Saturday, December 29, 2012

Feed All Those Beast

im just playing a bunch of video games this holiday break. there are so much games to play plus those steam sales i have to look out for. im taking everything slow and doing as much gaming as i can because i dont know if ill be busy when school starts plus whenever school starts problems will stock pile so might as well enjoy this while it last. ive been sleeping late and waking up late....all for the good of gaming.....

this new year.......dont have any plans other than famjams. but i know its not going to be as bad  as last year when everyone was here. famjam everyday no sleep and no gaming.

i've been playing feed the beast mod pack and i am addicted at the moment. im playing in 1.4.2 and not the latest pack because when i tried the latest pack my framerate went down....not sure why but ill wait till its more stable plus im still learning everything.

Harvest Moon A New Beginning
fall year 2 and im still doing town restoration #4...its taking awhile because i need 50 more yams plus more gardening tours.