Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Playing all day everyday

Not much to do really other than gaming. also trying to look for a job but im still lazy because of the weather outside....dont really want to go out there in the cold and snow, maybe getting a seasonal job is for me. anyways, all ive been really doing is playing games and i finally got into wild star beta so thats something.

well ive played the game for a total for 6 hours game time and i gotta say that the game is fun but i can see myself being bored in a couple of days. the game does feel like call of duty to me with parkour and mechs....its good but i dont see myself liking it in the long run. so i guess ill just spent my money on something else like in warframe prime access or something.

Battlefield 4
the second assault dlc for pc came out and ive been playing it, i think its only for premium members atm. anyways, its been fun seeing these old maps come back to life but...yeah...i played these old maps so much in battlefield 3 that i kinda know where to go like camping spots and shortcuts. they did change the maps a little bit like adding more openings in metro and adding small levelutions in some maps. i think the only big levelution is in gulf of oman where some sandstorm happens. now im working on unlocking the new in bf4/old in bf3 guns. i already unlock the F2000 now...for the rest.

finally got the zephyr frame and ive been leveling her up. my credits sure is gone now since ive been leveling up things and crafting stuff. im waiting for the prime access so i can buy more platinum then i will buy credit booster then hunt for the prime warframe. im not planning on buying the prime frame in prime access because that will be too expensive for my blood ill just buy the tier 1 and get the platinum there and the bonus prime weapons if any. the only problem is i dont know when this will come or if it will even come soooo yea...if i get like 50-75% off plat i might just buy it from the store without the prime access.

been playing some games with my friends like 7 days to die and now we move to starbound. i am still learning the game but i grasp the basics already so now we're just hunting for materials and will be hunting for bosses and such. we havent even move our ships to different sectors of the galaxy so it might take some time.