Tuesday, November 8, 2011


didnt go to school today because one...im starting to get addicted to dark cloud 2, too nostalgic. twoo...crap weather, rainy, gloomy. threeee...i already know wut im a do for 3d. my plan for 3d is to make 3 wood slab carvings of the three race/faction of starcraft; protos, terran and zergs. hopefully i get to finish this in time. mw3 comes out today i still cant believe people bought it for $60 because to me it feels like an expansion of mw2. never ganna get it unless its free, i already wasted my time on mw2 and i dont really want to play similar game twice, i guess ill just wait for iron wolf.....they better have zombies or else...its rage time.

i was searching the net if they changed the prestige emblems for mw3 it seems like they did. i thought that they would go till 15th but it looks like it stops at 10 just like mw2. the emblems arent too bad except for one and two, the rest are good enough. at lease the 10th is not the skull anymore...i didnt really like the skull that much....i think i liked the 9th but i went all the way to the skull just cuz i played the heck out of that game. i already saw the campaign of this game and it was alright it actually got an ending unlike mw2 where u get cut off and want to know more what happens after the final scene. well my bro already got the game but i doubt ill even play it, i guess im just fed up with this game...need more zombies, if they have zombies in this game illl grab it ;)

Dark Cloud 2
this game i played on the ps2 long time ago....prolly 9 years? not really sure bout the time line but its pretty old game. its nostalgic and i remember the stuff i did in the game, it doesnt ruin the game completely because i notice the that i did horrible mistakes when i was playing this game.