im not sure why im raging today....a bit agitated. maybe because i dont know what to do all day other plus i woke up early so i've been thinking too much of what to do so i cooked breakfast because there's nothing to eat other than one egg my bro left. finally cleaned my room too. i also got a package from amazon, a new keyboard. im getting use to it right now and it is the razer blackwidow....i was going to buy something else because i can get a pretty good keyboard for the same price. i didnt buy the ultimate because i dont really need a backlight nor a usb hub and to have those feature i have to pay $50 more. i bought the blackwidow because it is mechanical, simple layout, and macro button. what i dont like is the font and they keys feels a bit small...or maybe i just got use to my other keyboard...dunno but it shouldnt take long to get use to. another i dont really like about the kayboard is the glossy look. since my hands are not normal (sweaty) itll just get dirty fast and get fingerprint marking. i was also debating either i get the nostromo or the keyboard but the more buttons the better....ill just get the nostromo some other time.......most likely two weeks from now and see if ill need it for diablo.

ive been using the keyboard for awhile and it already has my palm making on it so im sure it will get dirty fast. my razer naga however is looking clean. i havent add any macros for it yet. another good thing about this keyboard is the clicking sounds when you are typing, probably what people what this keyboard for. ill try it out in some games like tribes, minecraft and torchlight. see how i perform into adapting this new layout.
the weathers been moody this past two days. cloudy and cold....making me lazy. ill probably go to school either tomorrow or thursday....not sure why i didnt go today and i did wake up early. maybe becaus i already know the answer.....sorry he's not here today. once i hear that answer ill just rage because i knew it and it wasted my day and money.
the good path sure is a challenge and im running this in easy mode because i knew its going to be hard at first. im good and i dont know what to expect. ill run evil in hard mode whenever i finish early and no good games coming out.