went to the dentist today for cleaning and that took some time good thing it was close to our house so i just walk home.
so i made the title of "inception" in minecraft today....i knew somethings missing. i had to wire some redstones to make the text pop-out....this wiring and building took me the whole day. thanks to this project i think im getting better in redstone wiring and pistons.

The title wiring process

Finish product

Back shot
Final Fantasy VI
cant believe this game is still fun!!! but good thing im able to stop playing because i usually stop playing when im halfway done the game but i had to do my projects and other homework.....need to focus.
Mass Effect 3
more buffs and nerfs happening in multiplayer that i dont know about.....ohhh wellll multiplayer is still fun im just running my infiltrator class with mattock assault rifle in gold challenge.