child for a bit w kev today. went to bestbuy and checkd wut they have on sale or just anything cheap. i still need to buy borderlands but ill wait for it to go down since borderlands 2 has been announce, borderlands should go down and if it does go down i can buy it at eb and use my edge card.
Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon
still playing this game!! im lvling up my battle armor right now and it is lvl more level till max in normal dif. ill probably lvl up tactical next since dars and kals tactical are almost maxed out i will be the replacement.
Rune Factory 3
took awhile but i made it through the end, well only thing thats missing is marriage then im pretty much done. took me a year in normal till i decide that i beat this game, i am pretty op. i think for marriage im going for raven...still not sure though.