Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Ends

hmmm nothing much to say about this year. didnt do anything that impact me through the whole year.....felt like im just in school and playing video games all day everyday 24/7. well hope for 2013....i dunno sincei dont really have any plan set up...other than graduating this art class...hopefully....then applying for another program for a year then i guess go look for a job. another thing im looking forward to is the next generation of video games.

we made a new world and ive been palying it since the day we made it. ive been transferring between the new world and feed the beast. good game...very addicting. i cant believe im still playing this game since it was beta.

whenever im not playing minecraft and whenever my friends want to play i play. me and my friends are playing elite difficulty and stil ion the first act.