after playing glitchy new vegas. i dont to be stuck playing prince of persia because its repetitive and i need to spies it up a bit or else i will get bored of prince of persia fast.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Modin Fail?
since andreis controller is dead i replace my analog with his analog cuz mine got ownd....too much cod. i also tried to swap the casing but mine is dualshock and his isnt so it didnt work out. i just sand paper the analog housing in my case because its all jagged and if its not smooth it will just mess up the analog again. now my controller feels like its brand new.
challenges almost done!!! one more to go till i unlock challenge 6. having a hard time in challenge 4 atm. at the very end where i have to fight the crystal viper....i keep dying, the place is too narrow and there will be 3 romanovs. these challenges are too frustrating......making me rage.
challenges almost done!!! one more to go till i unlock challenge 6. having a hard time in challenge 4 atm. at the very end where i have to fight the crystal viper....i keep dying, the place is too narrow and there will be 3 romanovs. these challenges are too frustrating......making me rage.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Short Week
this week felt pretty short...maybe because i've been sleeping late and waking up late. also, i recently got my gold edition resident evil 5 euro version. it was one of the sale thing at one of dars website so i bought it for $20. i actually got it pretty late but not ganna complain cuz im not even playing it right now.
ALMOST platinum! one more trophy to go and it is done. i just need the challenge trophy and it is hard to get, basically finish all 5 challenges. the challenges are too hard and i keep dying on the last mission of the challenge. ill just keep trying i guess and see if i can actually get this platinum. next platinum will probably dead space since i only need 2 trophies for that game.
ALMOST platinum! one more trophy to go and it is done. i just need the challenge trophy and it is hard to get, basically finish all 5 challenges. the challenges are too hard and i keep dying on the last mission of the challenge. ill just keep trying i guess and see if i can actually get this platinum. next platinum will probably dead space since i only need 2 trophies for that game.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Painting? Again?
second last week of painting class! one more to go!!! the weathers been good this week and hopefully it wont be as bad next week because thats my last week of school. after next week....its over. got nothing better to do lol. i bought dark cloud 2 on ebay today...hopefully it comes by either tuesday or wednesday and hopefully its not in bad condition. description did say its good no scratches etc...but you'll never know.
trying to get platinum in this game. got too frustrated of cods veteran mode so i moved on to vanquish. im at act 4 on hard mode....next i gotta do the no deaths run and kill 100 robots melee. after all those ill only have one trophy left.......beat challenge mode which is the hardest thing in this game.
trying to get platinum in this game. got too frustrated of cods veteran mode so i moved on to vanquish. im at act 4 on hard mode....next i gotta do the no deaths run and kill 100 robots melee. after all those ill only have one trophy left.......beat challenge mode which is the hardest thing in this game.
Friday, July 15, 2011
Slowly Huntin
CoD: Black Ops
went back to do the campaign and try to get trophies. right now i am trying to do the veteran mode campaign and it is frustrating. in veteran campaign, the enemies basically got auto aim that if your not paying attention you can die, you need to know where they spawn and where they camp, in seconds and friendly A.I. are stupid compare to the enemy. im also trying to get the intel and other challenges i forgot to do. im trying to get platinum now because the new map pack, annihilation dlc, will come july 28 and by then there will be 5 new achievements/trophies to get. just hoping that we get 4 zombies hunters with us when it comes.
CoD: Black Ops
went back to do the campaign and try to get trophies. right now i am trying to do the veteran mode campaign and it is frustrating. in veteran campaign, the enemies basically got auto aim that if your not paying attention you can die, you need to know where they spawn and where they camp, in seconds and friendly A.I. are stupid compare to the enemy. im also trying to get the intel and other challenges i forgot to do. im trying to get platinum now because the new map pack, annihilation dlc, will come july 28 and by then there will be 5 new achievements/trophies to get. just hoping that we get 4 zombies hunters with us when it comes.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Slave Enslaved
finally beat Enslaved. since im still in the platforming game hype i might start playing prince of persia. did not really beat it and get far because when my bro returned it when i was playing it; now that i have my own copy i can take my time.
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
beat the game already! i knew this game is going to be a short one. i beat it in normal difficulty but only got 40% of the trophies, probably play it again to try and get more trophies and put the game on hard more. gotta give this game 8/10...its good, i like the story and the gameplay but theres some audio glitches happening in the game, not a big problem and it doesn't affect the gameplay but it is noticeable. there is a downloadable content but i probably will not get it unless it becomes cheaper...i think it cost $10. the game does remind me of the anime/cartoon Dragon Ball Z....its because they call him 'monkey' he has a staff as a weapon and can use a "cloud" to surf around......kinda like son goku the main character in Dragon Ball Z.
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
beat the game already! i knew this game is going to be a short one. i beat it in normal difficulty but only got 40% of the trophies, probably play it again to try and get more trophies and put the game on hard more. gotta give this game 8/10...its good, i like the story and the gameplay but theres some audio glitches happening in the game, not a big problem and it doesn't affect the gameplay but it is noticeable. there is a downloadable content but i probably will not get it unless it becomes cheaper...i think it cost $10. the game does remind me of the anime/cartoon Dragon Ball Z....its because they call him 'monkey' he has a staff as a weapon and can use a "cloud" to surf around......kinda like son goku the main character in Dragon Ball Z.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Mars Guerrilla Warfare
now that i finally beat red faction i decided to start enslave, i didnt want to start any rpg because it will take time to beat.....i still need to finish resonance of fate but since my bro borrowed it i already forgot the strategy and most of the stuff about it, i might go back to it after enslave.
also downloaded golden axe since its free for psn plus users. its a beat em up game....pretty old, i think it came out sometime in the 1990s...not really sure but i havent seen this game when i was a kid so ill never know. pretty fun and a hard game.
Red Faction Guerrilla
finally beat this game!! took me a long time but i had fun. ima give this game 7.5/10....cant decide if 7 ot 8 so made it 7.5.....the game does get repetitive at times and there are too much side quest to do that i forgot the story. i story of the game was okay....but for me the game is about blowing things up and get as much salvage (money) as i can so i can buy upgrades. online multiplayer is fun but finding one for me takes awhile and not much people play anymore since the new red faction did came out. still a very fun game, blowing things up, upgrading weapons......side quest........wayyy too much side quest and they all pretty much the same. you go bring a car back, destroy stuff, go on raid, defend...pretty much all the side quest there. this game does take time and it made me feel like im playing grand theft auto. i would play the second red faction, red faction armageddon but not my priority....maybe sometime in the future.
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
start playing this game today and i am having fun so far. its a hack and slash game/platforming, similar stuff as god of war. only difference is that you have a buddy that comes along with you and she is basically a support character, she cant really do much other than make decoys and upgrades.....well....thats all ive seen her do so far.
also downloaded golden axe since its free for psn plus users. its a beat em up game....pretty old, i think it came out sometime in the 1990s...not really sure but i havent seen this game when i was a kid so ill never know. pretty fun and a hard game.
Red Faction Guerrilla
finally beat this game!! took me a long time but i had fun. ima give this game 7.5/10....cant decide if 7 ot 8 so made it 7.5.....the game does get repetitive at times and there are too much side quest to do that i forgot the story. i story of the game was okay....but for me the game is about blowing things up and get as much salvage (money) as i can so i can buy upgrades. online multiplayer is fun but finding one for me takes awhile and not much people play anymore since the new red faction did came out. still a very fun game, blowing things up, upgrading weapons......side quest........wayyy too much side quest and they all pretty much the same. you go bring a car back, destroy stuff, go on raid, defend...pretty much all the side quest there. this game does take time and it made me feel like im playing grand theft auto. i would play the second red faction, red faction armageddon but not my priority....maybe sometime in the future.
start playing this game today and i am having fun so far. its a hack and slash game/platforming, similar stuff as god of war. only difference is that you have a buddy that comes along with you and she is basically a support character, she cant really do much other than make decoys and upgrades.....well....thats all ive seen her do so far.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Pandan Rolls
Red Faction Guerrilla
still playing this game!!! too much side quest to do that im starting to get bored of the game but i am almost done so ill just have to hang on a bit longer.
done the game but not 100%. nostalgic game!!! it was fun but the control is annoying me, maybe because i got use to this generations control scheme. it was fun to get to play the games i used to play when i was a kid......didnt get the chance to beat it because i got too frustrated plus i was playing digimon world 2 at the time, got really addicted in that game too.
Red Faction Guerrilla
still playing this game!!! too much side quest to do that im starting to get bored of the game but i am almost done so ill just have to hang on a bit longer.
done the game but not 100%. nostalgic game!!! it was fun but the control is annoying me, maybe because i got use to this generations control scheme. it was fun to get to play the games i used to play when i was a kid......didnt get the chance to beat it because i got too frustrated plus i was playing digimon world 2 at the time, got really addicted in that game too.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Stackin' Soulz
went out for another eb hunt with kal this time. i didnt buy anything this time though....i was thinking of buying destroy all humans 1 and 2 for the ps3 but i didnt feel like i really want the game, maybe because im too obsess on trying to get dark cloud 2 that it over shadows other games i want to play. i am planning on buying dark cloud 2 online instead...trying to win a biding here and if i dont win the bid ill just try and get it cheap on ebay or where ever i can find it cheap...and!! worse case scenario......ill just have to look for it here or go back to brampton and buy it there for about $35-40. kal did buy fallout 3 goty, enslave and bioshock 2. then again medal of honor is sold out. still dont understand why the ps3 games are always sold out but xbox360 aren't. i thought people like the xbox but they have too much games they just want to get rid of, i think thats the reason of the sale? too much spending this month! theres going to be games coming out soon, looking forward to dead island and i still want to buy earth defense force since dars and kal will buy it when i buy it......3 players right off the bat!!!!! it will be time to destroy some building and shoot some bugs!
finally beat the game. gotta say its a fun game....got frustrated couple of times and i should have had done casual difficulty with no death so i can get the achievement or could've done hard mode to get the hard mode achievement rather than doing normal. ima give this game 9/10...i really had fun with this game and im not really a fan of 3rd person shooter. i like the booster that lets you move from cover to cover, its basically the strafe of the game. also like the slow-mo/bullet time whatever people like to call it. overall its a really good game, story was good, gameplay was good, the game features are good and the achievements are pretty easy to get, just takes time like any other achievements. they could've put multiplayer in this game but then again it would be hectic to see people just sliding all over the place. good game by SEGA and hoping enslave is a good game but ill probably beat red faction first before moving on to another game.
finally beat the game. gotta say its a fun game....got frustrated couple of times and i should have had done casual difficulty with no death so i can get the achievement or could've done hard mode to get the hard mode achievement rather than doing normal. ima give this game 9/10...i really had fun with this game and im not really a fan of 3rd person shooter. i like the booster that lets you move from cover to cover, its basically the strafe of the game. also like the slow-mo/bullet time whatever people like to call it. overall its a really good game, story was good, gameplay was good, the game features are good and the achievements are pretty easy to get, just takes time like any other achievements. they could've put multiplayer in this game but then again it would be hectic to see people just sliding all over the place. good game by SEGA and hoping enslave is a good game but ill probably beat red faction first before moving on to another game.
Sunday, July 10, 2011
LiL Sondai
did not much today other than catch up to my sleep...just rest the whole day basically. parents bought bunch of burgers though apparently they are dollar each and are pretty good.
just finish act 4 and now on act 5.....almost there!! i knew this game is going to be a fast one same probably goes with enslave.
just finish act 4 and now on act 5.....almost there!! i knew this game is going to be a fast one same probably goes with enslave.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Moh Satodai
finish the two weeks pose and im surprise i finish. did nothing much the whole day cuz i woke up to go to school then took a nap when i got home then just video games; short day tdh. i was thinking of trying out tony hawk ride but i didnt want to destroy the wrapping of the skateboard, it is still in the box and it looks nice in the box. so ive been playing vanquish and multiplayer: medal of honor atm.
almost done! act 4, one more to go. this game has been fun, i mite be able to get platinum trophy for it if i take my time. i am still trying to get the statues and doing the challenges for different acts/missions. only thing that can slow me down is the "finish this in hard mode"....mite take awhile and beat the game without dying.....but the rest i can do.
almost done! act 4, one more to go. this game has been fun, i mite be able to get platinum trophy for it if i take my time. i am still trying to get the statues and doing the challenges for different acts/missions. only thing that can slow me down is the "finish this in hard mode"....mite take awhile and beat the game without dying.....but the rest i can do.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Fully Charge
me and dars went on a game hunt because of eb games and gamestop sales. dars bought vanquish, enslave and tony hawk ride, 10 dollars each and i bought tony hawk ride and the last copy of medal of honor. we also went to exscargo cuz dars want to buy a tv and he did....he bought a 24" LED monitor 1080p. its pretty good....we tested it with my wii; he didnt bought his HDMI yet. dars left all his goods at my house because he's going to Philippines for two weeks and he didnt want his stuff breaking while he's gone because his stuff do get raided from time to time and stuff gets broken and sometimes missing.
started playing this game and im halfway through it....i knew this games ganna be easy. im trying to get as much trophies as possible.

Medal of Honor
played some multiplayer since dars was watching me play. im starting to become really good with the game because i start to unlock more stuff. gotta finish other games before i can start medal of honor campaign.
started playing this game and im halfway through it....i knew this games ganna be easy. im trying to get as much trophies as possible.
Medal of Honor
played some multiplayer since dars was watching me play. im starting to become really good with the game because i start to unlock more stuff. gotta finish other games before i can start medal of honor campaign.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Almost Done 2 gamz
Red Faction Guerrilla
im almost done the game....just need to do more side quest and do the main quests and im done. these side quest are taking tooo long, i kept failing some of them and had to retry....wasting my timeeeee.
almost done this game....i think two more levels and its oveRR.
Red Faction Guerrilla
im almost done the game....just need to do more side quest and do the main quests and im done. these side quest are taking tooo long, i kept failing some of them and had to retry....wasting my timeeeee.
almost done this game....i think two more levels and its oveRR.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Foh Free
i was just browsing around the playstaion store and saw some new free games for plus members and they are; MediEvil from playstation 1, one of my favorite games when i was a kid, and bomberman. downloaded both because both are good games to me.
playing this game again!! i cant really remember much about this game because i was too young when this game came out. im pretty far and im trying to get as much chalices as i can, i got the longbow so far....i think its 9 chalices collected.
playing this game again!! i cant really remember much about this game because i was too young when this game came out. im pretty far and im trying to get as much chalices as i can, i got the longbow so far....i think its 9 chalices collected.
Monday, July 4, 2011
Summha Animes
more and more summer animes are coming out and they are pretty good. need these animes to kill time. i should focus on beating my games but its too hot to play, my rooms burning especially in the afternoon but when it hits 10pm it starts cooling down. wut i do now is sleep whenever its too hot, i got workout down the basement whenever i can cuz its cold there. i watch animes too kill time too but i gotta be careful not to overheat my loptop; pretty much my day there unless im going out and i continue my minecraft world from time to time.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Going down swingin'
CoD: Black Ops
played zombies with ads dars and kevs. got to round 21 and got dc like usual....got the easter egg achievement though. good enough to me.
CoD: Black Ops
played zombies with ads dars and kevs. got to round 21 and got dc like usual....got the easter egg achievement though. good enough to me.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Jammin' w Famz
went to my cuzns house to celebrate my aunts birthday and just to get together, havent seen them in awhile. it was fun...played some ps3 and ps1 classic games with my cuzns. weather was hot and humid during the afternoon when we went to my cuzns then it turns to this thunderstorm. also didnt have painting class today because of canada day, basically its was treated as a long weekend for us.
Friday, July 1, 2011
CAD day
did nothing the whole day other than sleep. gotta wait till tomorrow because we going to my cuzns house to celebrate bunch of stuff, mainly my aunts birthday.
Red Faction: Guerrilla
still doing side quest's...toooo many. still fun but it does get boring thats why i keep alternating games. i was thinking of playing modnation but red faction got some driving in it......only reason i didnt want to play modnation.
Red Faction: Guerrilla
still doing side quest's...toooo many. still fun but it does get boring thats why i keep alternating games. i was thinking of playing modnation but red faction got some driving in it......only reason i didnt want to play modnation.
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