well school is finally over and I stillll dont have a computer.....im still using my parents computer whenever i can. I did start playing disgaea 3 and probably will buy 4 soon just because i got nothing to do. hopefully i can get a new computer...preferably a desktop rather than a loptop cuz a loptop is hard to fix at lease if something breaks in the desktop i can just replace it other than replacing the whole thing. and i use my loptop like a desktop anyways...its always pluged in because the battery life is garbage.
my 3d was good..had a critique and saw some good works there. website deisng....was pretty bad but hopefully its okay, i guess im not to be a website deisgner. photography....well im done with that. online course....just finish handing in my would be passing grade....hopefully it works cuz its hard looking for research and writing about them.
Ratcher and Clank A Crank in Time
beat the game and I gotta say it was fun. ima give it 9/10. it was fun but missing stuff...i wish they have more guns in the game. the constructo guns are good but still not enough. the space exploration is good tho but i feel like they should add more galaxies to explore cuz i think theres only 4. Ima try and get platinum for it cuz i beat the game on hard.
Disgaea 3
sytarted playing this game and the trophies are hard to getttt well im only at lvl 5 and you can get to 4 digit level so it will take awhile. im grinding my characters to a higher level atm.
Battlefield 3
I unlock all the guns and they are pretty good. i do like the last shotgun with frag bullets its ike the DAO only it releaods faster cuz its a magazine other than putting in a slug at a time. i am leveling up dars account just because.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
Friday, December 9, 2011
Still in the Dark
still no computer and im missing my online course and had to do everything in one go whenever i can use my parents computer. im still in video game marathon because i dont have a computer.....its getting boring because im running out of games but battlefield is keeping me busy.
i finally finish my wood carving project which is the coin and i got nothing for both photography class and web design. for photography...im just too lazy and i already handed in 8 assignments 1 was a redo so basically ill be missing 2 and a half. as for web design.....i am lost...i dont even know wut im doing anymore and now that i dont have a comp im pretty much in free fall....dunno whats ganna happen.
Battlefield 3
now that i got back to karkand ibve been palying it none stop. i already unlock most of the guns, i only need the assualt class gun and the shotgun which might take awhile.
stillll playing this game. the game is freezing allot tho mabe because my savefile is too big. ill start my theif assassin whenever i finish the main trophy quest for my orc.
Ico and Shadow of Colossus
i beat shadow of colossus because im more familiar to it than ico....i am having trouble with ico's puzzles....my puny brain cant handle it i guess lol. the nostalgia for shadow of colossus did the job, really good game.
i finally finish my wood carving project which is the coin and i got nothing for both photography class and web design. for photography...im just too lazy and i already handed in 8 assignments 1 was a redo so basically ill be missing 2 and a half. as for web design.....i am lost...i dont even know wut im doing anymore and now that i dont have a comp im pretty much in free fall....dunno whats ganna happen.
Battlefield 3
now that i got back to karkand ibve been palying it none stop. i already unlock most of the guns, i only need the assualt class gun and the shotgun which might take awhile.
stillll playing this game. the game is freezing allot tho mabe because my savefile is too big. ill start my theif assassin whenever i finish the main trophy quest for my orc.
Ico and Shadow of Colossus
i beat shadow of colossus because im more familiar to it than ico....i am having trouble with ico's puzzles....my puny brain cant handle it i guess lol. the nostalgia for shadow of colossus did the job, really good game.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Getting Ownd
well i got ownd because my comp died...well i was ganna put it on sleep but my crappy mouse scrolled over to hibernate and now it doesnt want to turn on. ive been busy this couple of days without my comp, ive been playing games and beating them. i beat skyrim, rage, medal of honor and medal of honor frontline. as for my projects; ive been busy with them too. ive been working on my wood carving and web design in school and my photography whenever i get the camera in school.
now that i dont have a comp in using my parents comp and i dont think ill be using this often. i really need a new comp...cant live without it. the boredom kills my games. im currently playing skyrim again to prevent me beating more games. i recently bought ico and shadow of the colosus bundle and i dont want to beat that in one day.
this is probably the longest post ive made to make up with the time i loss....i neeeeed a new comp asapppp!
i beat the game with dark elf battlemage in 12-13hrs of gameplay. i didnt know i was doing the main quest....i thought i was fooling around. ima give this game 9.5.....not perfect 10 because there are glitched quest i cant do or something happen in the environent that does not let me finish the quest, like, if a person dies and i didnt kill him, therefore, quest unfinishd until they respawn and the spawn time is about....3-4hrs i think? also the framerate lag is killing me. whenever im attacking someone the framerate starts to falllll and the lag begins. the amount of freezes i had was also in acount with my negativity about the game. buttt i had so much fun playing this game. i did get hooked trying to level up as much skills as i can.
now that i dont have a comp i started a new character. i made an orc two handed weapons only. its fun and so far i have 10hrs of gameplay and since i know the quest i already did, im trying to avoide them as much as possible.
this game is toooooo sick. the graphics is amizing and the game runs really smooth. ima give this 9.5/10. i would give this a 10 but its hard to say that the game is perfect to me because i feel like its missing allot of things. the open world is good but i had the feeling that ive been driving and racing forever....whenever i want to run and gun i find myself trying to complete race to get tickets for upgrades. the game felt short too 10hrs i beat it and im taking my time too.....doing all the quest on the board and side quest given by the npc. but it is a very fun game. i had to trade it in for ico and shadow of the colosus bundle while its still high in value. since i traded it in i never tried any of the online features so i cant critique that.
Medal of Honor
the game was good but its the same as all fps....kinda bored of it, the story is good though. ima give this 7.5/10....whenever i play the game it feels like its been doing the same thing over and over and if it wasnt for the trophies i wouldve gotten bored of the game fast. i did like the sotry but its typical story for all fps games/"war" fps. the online was fun but now that i have battlefield 3 im not ganna be playing the online MoH anymore.
the game that came with MoH which is medal of honor frontline was an old game. i remeber playing it long time ago....i think it was ps2.i played it for the trophies and to kill time...i beat it in 2 days.
now that i dont have a comp in using my parents comp and i dont think ill be using this often. i really need a new comp...cant live without it. the boredom kills my games. im currently playing skyrim again to prevent me beating more games. i recently bought ico and shadow of the colosus bundle and i dont want to beat that in one day.
this is probably the longest post ive made to make up with the time i loss....i neeeeed a new comp asapppp!
i beat the game with dark elf battlemage in 12-13hrs of gameplay. i didnt know i was doing the main quest....i thought i was fooling around. ima give this game 9.5.....not perfect 10 because there are glitched quest i cant do or something happen in the environent that does not let me finish the quest, like, if a person dies and i didnt kill him, therefore, quest unfinishd until they respawn and the spawn time is about....3-4hrs i think? also the framerate lag is killing me. whenever im attacking someone the framerate starts to falllll and the lag begins. the amount of freezes i had was also in acount with my negativity about the game. buttt i had so much fun playing this game. i did get hooked trying to level up as much skills as i can.
now that i dont have a comp i started a new character. i made an orc two handed weapons only. its fun and so far i have 10hrs of gameplay and since i know the quest i already did, im trying to avoide them as much as possible.
this game is toooooo sick. the graphics is amizing and the game runs really smooth. ima give this 9.5/10. i would give this a 10 but its hard to say that the game is perfect to me because i feel like its missing allot of things. the open world is good but i had the feeling that ive been driving and racing forever....whenever i want to run and gun i find myself trying to complete race to get tickets for upgrades. the game felt short too 10hrs i beat it and im taking my time too.....doing all the quest on the board and side quest given by the npc. but it is a very fun game. i had to trade it in for ico and shadow of the colosus bundle while its still high in value. since i traded it in i never tried any of the online features so i cant critique that.
Medal of Honor
the game was good but its the same as all fps....kinda bored of it, the story is good though. ima give this 7.5/10....whenever i play the game it feels like its been doing the same thing over and over and if it wasnt for the trophies i wouldve gotten bored of the game fast. i did like the sotry but its typical story for all fps games/"war" fps. the online was fun but now that i have battlefield 3 im not ganna be playing the online MoH anymore.
the game that came with MoH which is medal of honor frontline was an old game. i remeber playing it long time ago....i think it was ps2.i played it for the trophies and to kill time...i beat it in 2 days.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
BS design?
went to my web design class to hand in my "final" web design.....and i just did it in class for about 30mins plus had to do the rationale. all these are worth 20% and after doing it we had to do work on our web design more so i just left early since i already know wut was happening. chilld w kev n kal since i wanted to see if kevs alright after the accident and it looks like hes doing well.
Dead Island
downloaded and played bloodbath arena and it isss jokes. i played with dars with our new characters me as sam b and dars as logan.....i think kals ganna make purna since hes too op we didnt let him join, ganna ruin the fun. there are 4 maps and we tried all and all maps are jokess i gotta say its worth the wait because they actually fixd stuff to make the game better.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Carvin it up
i staretd the carving process for my 3d project. so yea i went for the tribal rathalos and its taking allllllot of time carving the details. i dont think i will the the tribal tiger behind the rathalos because it will take awhile i mite just do the bounty board picture of the rathalos and hopefully i have enough time to do it.
im stilll fooling around in survival but the games been laggy to me even though i put everything on minimum.
still roaming around the world doing as much quest as i can. i try to avoid the miscellaneous quests but if i come across it mite as well do it.
Battlefield 3
playing the multiplayer and im prestige 7 now. im leveling up as much guns as i can and i finish all the lmgs. im working on my assault rifles.
Monday, November 21, 2011
i finally updated my minecraft to latest 1.0.0. now that the game is launch after minecon, more upgrades i can fool around with. i havent tried the pre-releases thats why im still a noob at these new stuff. i did start a new world because i want to spawn in a different biome and so i did and its the swamp. i am living underground because of the lag and am playing on easy because my computer cant handle the game.
update on my 3d wood carving. im doing rathalos now in tribal like symbol. im still making a coin and on the other side ima make a tiger....and my excuse in critique thingy is the rivalry thing dragon vs tiger. i need allot of these critiques for mark and i need to be able to talk about it allot.
now that theres a new update its time to start a new game. i start a survival mode and found a cave. the cave system is massssive and i notice that there are new sounds in the game such as breaking weapons and taking damage. there are different mob sounds too and endermen got different sounds now and not the zombie moan anymore. the achievement tree did grow and allot more stuff added in the game that i havent seen yet like enchanting. im sure some of these updates was shown in pre-releases but i did not touch the pre-release so now...my mind is blown.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Lazy Sunde
slept the whole day pretty much just played some skyrim then nap then back to it again. i finish my online course but i did not finish the reading part.....i dont like to read too much. ill do my 3d tomorrow but for tonight...its more skyrim and battlefield!!
ive been doing too much side quest and been wondering off to places. i want to grab the shouts too since dragons are quite easy to kill i would but the time to get it is the down side.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Epic Dragon is Epic
went to photography class because we got another project and of course i finish it. still playing skyrim and battlefield 3 and i dont think i have the time to fix yellow light of death because of these games.
when me and kal went to hunt some psn cards we saw the skyrims guide book. the book is massive and it has about 600 pages.

fighting dragons and owning them. some dungeon bosses are harder than the dragons and im getting to the part where dragons spawn more often.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Sky Rim
me and kal went to go grab his router at futureshop but on the way we went to other stores. on the way to futureshop we stopped by at eb so i can grab skyrim. i traded my earth defence force and final fantasy 13, didnt really want to trade ff13 because i like it but i want to buy the glossy cover so ill just edge card it once the price goes down.
got the yellow light of death again for the ps3 and now my dark cloud gameplay is put to a hold....for now. ima try and re-heat the motherboard asap but for now.....its skyrim time.
well....i thought psn will be down for the whole day so i went ahead and play this game and im liking it. so much stuff to do in this game, i heard it takes 10 hours to beat the story but 100+ hours for doing side quests lvling...pretty much trying to get 100% on the game.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
More Design
went to web design today because its our mock up critique for our website. not much because i did everything in class but next week we have to go to class to show our final design which is 20% of our mark.
i heard that the psn will be down tomorrow so its time to play battlefield 3 online all night.
Battlefield 3
lvl45 prestige 5...i guess thats how you call it and still trollin.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Must Carve Wooood
3d today and i just brainstorm ideas for my project. right now my main idea is to make a coin but im not sure wut to put on it. so next week we gotta start carving the wood or else well be behind. i believe we only got a month to do this so i better be quick about it.
Dark Cloud 2
chapter 4 and kinda stuck because my monica is pretty weak. i need to grind and level up her sword and i should grab and level up her monster form.
Battlefield 3
they see me trollin' they hattin' pretty much wut im doing if im on a good squad. i use the support kit or the recon to troll people.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Missing some action
well i miss one quiz for my online course.....failllll on my part there, i shouldve had check the course on thursday. well not sure how much a quiz worth but its better for me to get a mark than a zero.
had some famjam on saturday because its my uncles birthday and there was a boxing fight. its good to see them again since its been awhile. there was some good fooood.
Dark Cloud 2
stillll playing this game 20hours in the game and in chapter 4. taking awhile but cant really do anything bout that it is an rpg.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Dragoon Born?
went to my photography class just to take a couple of pictures. after photography i went to erin to grab my bro a copy of skyrim since it came out today. i too want it but ill wait till he gets bored of it. went to dixie mall with kal and dars cuz dars need to pick up a game; nothing new there just checked out their eb. dars and kal bought something but didnt find anything for me there.
what happen in 11/11/11?? the dragonborn is BORNNN!!! must play this game asap but now i gotz rage gotta play that too.
Battlefield 3
too much c4 is good for you. me and dars just c4 everything now. dars and i c4 the jeep and i drive around and tell dars when to detonate the c4s, it was jokes and we actually do good because out team is horrible and we get ace squad and its just me and dars. kal join but he was put in the other team in some games.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Rest n Clean
woke up on the surround sound in my bros room while he plays mw3...i think its mw3 either mw3 or bf3. anyways, woke me up at 9am and got nothing to do.....no food to eat either. i just went ahead and play dark cloud 2. after awhile i went ahead and clean the washroom and my room because my stupid bro wont clean the washroom and its his turn.....lazy bastard.
Dark Cloud 2
too much grinding!!! ive been grinding to get materials and also to level up weapons for both max and monica. had to do the first dungeon so i can get easy exps for weaker weapons.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
More Codes?
went to my web design class for the critique thing...and i got nothing. i made up everything in class because i was 30mins early. well i only went there for the 5% cuz its for marks..next week we need to finish our rough ideas and after that next next week we need to finish our web design fully.
Dark Cloud 2
im farming now because i dont have enough money, i kept buying materials to make houses and other necessities for my people.
Battlefield 3
still playing online for time to time. was playing conquest but its not as fun as rush....maybe because i dont get much kills and points :(
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
didnt go to school today because one...im starting to get addicted to dark cloud 2, too nostalgic. twoo...crap weather, rainy, gloomy. threeee...i already know wut im a do for 3d. my plan for 3d is to make 3 wood slab carvings of the three race/faction of starcraft; protos, terran and zergs. hopefully i get to finish this in time. mw3 comes out today i still cant believe people bought it for $60 because to me it feels like an expansion of mw2. never ganna get it unless its free, i already wasted my time on mw2 and i dont really want to play similar game twice, i guess ill just wait for iron wolf.....they better have zombies or else...its rage time.
i was searching the net if they changed the prestige emblems for mw3 it seems like they did. i thought that they would go till 15th but it looks like it stops at 10 just like mw2. the emblems arent too bad except for one and two, the rest are good enough. at lease the 10th is not the skull anymore...i didnt really like the skull that much....i think i liked the 9th but i went all the way to the skull just cuz i played the heck out of that game. i already saw the campaign of this game and it was alright it actually got an ending unlike mw2 where u get cut off and want to know more what happens after the final scene. well my bro already got the game but i doubt ill even play it, i guess im just fed up with this game...need more zombies, if they have zombies in this game illl grab it ;)
Dark Cloud 2
this game i played on the ps2 long time ago....prolly 9 years? not really sure bout the time line but its pretty old game. its nostalgic and i remember the stuff i did in the game, it doesnt ruin the game completely because i notice the that i did horrible mistakes when i was playing this game.
Friday, November 4, 2011
The battle is over
went to photography class and it was the same as always....go there take pictures go home and i finish early today so it was all good.
Battlefield 3
finally finish the campaign and i can give it my "final thoughts". it was good and i beat it on easy trying to get trophies and trying out the guns i havent tried in multiplayer. gotta say that the campaign was pretty fun, was straight forward and its not too easy. people said they were experiencing some glitches in the campaign but i havent encounter any.
online game for this feels rushed. dont really know how they messd this one up but i guess its the new engine, still a fun online experience. problems are...sometimes the sounds gets messd up, for example the background music disappears, cannot hear gun shots (i can hear mine but not the enemies), arming/defusing sound disappearing. pretty big deal but didnt stop me from playing. another glitch is that sometimes when a soldier dies hes standing up making me think hes still alive...again, not a big deal but its there. another problem is the mics, sometimes i cant hear them at all and sometimes is cracking for me while they hear me perfect. the squad....sometimes when i join a game with my squad we get separates, for example, 3 of us in attacking 1 in defending. with all these problems i named the experience for me is still there, i still play the game, i reached max level/unlock everything.
the co-op aspect for this is good. i played with dars so we can unlock guns for multiplayer and so far we unlock the sniper and working our way to the rafficas. i didnt find any problems with this and the difficulties are there and you can feel the difference when you play from hard to easy. we basically farm the last mission on easy and just go through it as quickly as we can, we pretty much get 13k each play-through.
overall ima give this game 8/10. just cuz sometimes multiplayer glitches pisses me off and it does ruin the fun for other people...like my friends, now im just playing the game trying to unlock add-ons for guns and now waiting for the dlc maps. the campaign was good and pretty fun, get to fly those jets. co-op is good and you get to use guns you havent unlock in multiplayer to try them out. fun game but well c how this will compete to mw2(mw3)....still cant believe they "re-releasing" this game lol.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Levelin it UP
its finally november and all i did for halloween was play battlefield....too old to go trick or treating and was too lazy to hand out candy. now that its novmaber i expect to feel the cold, i already am wearing my sweater think jacket combo because i leave pretty early and its cold but once i go home its pretty warm. it will be snowing soon and hopefully its not that bad because i still got school and my 3d is now in wood crafting i think its called. basically....i might make a big piece and might have to carry that to school and hopefully theres no snow....or rain.
not much been happening atm since its the firs day back from break week. had a critique with the zombie hand and thats pretty much it for now.
Battlefield 3
reach level 45 and its not that hard as long as you know how to play the game properly like supporting your team, doing the objectives and actually using your kit.
Monday, October 31, 2011
its starts....again.
break week is now over and now its back to school, gotta worry about next project and critiques. i got the vase for my zombie hand and all i need is stuffings to hold the hand in place....not really sure what to use atm.
Battlefield 3
STILL playing this game. i did try to catch up on my sleep this weekend rather than playing the game. im lvl 40 just unlock the p90. im still trying to level up my kits so far i got assault and engineer maxed out. i did try the campaign......its okay ill probably comtinue the campaign once im maxed out in multiplayer because i dont think i have time to play it now that my break week is over.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Still in the field
been playing battlefield since the day it came out; gotta use this break week as much as i can because once school starts.....its going to be another break week; hopefully. i still need to pput my zombie hand on a pot.
Battlefield 3
still having fun with this game.....it feels like i havent play enough its maybe because one match takes forever and i want to play more maps. i mostly play rush because i like the object base for this game. im rank 30+ now and been using the assault kit more than the others but i am leveling them up, im moving to engineer now and only use medic if theres no medic on my squad.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
In The Field Battling
went for midnight release of battlefield and the line was decent. It was me dars kev n anie waited in line for 2 hours....it was pretty cold but the bad thing is that we drank coffee so we needed to go to the washroom and hold it for a looong time.
Battlefield 3
finally got this game and its fun!!! i finally fly a jet...unfortunate i havent got a kill yet.
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Break Week START!
today is the beginning of the break week and its time to begin the marathon of video games....mainly battlefield 3. i hope that we can go for midnight release so i can play the game early....i little hype right now because its almost there but i can wait, i got tons of games to play anyways.
did my module but not 100% done. i still need to post on the blog and read the memoir but that can be done weekend before next week starts....hopefully!!! im slowing down on battlefield if not........i could be in trouble.
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
finally figure out how to upgrade my house and i thought im rich......now im broke and i didnt even bought all the upgrades for the house but at lease i can make strong weapons and cook better stuff for hp and rp pots.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Slowing Down
been resting the whole day...really got nothing to do other than video games. i did saw that i have a module to do for my online course but ill finish that tomorrow.
Mass Effect 2
ims till trying to get the last 3 trophies but im not ganna get the 'insanity' difficulty trophy because i already changed it so i can beat the game as fast as possible. the suicide mission trophy is the one i messed up so im trying to get that one and the data hunter.....i miss one because i thought i can explore the planet again.
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
been playing this game and its addicting!!!....for me. im at summer now and i still feel im missing allot of stuff. trying to upgrade my weapons but its taking time because i need to level up my skill to make strong weapons. im currently doing the fire temple quest and its hard w.o good weapons so im just framing materials and leveling up.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Zombenz Handz
finally finish my 3D zombie hand!!! now all thats left is the flower pot to put that thing on top of....kinda like a tribute from the game plants vs zombies, its ganna be like my little trophy. its kinda weird looking at my own hand.....my ZOMBIE HAND!!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
it has begun
went for my web design and handed my project in!!!! im hoping to get 80% on it. now that im done my projects im ready for break week, therefore, its already break week to me. only thing i really need to finish is my zombie hand, shouldnt take long.
storm came around 10pm so kev and anie stoped by because its raining hard....around 1030ish power went out.....sooo sincei got nothing better to do, i went on a journey with ken and anie to scarborough to drop off anie. it took awhile because of the bad weather but it wasnt so bad. good thing when we got back home powers back so i continue my game of mass effect 2 ng+
Mass Effect 2
now that i beat this game its time to move on...but im thinking of replaying new game+ just because i miss allot of stuff and i can probably get platinum trophy for this game if i try. ima give this game 9/10 i really like it and its fun but theres some glitches in the game but it doesnt affect the gameplay as much. i experience some freezes too...well it froze twice but thats enough to make me mad because i have to restart the mission i was in. overall, i like this game and i didnt regret buying it.
Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny
i just try this game and im liking it so far. ive been waiting for a "harvest moon" game to come out in ps3 and its finally here!!! ill try and play it with mass effect 2 because i dont get lost easily playing these kinds of games. compare to other jrpgs, i get lost easily without playing it for about a week.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Factory 3D
went to 3D class today to grab my zombie hand and its holding up 2 out of the 3 fingers....now im thinking i should glue gun the 3rd or just leave it. im going to paint it after and finish it up. i bought rune factory tides of destiny for the ps3 today. i like harvest moon like games and theres none on the ps3 and now that theres rune factory....its time.
Mass Effect 2
im nearly there!! i can do the suicide mission and i will try to get the trophy for that.
Monday, October 17, 2011
its almost time
rest day today and tomorrow my plan is to fix the fingers for my zombie hand and paint it and by next week i need to plan on how im going to present that hand.
Mass Effect 2
continuing my game and i recruited everyone. i am now doing every side quest i can and hopefully i havent forgotten anything. it feels like im almost dont the game....im about 24+ hours of game play.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Cold Sun
october is almost over and this week is the last week before break week. i finish both my web design and photography and all i need to do now is my 3d zombie hand and finish up my memoir for my online course....which is due today midnight. after my 3d sculpture im a free man to play battlefield 3 but i dont think ill finish it this week but she did gave us one more week to work on it because this project is suppose to be due this week.
Mass Effect 2
now that i beat dark souls and my bro starts to play it, im continuing on my mass effect game. im starting to recruit all the remaining crew...i think theres 3 more.
Dark Souls
i tried new game+ and the monsters are allot harder because they hit hard. im at souls level 160+ and i still take heavy hits. ill continue this playthrough whenever i get tired of mass effect/need a break from it.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Lite that Bonfire
good thing i went on school friday because we had project 6 and it is due next week, if i decided to skip yesterday and next week i wouldve loose marks......my luck.
Dark Souls
FINALLY its overr. beat this game with only 144 deaths and about 44 hours of gameplay. ima give this game 9.5/10 it wouldve been perfect if there's no frame rate issues; especially in blighttown during my firsy visit.....i got ownd by the frame rate drop. i guess this frame rate dropping is part of the game to make it harder lol. really good game!!! like it better than demons souls, the bosses are awesome, the bonfire system worked well, online interaction still the same (the way i wanted). overall, this game is amazing....not the kind of game for those who rush to finish the game.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Sleepy Thurs
was really tired from yesterday plus the weathers been cold so ive been sleeping. me and dars then went to oakvilles gamestop to look for some ps2 games and we also scout the other areas that got games.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Work Work
3d was just work period for our plaster things. im still working on my zombie hand and this project is due after the reading week (break week). went to web design and it was work period for our web project which is due next week. im doing my own recipe of my tuna and i called it pack a punch tuna.
Dead Island
FINALLY! its over. i finally platinum this game....after all the reset of my trophies after my save file being corrupt i still manage to platinum this game; good thing i didnt give up cuz i woulve regret this game. its a really good game its just the glitches they had before the patch that pissd people off.
Dark Souls
im really far and im farming for souls to upgrade weapons. i got my thunder halberd now and im thinking of upgrading the uhigatana into something.....i might go for raw damage but not really sure............but w.e ill keep playing i mite find more awesome weapons.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Back Foh Moh
school tomorrow.....gotta paint my zombie hand and think of a way to present it. the project is due after our break week but ill try and finish it by next week to get it out of the way. did not much today...well, i chilld with kev and anie at dars timmies other than that i just stayed home read manga and play some video games.
been playing too much dark souls lately and leaving mass effect 2. its cuz i spend more money on dark souls than mass effect so dark souls is first prior to me.
Dark Souls
got far anddddd i am stuck trying to kill these two guys; some dragon slayer and some big statue looking guy with a hammer. im farming again!!!! my pyromancer fist thing is +10 and ill probably increase it but im leveling my stats for now.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Thnx Givin
went to my cuzns house for thanks giving...just me cuz my parents went to las vegas. feels like in school....iunno why but maybe its because of my online course plus my web design class which is due next week.
Dark Souls
souls level 40+ and i just beat the grey wolf.....HARD BOSS. i memories his pattern but every time he does the double circle attacks it kills me in one hit. he knows when ur healing, whenever you try to heal and hes far away from you, he will charge the only time i can heal is when im underneath him. hard boss!!! hardest one i face so far.
Friday, October 7, 2011
its alive!!?
dars came over just to chill and we created a meal, we call it The Abomination. the abomination is a combination of tuna, ham, chicken and hot dog meats and a bunch of random ingredients. we made too much because we open two cans of ham and we didnt know it will be allot. the abomination is good tho but its not a dish for 2 people.
CoD: Black Ops
played 3 players veruckt and got a new record of 27....how we died? ran out of bullets. we had to box to get the guns we wanted and its taking all our scores away. we started at 12am ended 3am.....3 hours to get to 27.
Dark Souls
prepare to die! thats what their slogan is for this game. i am prepare to keep redoing the path i take because that is wut this game is all about. i made bunch of characters already but im using the bandit as my main for now just because hes already too far. i think his soul level is 10....not much but it hold him up........for nowwww.
Mass Effect 2
recruiting people right now trying to get those recruit trophy. im also taking the good side in this first play through and for the second ill take the evil side.
didnt go to photography today because i already did the project...i mite go next week just to check on stuff go to the registrar to grab my osap too....good plan right there.
Dark Souls
starting the slow phase for me. i dont know what to do next so im framing souls and buying items and leveling up when i have enough. im also trying to get humanity from other players IF they summon me which is rare.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Mah Soul is Dark
well went to my web deisgn to explain to him wut im doing for my project then went home to go trade in mvc and fear 3 and put those money into battlefield 3. me and kal then went to wallmart to go look for dark souls collectors edition and there it is.....same price as normal game so i bought it, i was hoping its not there but it is....
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Effect Teh Mass
i created more hands in my 3d class......i relly need to make a mount and start painting the hands but i really like making allot of them. went out with kev dars and ads today cuz i want to go buy mass effect 2 since it went down anddd i got it. kev bought dark souls today...kinda waste because he didnt get upgraded to collectors edition and he bought it release day; as for me ill wait for it to go down like what i always do.....stilllll got allot of games to play. i am now working my way to the last trophy for dead island and after the trophy ill have to wait for the dlc to come out and get the rest of the trophies. im thinking of starting heavy rain but now that i got mass effect im thinking of starting that instead....either those two or ratchet and clank a crank in time.
CoD: Black Ops
played der reise w 3 players and got a new record of 27. we did the cat walk strategy and it was epic....i was kinda disappointed because i was aiming for 30 but its alright....maybe next time when we get better guns.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Life 4 Right
not much today other than a gloomy day, its too cold and all i did is turtle up and play some video games. gotta do some research for my web design class and for tomorrow gotta make more zombie hands. i gotta start working on my web design asap because its due before march break and i got nothing for it.
Dead Island
well one more trophy to go and it is called "school of hard knocks" which requires to reach level 50. this trophy should be easy once i get my level 45 xian to the jungle. i had trouble with right 4 life trophy because it glitched when i install the first patch 1.0 but i finally got it. right 4 life is easy to get once u have characters in higher chapters because i just load chapter 4 then do the main quest to finish act 1.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Augmenting em'
been sleeping these past days cuz of the weather. its been really cold lately and i can see the harsh winter coming to get me while im commuting to school and back home. my room is already cold, not that its a bad thing because the ps3 will be my heater.
Deus Ex Human Revolution
beat the game....finally! ima give this 9/10. really good game, lots of choices to make and i like the augmenting which are use as your skills in game. through my gameplay i was stealth....didnt bother with killing everyone because i want the pacifist trophy and i did get it and now i will probably try to get the rest of the trophy if i have time; i do have lots of games to play atm and there will be more to come.
Battlefield 3 (beta)
i heard that they are going to patch the beta...not really sure but that would be awesome. the beta is good enough to me since its beta i can forgive the glitches, so far it didnt make me rage.....only thing made me rage is my squad especially when they rush whenever we're on attacking side. i still want to try the vehicles tho but i guess ill just have to wait. im not really rushing or hype for the game that much because i know i have time to play this game...because.......it comes out during march break!!!! 24/7 battlefielding alll day.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
LiL Restin'
slept for the whole day and played some battlefield and now im all better, i guess im going to school tomorrow and might as well finish project 4 once it is given to us.
Battlefield 3 (beta)
well im loving the assault class right now and not bother touching the other classes; i do use recon once in awhile but only when the game is stalemate. other classes.....im not just good at, i dont really like support because i cant heal myself nor revive team mates and whenever i spam ammo no one bother grabbing them iunno why maybe they dont pay attention to their ammo count. i cant really use engineer to its full potential because theres no vehicles in the beta....well....i can use the rocket launcher to clear area but still, i like using the ability of the class (full potential).
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Well now that the weather is kicking in with the hot n cold changes....i finalllly got sick. i was playing battlefield yesterday and i couldnt enjoy it because one i couldnt breath properly and my eyes hurts when i move em, had to sleep early. went to web design today for nothinggg.....i shouldve just slept and rest like what my instict told me to do but nopppeee just had to punish myself by going to school.
Battlefield 3 (Beta)
still "testing" the game and so far its not baddd only thing making me rage are....dumb team mates and when the other team decide to be all snipers for no reason. in this beta theres no vehicle...darn it i wanted to fly some jet.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Broken Hand
had 3d today and one of the hands i made broke. fortunately im making a zombie trophy hand so thats settle. next was my courses! i didnt know we needed painting and drawing......makes me mad. my friend told me we do have it but this means im screwd because im already 4 weeks late!!!!!! whats worse is the projects!!11! cuz the projects are heavy, probably 10% each and they already hand in 2-3 projects.....so everything just fckd up my program.
Dead Island
i had to go to public lobbies to get trophies and i did (Y) now i need complete act 1 with 4 original characters and reach level 50 then its platinum....BUT!!! we dont have the people to complete these trophies so i guess ill take my chances in public lobby.
Battlefield 3 (Beta)
downloaded and played the beta. its fun but there are some glitches....it doesnt ruin the game which is good. now i cant wait for the real game to come out, im getting bored playing the same map over and over.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Lot more
went to school today to finish up and hand in photography project 2 and 3, to return the camera and grab osap. i finish photography and handed in the camera but for osap.....i guess ill grab it some other time because i actually have to book and appointment today!!! BUT! next week its first come first serve!!!! such bad timing. well me and kal just went to look for games to buy but theres nothing new so we just went to dars work place and chill there for a bit.
CoD: Black Ops
played w dars and manuel got to round 17.....at the end we died in the teleporter going back to moon. i had to go to earth because i have no more ammo and im the only one who got perks....good game!
Dead Island
patch 1.02 is OUT! it seems they changed some stuff but i havent really notice it. i notice that the saving is now called checkpoint. i need to go play a little more to see the changes but i was too occupied with black ops. ill probably play tomorrow....hmmm....thinkin of continuing purnas campaign.
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Finishin up Projectz
got my pictures for project 2 and 3 for my photography class. gotta go to school tomorrow to pick up osap, edit and hand in my pictures and mail my osap......ganna be a longgg day tomorrow. ima try and make it home as fast as possible because tuesday i got 3d and i gotta start casting more hands so i have variety. i already have one done and 2 drying up and i want to make.....2 more to make it 5. im still thiking about the zombie hand but i just need a way to mount it properly....ill probably use wire.
Deus Ex Human Revolution
stilll playing this game and im getting there. i dont think im ganna get the no alarm trophy because i didnt care halfway and i might not get the no kills trophy.....because i blew up a mech and it killd some people, not sure if that counts towards my kills because I DID blew up the mech.
Dead Island
well im now waiting for the 1.02 patch to come to north america cuz i heard its out in Europe already. i just got the rage man trophy; kill 100 zombies while in rage. i would like to get the co-op trophies but the gamelobby public is still messed up, i couldnt join some people and the people i like to join doesnt have the right characters. i'd like to get the co-op trophies all at once....basically one sitting with my friends or whoever wants to play. then the patch should give me the there and back again trophie because im stuck at 71/72.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Destroyer Tools
Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction
finally beat the game!! it was pretty short but fun. ima give this 8.5/10....i got mad when i die before i reach the next checkpoint because i have to start far away and redo everything. the final boss was pretty hard...i had to spam everything i got. there are some glitches i encounter in the game but that didnt ruin the fun. the ame felt short to me and thats because im use to rpgs, havent played much adventures/plat-forming in awhile. next i gotta play the 3rd game, ratchet and clank a crank in time. i would play the second one but its on psn and i wont find the blu ray copy here....i think they only made blu ray copies in europe....not sure.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Pouring Friday
i had to go to school in pouring rain! good thing my parents are home and gave me a ride there and picked me up too. i had to go to class because i need to pick up a camera for my shutter speed which is project 2 and to finish project 1 which is fooling around with the camera taking pictures of stuff in the campus. i also got project 3 which is due 2 weeks from today. project 3 is easy, just need 6 objects and fool around with the focus. i also bought the book needed for my online course. there was no used copy so i have to pay about $38 for a new copy.
Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction
having fun with this game!!! im pretty far, got about 6 weapons fully upgraded and about 5 weapons in level 5. ive been playing this more than deus ex human revolution because im not raging as much. still need to beat deus ex....i think im almost done.
CoD: Black Ops
still playing in the mooooon and in the factory. it was just me and dars tho no one else wanted to join and we dont want to play with randoms. got to round 25 in der riese and round 9 in moon.... disappointing. i do want redemption in moon and hopefully we can get 3-4 players this time to make it easier.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Im in the Moon!!
well now that i have a gen elective and its the life writing one....its pretty confusing and i just took the first quiz and i dont know how i did since i didnt really read the books. bought a psn card so we can buy the rezurrection dlc pack for cod black ops.
CoD Black Ops
ive played Moon and its a good map. i like it but you cant hear the zombies coming for you....which is a big deal to me because i dont like getting back raged by zombies. i still need to try playing it with co-op like w dars or kal. its a fun map just need people with me so we can
do the easter egg and get those trophies. now im trying to play the oldies map...mainly der riese.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Cold Hands
had 3d today and did more casting, i cast my hands because it looks cool. since today was just another "warm up" class...i made a cast of my left and right hand and its been plaster already so ill just have to wait till next week till i can remove the casting. my plans are still the zombie hand....not really sure how im ganna approach it but ill probably make it into a trophy like sculpture.

Monday, September 19, 2011
Done? Again?
Dead Island
beat dead island with the assassin new game plus. kal was also tagging along so we both beat it at the same time, kal was using logan and i was xian. 2nd playthrough wasnt that hard because i already got the op weapons but the main purpose was the trophies. im now doing the 3rd playthrough but im going for the trophies again, the co-op multiplayer trophies. since my trophies reseted i need...rage man im at 80ish the co-op trophies; originaility, beat act 1 with unique characters, beat 5 quest with 3 co-op parters thennn there there and back again...im at 71/72 locations and ive searched the internet and it said that its glitched and there is no way on getting it...maybe if you glitched the game from the previous patch iunno but ill just wait for a proper patch. i think the next patch will come when the dlc comes...not sure but it has been 2 weeks since the game came out should be on the way soon.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Famin Jamin
had a famjam at my cuzns house because its my uncles birthday. been awhile since ive seen them because of school and sometimes im busy. i pretty much slept the whole day after the famjam.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
Tiring 4evah
went to my photography class and i gotta say it was fun. we have to take pics using different shutter speed. the good thing about this is that the assignment is due sept 30, end of the month and we can bring the camera home for the weekend. i had to jump and run for this assignment and i dont have the stamina for this.....the time i got home, just crashed woke up its the next day.
not much today....just resting. i still need to think about my sculpture project.........still not sure if i should make a hand......a ZOMBIE hand!
creative world is still going for me. i created shiny groudon but i reached the max limit of putting down blocks so hes unfinished. next im planning on making shiny rayquaza.....now im not ganna make the same mistakes i did with groudon....TNT the world.
Dead Island
im at 96% on my new game plus character but im still trophy hunting so im killing zombies with guns....i think im at 150ish. i also got the ram trophy by killing a ram using sam b's tackle.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Break 4 Now
did nothing the whole day other than play minecraft and dead island. was sleeping because im not getting enough sleep...no homework either because my assignment for web design needs dreamweaver and i dont have that....well i do have it but i cant install it in my loptop cuz it cant handle it so ill just wait for a good computer. for my sculpture, everythings in class so thats taken care off then tomorrow morning is photography. my classmates told me that theres nothing due so im good plus i can make an excuse to tell the proff that i change my schedule, swaped it for morning class so i can go home early.
been playing creative mode just because it dont lag. id like to play adventure but my computer cant handle it. so far im only been creating pokemon sprites...so far ive created snivy, tepig, oshawott, vaporeon, jolteon, flareon, shiny ditto and shiny shuckle. now im working on suicune and ill probably finish it by tonight if i ever play again.
Dead Island
70% completion in new game plus! im not rushing the jungle this time because i havent explore the whole jungle yet. im still looking for all the mods and collectibles as much as i can. as for my trophies...its going well, i just got the 5 rare loot trophies and now im working on killing 250 zombies with guns since in jungle there are people who drops bullets and give rifle ammo for an exchange of items....i think it was canned food for 30 rifle rounds...cant remember.
so for tonight its either minecraft creative or continue dead island.....ill probably play minecraft if dead island stops saving OR if my room is too hot to play ps3 ill just finish up suicune.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Into Da Web
went to my web design class and it was pretty boring and the guy was just rushing through the whole thing. the only reason i went to that class is to grab the assignment because its not in our online site but its in the schools computers.
Dead Island
still playing this game? of course! im 58% in new game plus, faster than i thought because i know the quest and the location and i have epic equipments and they are getting better. i do have alot of money now thats why im careful not to die and i carry allot of medkits just in-case im low on health. im about 60% in the trophies and i think the dlc trophies are included in the percentage because they do show in the trophy list.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
The Second
second week of school....and the strike continues. well i had sculpture today and we did some casting stuff as practice then next week is the real thing. tomorrow gonna have web design...it seems most of the grade stuff are in class so i have to go there but the main project is posted online and its about cooking recipes. i also changed my phototgraphy class to friday from 3-6pm to 1130-230 so i finish earlier.
now that i have school i have to worry about projects are stuff and now its the second week i have to start working on them. not enough time to play the ps2 games atm since im still in dead island mode. the cod black ops zombie map pack is coming out on thursday soo i can look forward to that whenever ads buys the psn card...most likely in the weekend or next week, no rush since there still zombies in dead island.
Dead Island
im now trophy hunting!!! i couldve got some of the trophies but its okay, its just a game ill just have to keep playing. im still using my assassin in the new game plus and now im in the city/2nd map of the game. the hardest i trophy to get is....the 5 rare loot because i dont have the lockpick ability.....and thats probably it. the rest are just progression and i can ask my friends to go start a new character so i can kill zombies easily and get some of the streak trophies.
Monday, September 12, 2011
Dead Island is Done
second week of school starts today and i have to go to my classes because i miss my web design and photography class...its just the college strike made me feel lazy to go. the web design assignment is in SLATE so i get the homework and im surprise its due december 14 but parts are due in some weeks coming. next is photography.....ill probably just ask my classmates what we need and what we have to do. for 3d tomorrow ill just have to bring objects but i probably wont bring any just because.....and ill probably go grab my osap so that i dont have to go through the trouble forgetting everything and rushing everything.
Dead Island
the game is now playable and i somewhat rushed the game; beat it with xian the assassin and took 20hours. it was good but there are some problems in the game. ima give this 9/10...there are glitches in the game that needs to be fix. the online multiplayer is smooth and playable but still....the glitches in the game ruins the experience. the major glitch was the no save glitch, held me back a couple of games but its okay cuz i get to change the mistakes i made during the first run. overall its a really good game especially if you like zombies and rpg because it does have the fallout feel...next i gotta try out the dlc because i got the special edition i get for free. now my assassins in new game+ ill probably continue on till i get to max level then im going to continue the story for my other characters.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Dead Island
well my save files are busted. everytime i load xians save file it brings me back to the sewers...last night i was at chapter 8, did allot of quest, got allot of loot then when i got up this morning to check if my save file is there....nope back to chapter 7. i made sure it was saving when i see "checkpoint" i start quit then click "play" load my character and see it is in chapter 8 but when i turn my ps3 off i go back to chapter 7, it doesnt even show "game save" anymore instead it says "checkpoint". mannn that patch 1.1.0 seriously messd up my game baddd; it restarted my challenges my trophies and messd up my save files. dont really know how to fix it other than to wait for another patch. i havent tried playing online because whenever i check for game lobby no ones there then if i progress further the game lobby becomes inaccessible, i guess ill just wait till my friends go online and invite me other than that ill probably play different game. they better patch this up asap...its a really good game i dunno why they messd it up now when the games out and i dunno what the game testers were doingmissing this "unable to save" part of this game or maybe this emerge really because of that patch whatever the cause need fixing.
Dead Island
Ive searched the internet and im not the only one having this problems. ive searched for solutions but no one seems to have one and i think i found a solution....well it solve my problem not sure if it will solve everyones. since the patch 1.1.0 was the problem, i deleted the data of dead island in the "game data utility" then in the "save data utility (ps3)" i deleted "save game index file" (since i thought the file its creating was for 1.1.0) went back in the game and notice that the patch was gone, no need to download..i guess they took it out because its causing people problems? i went and changed my online setting to PlayStatoionNetwork and put my game to public so i can see if people can join....and oddly enough my game starts saving. im not sure which of those steps i did was the right one but now i can finally go back to playing this game and not having anymore..."flashbacks"
Saturday, September 10, 2011
The Island is Dead
Dead Island
i started logan and im not really liking his fighting style...its just not for me, maybe its the lack to stamina? well he suppose to throw stuff and thats what ive been doing but i dont like it when i loose the stuff i throw. i continue on with my assassin and shes at 50% completion...halfway there. i kept dying!!! i had 60k down to 20k....it makes me sad but then again its my fault cuz i rush in when my head tells me to run away. i also hate the infected......3 hit combo and im down to 2 bars and any 2 hit from mobs can kill me. the game freezes at some point...dunno why but its annoying when it happens.
Friday, September 9, 2011
its the end of the week?
been pretty busy this week....i already skip two classes! its not that bad since its the first week and its usually introduction. been out with ppl this past days...went out to go play some magic cards...fix dars entertainment room....dead island....andddd wasting time.
played some magic cards and help dars move stuff to his "entertainment room" buttt it all shattered with in a day because his dad told him hes going to use that room, unfortunate and he cant do anything about it.
Dead Island
sooo farrrr...ive tried 3 of the characters; the gunner, tank and assassin. i gotta say i mite stick with assassin because shes not too op compare to the others. i havent tried logan because 2 of my friends are already using him. ill start logan whenever i can but for now ima use assassin and tank.
ive been playing around for a bit and ive been working on my skill with the assassin and so far i like what i see butt....i wanted to experiment with skills but i dont think there are any skill reset in the game so i guess ill have multiple characters with different skill build. my assassin is combat build atm. i think im going for fury combat...not sure if i should increase survival, so far i got 1 in fury none in survival and the rest in combat and the assassin is lvl 19. i dont really mind not having skill reset but if i get too attach to my character i might not be able to make another.
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Island is Dead
first day of school.....kinda shitty day because the schools on strike and they cant help us with our schedule, wasting my time AGAIN! another bad thing is that tons of games will come out this week but im not really looking forward to any of them other than dead island.
got web design tomorrow and i hope its easy. sculpture class...i can see that being easy because i have an easy going prof. i had her last year but she was teaching drawing class. as for the strike, cant do anything about it.....just have to wait and thank them for fckn everything over. my motivation to go to school sure went downhill because of all these unfortunate events. i dont know why they strike now when school started...........iunno what people are thinking.
Dead Island
having fun so far!! i pick the tank character sam b. i was just trying him out and i got use to his fighting style. i am now in act2 chapter 5....its a really fun game; it does have the fallout feel to it and i dont mind that. ill probably pick the range girl next or the range guy because ive already tried both close range characters.
Monday, September 5, 2011
Rollin the World
school tomorrow and dead island tomorrow. hopefully i get a good professor and hopefully my prof let us out early so i can grab this game asap. i still didnt have a locker in school...pretty bad considering im an art student.....hmm....i should go early so i can look for a locker or else ima be carrying bunch of stuff when im going home like art supplies and big projects, either the projects are going home or trash.
Katamari Forever
beat the game and it was fun. ima give this 7.5/10 cuz its was a pretty short game and it does get repetitive especially when you keep failing the task you have to do. it is a fun game and its very japanese. i do like the art of the game has that cartoonie look to it....only negative really is repetitive and pretty short game. could add more mini games in the game and endless mode or something. i havent tried 2 player on this game yet because dont really have time for 2 playering splits screen atm.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Veteran - Professional
went to out to grab some stuff and i bought a new watch because my old one is pretty much done. the watch i bought looks pretty good but it looks like the battery is dying...gotta change it when i have the chance but its working for now.
Resident Evil 5
beat veteran mode with ease because of infinite ammo and now im running professional difficulty.
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Evil Residence
Resident Evil 5
beat the game in amateur difficulty w kal and now im faming for exchange points so i can buy infinite ammos. next up after farming ill probably do desperate escape...BUT! kal doesnt have the add on because he didnt bought gold edition sooo ill probably wait for him to get it.
ima give this game 8/10...the game felt short and now that i have infinite ammo im abusing it. i didnt play the add-ons yet and i havent unlock professional difficulty. i am working on unlocking it so i can farm for more exchange points and since i have infinite ammo im speed running the chapter. the game is fun specially with a friend because the AI partner is rather stupid especially in veteran difficulty, they kept on dying and lowering my rank. the story is good and im pretty sure people who have not played resident evil games can somewhat follow on what is going on, they probably just wont know specific characters like when they play mercenaries and other game mode. the controls are a bit weird on first because im use to either 3rd person or fps not over the shoulder type but i got use to it pretty quick and since ive played resident evil 4...there was no problem adapting in res5. so my only complain about the game is the ai and short story...pretty much about it.

Friday, September 2, 2011
Tired Advantage
went out with ads and kal for game hunting. we went to milton to check wut rare games they have that we dont have. kals the only one who bought lots of stuff. kal bought; dark cloud, resident evil: code veronica, and devil may cry. ads bought the tekken 6 fight stick bundle and a dvd. i didnt buy anything cuz i didnt find anything im looking for. im looking for Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria and it is ganna be hard to find. iunno why but im also looking for destroy all human....maybe because i just want to play it. i should buy harvest moon for ps2 because i spent so much time on it when i was a kid and it was fun till my file got corrupted.
PS2 game list i need:
Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria (must)
Destroy All Humans 1n2 (myb)
Harvest Moon: Save the Homeland (must)
Jack 1-3 (myb)
Rouge Galaxy (myb)
Disgaea: Hour of Darkness
Persona 3 n 4
Odin Sphere (must)
Final Fantasy X-2 (must)
havent been sleeping right lately...maybe because its almost school taking advantage of this week while i can because once school starts.........ima be skipping allot and wasting my life away....like always. i dont mind my tuesday and wednesday class because its 1130-230 but my friday is 3-6pm so i mite be skipping that allot and because its the weekend after PLUS mondays off = looong weekend ahead of me. the first week, hopefully!, they let us out early because im ganna be busy playing dead island!! im too hype for that game but for now ima try and beat resident evil and get good guns ASAP so i have one less game to play.
my "games to play" list is going up fast!!! some of them are delay because i need co-op play and waiting for people to play. now that dars in vacation i cant play some of the games and kal is just lazy sometimes.
games need to finish asap:
fallout: new vegas
hunted (co-op)
resident evil 5 (co-op)
resonance of fate
earth defence force (co-op)
prince of persia
fear 2
medal of honor
Deus Ex: Human Revolution
Killzone 3
mini games that delay need to finish:
me and my katamari
so many games soo little time and more games will be added to that list once it hits october november and december....good-bye again school.
Resident Evil 5
im at chapter 5 went ahead of kal because hes been mia, most likely pass out because we havent been sleeping right this week. i've been doing some gold/treasure farming in the cave chapter...it takes about 20mins each because of the stupid AI.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
last day of august and last week before school starts. this month went by pretty fast because my friends went for vacations and i got nothing better to do other than play video games....and when you play video games time flies; there were slow days when me and kal go hunting for games. i might go to the office and sort things out to check if my classes are right and i might go ahead and take a painting class since i only have 3 classes and if i can get the credit might as well take it.
i also saw some footage for dead island and i gotta say that it does look good but i did took some aspect from good games such as fallout, borderlands, dead rising, left4dead...and theres probably more i didnt know. the game is looking good and i am hype about it, maybe because im somewhat bored of the games im playing. i always wanted a 4 multiplayer co-op fallout type zombie game where you can craft your items. im not really waiting for this game to come asap because the day this game comes out is the first day of school for me....unfortunate.
Deus Ex Human Revolution
get to play this game again and so far i havent got turned any alarm on and havent killed anyone. since im playing on easy im doing the hard trophies...well....in hard mode i probably wont trigger any alarm either since i will most likely die when an alarm goes off. so far so good, i fully upgraded my hacking augments and leaning towards stealth augments next in addition of the extra slots for inventory space.
Resident Evil 5
been playing this game with karl and its taking its time because im actually farming to level up my guns. i remember that the beginning weapons unlock stronger weapons when fully upgraded so im working on that. also, its better to play with someone rather playing with the AI because of the upgrade advantage.....im greedy and i use the stronger guns and the AI gets the weaker guns.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Set me Up
fixed my room a bit so i basically have a new set up now because i took one of the cabinet out and change it. took awhile because its just me carrying stuff up and down the stairs. now i have a new set up and i call it....cluster f*k. in one table i have my messd up loptop, wii, ps2 slim and ps3 phat and the outcome of that is tons of wires from the controllers, turtle beach, loptops accessories, and the ps3s.
i did try to play ps2 games on the phat till i hit the boss battle and being able to save the game. its not bad and i've played for about 30-40mins. it does heat up and when i was about to stop playing, the fan kicked in and its running pretty hard. it seems like when the ps3 gets hot the fan will double it work. i'll probably not play for a long time in the phat ps3 just to be safe especially in the summer. when its winter i can use the fan im using to cool down the loptop to cool down the ps3 when im playing.....sigh...more broken/messd up technology to add in my collection.
Katamari Forever
i was playing this game because i was too tired from fixing my room that i didnt want to think much. the game does get frustrating at times when im against time and trying to find what i can grab in order to get the katamari bigger.
Samurai Legend Musashi
one of my favourite ps2 games! i starte
d playing this game as a test in the phat ps3 and i didnt get that far; i finish the tutorial, beat the first boss and saved. the graphics aren't too outdated, its more like anime-ish which is not bad imo, and the game play is hack and slash with puzzle.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Fix M3
got the phat ps3 fix...for now. it is the backwards compatible, psx and ps2s. but now im not sure if its normal or not because i never had a phat ps3 before and this is my bros, its been heating up fast. not really sure if thats normal but if it does overheat i will open it up asap. ill start up musashi whenever i can and maybe play castlevania symphony of the night since its already install in this ps3. ill try and look for a good price for a hard drive for this ps3 because its only 80gb might aswel make it bigger...probably 500gb if thats cheap and if this ps3 breaks again ill just transfer that hard drive to my slim. i also traded my god of war 3 for me and my katamari, since kal didnt like katamari we traded.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
End o' Creativity
the end of the minecraft creation server......my computer died again! well.....its already in its death bed since the hard drive is dying telling me to back up my files asap and change it. the windows explorer stopped working along with other programs that all i see was the wallpaper in my monitor. when i restart my comp it told me that theres problems starting windows and my only solution was to reformat, so i did and loss everything. not a big loss compare to the previous reformat i had but still pisses me off! need a new comp ASAP!!!! but i need money for that.....unfortunate.
Killzone 3
not much been happening lately and im too lazy to load up other games in my ps3 so i just play killzone since its already in the ps3. im rank 35/45, 10 more to go and it is over. i maxed out the infiltrators ability and buying my way till i get the assault rifle then ima be working on my engineer.
Killzone 3
not much been happening lately and im too lazy to load up other games in my ps3 so i just play killzone since its already in the ps3. im rank 35/45, 10 more to go and it is over. i maxed out the infiltrators ability and buying my way till i get the assault rifle then ima be working on my engineer.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Waiting? REvolution?
well im still waiting for my full schedule because i dont know what is going on in my program anymore. i use to have 5 courses and now i only have 3......and those 3 are photography, web design and some sculpture lecture. i thought i will have 1 drawing course, 1 painting course, 1 3d course and one 2d course. not sure if they change the criteria for vca 3 but ill just wait and see and so far i got 2 days off monday and thursday and my friday is 3pm-6pm.........looks like ill be skipping that class allot, i really dont like staying late in school. well, hopefully i get a clear schedule by next week because next next week is school and next next week is dead island, thats when i know im going to do bad in school.
Deus Ex Human Revolution
since my brother bought this game i get to play it whenever he goes to work. get to played the game and im liking the game so far. and im trying to do the pacifist trophy and to get it is to not kill anyone exception of boss battles. im just doing easy mode "tell me a story" difficulty because i want to get a feel of the game first. i will buy this game when it goes down or whenever its on sale because 1. its a really good game...me like it. 2. it has a box just like fallout new vegas and bioshock, im looking for good games that has those....unfortunately i didnt get one for my resident evil 5 gold edition.
creation servers becoming big and now that me and dars can fly its allot easier and faster to build stuff.
Deus Ex Human Revolution
since my brother bought this game i get to play it whenever he goes to work. get to played the game and im liking the game so far. and im trying to do the pacifist trophy and to get it is to not kill anyone exception of boss battles. im just doing easy mode "tell me a story" difficulty because i want to get a feel of the game first. i will buy this game when it goes down or whenever its on sale because 1. its a really good game...me like it. 2. it has a box just like fallout new vegas and bioshock, im looking for good games that has those....unfortunately i didnt get one for my resident evil 5 gold edition.
creation servers becoming big and now that me and dars can fly its allot easier and faster to build stuff.
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
after all these heat it finally starts to rain really hard, thunder and lightning! good thing its raining at night so i can sleep better, got use to it from the Philippines. not much today really...other than "cleaning" my room which didnt really do much. and play some killzone 3. my bro bought deus ex for the ps3 and i cant wait till i can play it but before that i need to beat my other games.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
watch some moon live stream and i gotta say this is wayyy better than shangri-la. i thought shangri-la is the der reise of black ops until moon showed up. mannnn gotta wait a month before we can get this game BUT! we will have dead island so its all good. also got trolled by my schedule because i had 5 and now i only have 3.....i now want half my money back! lol maybe its just changing....gotta wait till the last week before i can actually see my schedule.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Killzone 3
played more games w kal n dars. im running tactician then marksman when i secure a tac spawn.
Fallout New Vegas
pretty far...just got the platinum chip and im thinking of taking over everything again just like my previous play through. i should have a different save file to continue on with other quest for those trophies.
Killzone 3
played more games w kal n dars. im running tactician then marksman when i secure a tac spawn.
Fallout New Vegas
pretty far...just got the platinum chip and im thinking of taking over everything again just like my previous play through. i should have a different save file to continue on with other quest for those trophies.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Apes in the planet
chilld with dars kal and chinie and watch the rise of the planet of the apes.....pretty good movie and it made reference/foreshadow for the sequel (the first movie the planet of the apes). to me its an okay movie and i did enjoy it....didnt really see any bad stuff other than me wanting more action scene but its just me.
Killzone 3
was planning on playing other games but was too lazy to think of what to play and my killzones already in the ps3. one problem with my ps3 is that its not reading killzone properly but it does read other games.....i should probably re-install the game but i dont want to go download all the maps again and waste my time. i read in the internet that to go to safe mode the check for corrupt datas in your ps3 but i read that i have to delete the data for killzone before doing the safe mode...again...didnt want to delete because of my downloadable content. i think another way to fix it is to reformat the system........but loose all save file in process. ps3 fail on my part.....still trying to fix the phat ps3 thats backwards compatible for ps2....sigh....too much fail.
not much happen today other than cleaning the house because we have a guest coming tomorrow, its not too bad.
chilld with dars kal and chinie and watch the rise of the planet of the apes.....pretty good movie and it made reference/foreshadow for the sequel (the first movie the planet of the apes). to me its an okay movie and i did enjoy it....didnt really see any bad stuff other than me wanting more action scene but its just me.
Killzone 3
was planning on playing other games but was too lazy to think of what to play and my killzones already in the ps3. one problem with my ps3 is that its not reading killzone properly but it does read other games.....i should probably re-install the game but i dont want to go download all the maps again and waste my time. i read in the internet that to go to safe mode the check for corrupt datas in your ps3 but i read that i have to delete the data for killzone before doing the safe mode...again...didnt want to delete because of my downloadable content. i think another way to fix it is to reformat the system........but loose all save file in process. ps3 fail on my part.....still trying to fix the phat ps3 thats backwards compatible for ps2....sigh....too much fail.
not much happen today other than cleaning the house because we have a guest coming tomorrow, its not too bad.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Zone Killin'
Killzone 3
finally played w dars n kal. got some good games and got some spawn trapped games but it was fun. we played warzone because allot of people play warzone will probably try operation with the 3 for us next time.
Killzone 3
finally played w dars n kal. got some good games and got some spawn trapped games but it was fun. we played warzone because allot of people play warzone will probably try operation with the 3 for us next time.
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Mining Some Craft
played some minecraft w dars and kev in kevs server. i built some random tower and a sun tower he top made out of glowstone. played for a long time....8 hours of pure minecraft. ill screenshot some stuff whenever i can.
played some minecraft w dars and kev in kevs server. i built some random tower and a sun tower he top made out of glowstone. played for a long time....8 hours of pure minecraft. ill screenshot some stuff whenever i can.
Monday, August 15, 2011
Baostin' it Up
me and kal went to dixie and lookd around of what to buy...i ended up not buying anything and kal bought clothes. then went to eb and check if they have anything new. kal then bought a ps2 slim that didnt work, we tried it at my house, so tom he will try to return it and get in-store credit or something
Killzone 3
rank 28 right now and i started pwning with tactician. i unlock everything for that class....wasted so much points because i wanted to grab the rocket launcher and now im working on unlocking stuff for marksman....cuz i hate it when people in my team cant snipe.
Fallout: New Vegas
still playing this game!!! caravan games are impossible to win for me....time to go on the internet and find a way to easily win so i can get the caravan win trophies.
went out w kal and dars to go to best buy to check their sales. i grabed Hunted the demon's forge and heavy rain for the ps3 and resident evil extinction and resident evil apocalypse blu-ray. after spending money, me kal and dars just chilld at my house till ads came over and grabbed some animes and fool around in cod with dars account.
me and kal went to dixie and lookd around of what to buy...i ended up not buying anything and kal bought clothes. then went to eb and check if they have anything new. kal then bought a ps2 slim that didnt work, we tried it at my house, so tom he will try to return it and get in-store credit or something
Killzone 3
rank 28 right now and i started pwning with tactician. i unlock everything for that class....wasted so much points because i wanted to grab the rocket launcher and now im working on unlocking stuff for marksman....cuz i hate it when people in my team cant snipe.
Fallout: New Vegas
still playing this game!!! caravan games are impossible to win for me....time to go on the internet and find a way to easily win so i can get the caravan win trophies.
went out w kal and dars to go to best buy to check their sales. i grabed Hunted the demon's forge and heavy rain for the ps3 and resident evil extinction and resident evil apocalypse blu-ray. after spending money, me kal and dars just chilld at my house till ads came over and grabbed some animes and fool around in cod with dars account.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Medicinal Class
chilld w ads dars kev and kal today. since ads came back from the philippines we gota go grab our "pasalubong." we went and look for some stuff to buy in heartland then went to ads house to chill....not much other than watching jackass 3d.
Killzone 3
got a little addicted to multiplayer of this game....its cuz....i did the same thing in medal of honor where i dont care about my kill death ratio rather i do the objectives...so first i go tactician to capture the early spawn points then i go medic when the game gets hectic specially when we get spawn trap, i just hate the tacs that uses the rocket.
Killzone 3
got a little addicted to multiplayer of this game....its cuz....i did the same thing in medal of honor where i dont care about my kill death ratio rather i do the objectives...so first i go tactician to capture the early spawn points then i go medic when the game gets hectic specially when we get spawn trap, i just hate the tacs that uses the rocket.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Hells Ghast
killzone 3
started playing the multiplayer of this game and its fun, got that battlefield feel to it. i also played a little bit of the campaign but unfortunately i forgot the story so i guess its time to search it up online. im leveling up pretty fast in this game and im running medic most of the time because i get allot of points when im medic, mite aswel max the medic then work my way through the other classes.
killzone 3
started playing the multiplayer of this game and its fun, got that battlefield feel to it. i also played a little bit of the campaign but unfortunately i forgot the story so i guess its time to search it up online. im leveling up pretty fast in this game and im running medic most of the time because i get allot of points when im medic, mite aswel max the medic then work my way through the other classes.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
just bought killzone 3 hellghast for $30 its a really good deal since the used is still $50+
ads came back from the Philippines today and now its time for some 4 player shangri-la. need to find some good strategy and do that easter egg asap.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
me kal and dars started playing more missions on hard mode. the game is getting intense!!! im using my battle armor and its about 85% till rank 6, not sure if im going to switch to jet after i level up my battle.
CoD: Black Ops
we finally get to played shangri-la with 4 players, me dars kal and ads. our new record is 23...unfortunately ads got disconnected so his high score didnt record. we try to survive as much as we can w.o ads and got to round 23 as a result.....not bad, we just toss mokey bombs and upgraded all our weapons.
ads came back from the Philippines today and now its time for some 4 player shangri-la. need to find some good strategy and do that easter egg asap.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
me kal and dars started playing more missions on hard mode. the game is getting intense!!! im using my battle armor and its about 85% till rank 6, not sure if im going to switch to jet after i level up my battle.
CoD: Black Ops
we finally get to played shangri-la with 4 players, me dars kal and ads. our new record is 23...unfortunately ads got disconnected so his high score didnt record. we try to survive as much as we can w.o ads and got to round 23 as a result.....not bad, we just toss mokey bombs and upgraded all our weapons.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Lost in Sleep
child for a bit w kev today. went to bestbuy and checkd wut they have on sale or just anything cheap. i still need to buy borderlands but ill wait for it to go down since borderlands 2 has been announce, borderlands should go down and if it does go down i can buy it at eb and use my edge card.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
still playing this game!! im lvling up my battle armor right now and it is lvl 4...one more level till max in normal dif. ill probably lvl up tactical next since dars and kals tactical are almost maxed out i will be the replacement.
Rune Factory 3
took awhile but i made it through the end, well only thing thats missing is marriage then im pretty much done. took me a year in normal till i decide that i beat this game, i am pretty op. i think for marriage im going for raven...still not sure though.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
still playing this game!! im lvling up my battle armor right now and it is lvl 4...one more level till max in normal dif. ill probably lvl up tactical next since dars and kals tactical are almost maxed out i will be the replacement.
Rune Factory 3
took awhile but i made it through the end, well only thing thats missing is marriage then im pretty much done. took me a year in normal till i decide that i beat this game, i am pretty op. i think for marriage im going for raven...still not sure though.
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Fallout: New Vegas
im pretty far, got to level 12 in two days. already know what is happening and so far i havent killed anyone important, means i can still do the quest i miss last playthrough.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
dars finally got the game and we are pwning in normal difficulty missions. since i already maxed out my jet in normal dif i decided to start using either battle or trooper, depends on what kal and dars are using i use different armor.
Fallout: New Vegas
im pretty far, got to level 12 in two days. already know what is happening and so far i havent killed anyone important, means i can still do the quest i miss last playthrough.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
dars finally got the game and we are pwning in normal difficulty missions. since i already maxed out my jet in normal dif i decided to start using either battle or trooper, depends on what kal and dars are using i use different armor.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Doin it bettah
Fallout: New Vegas
started a new game and this time its going good. i was thinking of starting hardcore mode but ill wait till i get the leftover trophies because i dont want to be distracted playing hardcore trying to get the trophies that are easy to get in normal mode.
Fallout: New Vegas
started a new game and this time its going good. i was thinking of starting hardcore mode but ill wait till i get the leftover trophies because i dont want to be distracted playing hardcore trying to get the trophies that are easy to get in normal mode.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Bugz Bugz Bugs
thinking of restarting my fallout: new vegas and do it right this time rather than killing everything i see. ima try and go to good karma and get as much trophies as i can. either i restart fallout nv or go start resident evil 5......well see.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
i already maxed out my Jet armor and working on my Battle armor. me and kal got to mission 3 but we are slowly working our way up and farming on lower missions for our low level armors. this has been a good and fun game.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
i already maxed out my Jet armor and working on my Battle armor. me and kal got to mission 3 but we are slowly working our way up and farming on lower missions for our low level armors. this has been a good and fun game.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Ride Dat Litenin'
me and kal went out to go get earth defense force: insect armageddon.
got platinum trophy for it....finally. it wasn't that hard but it took time.

Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
fun game! i bought it because i need a casual game...just put in play and have a good time. so far its been fun, me and kal doing the campaign and lvling up our characters.
got platinum trophy for it....finally. it wasn't that hard but it took time.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
fun game! i bought it because i need a casual game...just put in play and have a good time. so far its been fun, me and kal doing the campaign and lvling up our characters.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Litenin Attak
got full negative karma and i bought all the negative powers. almost done this playthrough, im just trying to get the stunts and all of the blast shards...next...i have to buy the most expensive power in the good side because i was foolish enough not to buy it.
got full negative karma and i bought all the negative powers. almost done this playthrough, im just trying to get the stunts and all of the blast shards...next...i have to buy the most expensive power in the good side because i was foolish enough not to buy it.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
lil more lightnin
i continue playing with negative karma and trying to get as many leftover trophies as i can. i also put the difficulty on easy since i already got the hard mode trophy.i am pretty far, i just 100% the first city and im max out outlaw.
i continue playing with negative karma and trying to get as many leftover trophies as i can. i also put the difficulty on easy since i already got the hard mode trophy.i am pretty far, i just 100% the first city and im max out outlaw.
Monday, August 1, 2011
had a fam jam yesterday and it finish around midnight, was nice to see fams once in awhile. july is over already! next moth is the start of new sem and dead island, really looking forward to that game.
CoD: Black Ops
played a bit more zombies w dars. played some shangri-la and some ascension, got to round 15 in shangri-la and round 24 in ascension.
played w dars and we finally beat all the F-in run maps....in recruit difficulty.
CoD: Black Ops
played a bit more zombies w dars. played some shangri-la and some ascension, got to round 15 in shangri-la and round 24 in ascension.
played w dars and we finally beat all the F-in run maps....in recruit difficulty.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Factory Rune
i once again awaken my nds to play games. i started playing rune factory 3 because i couldnt sleep so i decided to start this game....unfortunately......it didnt put me to sleep, kept me awake till i hear the birds chirp. fallout 3 just lags too much, freezes too much, raging too much....it will take awhile before i can go back to that game and that is why i started infamous.
Rune Factory 3
good game and it is a long game. i was thinking of starting golden sun but i kinda got bored because im not in the action right away. i played the previous rune factory on the nds and i gotta say that i like this one compare to the old rune factory 1 n 2.
Rune Factory 3
good game and it is a long game. i was thinking of starting golden sun but i kinda got bored because im not in the action right away. i played the previous rune factory on the nds and i gotta say that i like this one compare to the old rune factory 1 n 2.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Takin it Easy
started playing infamous again because i got bored of prince of persia. i was playing fallout 3 to get the trophies i miss but its too laggy and while i was playing the dlc at point lookout, the game turned black and the ps3 returned to the xmb. fallout 3 game of the year became worse than the normal game. theres too much frame rate drops and freezes, its saddens me that this happens in a good game. i had to restart my ps3 so many times playing the dlc's but playing the normal world didnt had a problem until i started the dlc.
start a new game and im going for negative karma this play through. ima try and get the leftover trophies.
start a new game and im going for negative karma this play through. ima try and get the leftover trophies.
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Journey to Shangri-La
black ops new downloadable content comes out of psn today and of course we are getting it. even though this map is very expensive...we will make most of our money through time by playing the zombie map shanri-la. we dont really bother about the multiplayer maps but i might play the maps in this dlc just o try it out.
CoD: Black Ops
played zombies with dars for the first time and it is HARD! need 4 players because we cant think of a good strategy for 2 players. later on me kal and dars played this map and we did die countless times BUT! we finally got a new record of round 16....our old record...round 7.
played the multiplayer maps with dars. the maps are pretty good! im surprise i like it.....except the map called hazard, its the golf course map. its a very massive map and once your team get contain and your team does not know how to move out....your screwd. the other maps are pretty balance because you can actually move around the map and not contain compare to hazard. this is most likely the best map pack in black ops in my opnion.
CoD: Black Ops
played zombies with dars for the first time and it is HARD! need 4 players because we cant think of a good strategy for 2 players. later on me kal and dars played this map and we did die countless times BUT! we finally got a new record of round 16....our old record...round 7.
played the multiplayer maps with dars. the maps are pretty good! im surprise i like it.....except the map called hazard, its the golf course map. its a very massive map and once your team get contain and your team does not know how to move out....your screwd. the other maps are pretty balance because you can actually move around the map and not contain compare to hazard. this is most likely the best map pack in black ops in my opnion.
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