was going start doing some project today but since i'm already in the computer i decided to do our machinima video of minecraft for our media but unfortunately minecraft updated to 1.2.4 added new blocks of sandstones and woodenplanks. i couldn't make my texture pack to work!!! because of the new update. im trying all i can to make this work because 30 seconds of this film is due monday but good thing i have everything ready like the soundtrack and the software to edit ready.
here are examples of the shots we're going to execute and the costume/skin we are going to use for the video.

The skin and one of the setting. The character will look up the buildings.

The road that will open

The road opens. In this shot the player will try to run away but falls.

The character looks up the building and runs while the building falls.
Final Fantasy VI
i was bored so i decided to start playing final fantasy 6. i never played it before so this is a blind run.
Mass Effect 3
finally get to play a little bit of the story....all i had to do is wake up a little early then eat some breakfast then just sit and play.