Friday, April 13, 2012

Insane Platinum

rest day again? pretty much played mass effect 3 the whole day and decided to do the rest of the project later tonight when i have more energy cause thats the way i am.

Mass Effect 3
insanity mode = over and the indoctrination process has been halt. in this playthrough i decided to go for the "destroy" path and i got everyone in my party; garrus, tali, EDI, ashley, javik, liara and james. i also did as much missions as i can. so....time well spent....i platinum the game!!!! this insanity playthrough took me 13 hours to beat. my character is a sentinel and i use liara and javik for biotic explosions, its handy when i dont have anymore ammo and just spam biotic explosions. my sentinel armor do help for survival and i am using saber x and paladin x as my main weapon.