first is my weedle i caught in viridian forest because i was looking for shroomish and i never knew i have to headbutt tress to catch it...seconds is the kangaskhan which was in the safari zone...and i didnt caught it :/...and third is hoppip i met at route 32 underneath violet city. i got to say im happy because jumpluff is one of my favourite pokemon...even tho the natures not bad im still keeping it :)
and yea im playing too much pokemon -.- i really need to stop and as for the shiny machoke it was given to me from my friend. 3 shiny pkmns so far.
well i finish my 2d canada sketch i still have to paint it.
i need to rename my goro (ambipom) into shiva...because i notice my ambipoms a girl :S
im trying to name my pokemons as the characters in mortal kombat...just because :/
once i ran out of names ill prob move on to random games......ill think of something before that happens...hopefully...most likely final fantasy aeons, guardian forces, w.e they are called now -.-
so far i have...noobsaibot as absol just because hes the first name i came up with. then i started to go on a theme of who my pokemon look like. so i name my scizor sektor..because hes red. name my ambipom goro cuz he has 4 arms (will be change to shiva). i have a cradilly on the way and will be named cyrax because of the hair. and i mite train a weavile and name it sub-zero