i am slowly painting my project but it is taking some time...and i am starting to like it now. maybe because it has more colors.
got my sorc to level 60 but doesnt have any gear ill work on my lancer and waste money on her instead of spliting the two. ill just try and earn more money on the lancer and gear my sorc later on.
Tomb Raider
this game....this game is just awesome. the story is good and the game play is good, theyre both solid. i am playing this on the pc because it has the most items that comes with with pre-order such as a dlc tomb, multiplayer map and the dlc tomb you can explore. im about 45% in the game and ive played about 5 hours already. maybe because imt rying to grab as much collectables as possible.
i still have to try the multiplayer of this game...but i kinda dont want to because it might ruin the experience for me....but i guess ill do that once i reach the end of the game.