Saturday, April 3, 2010

same as always...hmm

same thing over and homework, video games, sleep and eat. boring~...need a job during the summer or else itll be sleep, eat and video games all day!

well im still playing pokemon and im catchin dittos so i can train more pokemons. i need to catch every nature of ditto so i can breed pokemons with the right natures. right now im just training an ambipom since im ganna start using under use pokemons becuase over use pokemons ruins the game for me...its not intense. i also somewhat finish my 3d i just need to apply another layer of super sculpey then cook it :)

i still have to do my 2d :/
my life drawing >.<
my imaging (-.-)=o (#-.o)
then im done....cant forget painting -.- cant believe i have to retake it....