Saturday, September 29, 2012

Clean 80%

cleaned my computer today just because i felt like it. allot of dust in my graphics cards fans and my power supply. i did clean the computer a couple of days ago but i didnt clean the power supply and the graphics card plus the fan at the font of the case, i also had to dust off the filters.

Guild Wars 2
80+ % with my necromancer. its really hard to focus trying to complete the world vs world map because there are other pvp players in there but good thing im use to my necro. i can take out the right players in the right time.
was afk for a moment looking into a different window when i notice i was being attack and died. i swam to the surface and this what happened. glitched out reaching for the stars. been having these glitches when i die...sometimes it happens with my axe skill number 2 where she just keep spinning the axe.