went to photography class and it was the same as always....go there take pictures go home and i finish early today so it was all good.
Battlefield 3
finally finish the campaign and i can give it my "final thoughts". it was good and i beat it on easy trying to get trophies and trying out the guns i havent tried in multiplayer. gotta say that the campaign was pretty fun, was straight forward and its not too easy. people said they were experiencing some glitches in the campaign but i havent encounter any.
online game for this feels rushed. dont really know how they messd this one up but i guess its the new engine, still a fun online experience. problems are...sometimes the sounds gets messd up, for example the background music disappears, cannot hear gun shots (i can hear mine but not the enemies), arming/defusing sound disappearing. pretty big deal but didnt stop me from playing. another glitch is that sometimes when a soldier dies hes standing up making me think hes still alive...again, not a big deal but its there. another problem is the mics, sometimes i cant hear them at all and sometimes is cracking for me while they hear me perfect. the squad....sometimes when i join a game with my squad we get separates, for example, 3 of us in attacking 1 in defending. with all these problems i named the experience for me is still there, i still play the game, i reached max level/unlock everything.
the co-op aspect for this is good. i played with dars so we can unlock guns for multiplayer and so far we unlock the sniper and working our way to the rafficas. i didnt find any problems with this and the difficulties are there and you can feel the difference when you play from hard to easy. we basically farm the last mission on easy and just go through it as quickly as we can, we pretty much get 13k each play-through.
overall ima give this game 8/10. just cuz sometimes multiplayer glitches pisses me off and it does ruin the fun for other people...like my friends, now im just playing the game trying to unlock add-ons for guns and now waiting for the dlc maps. the campaign was good and pretty fun, get to fly those jets. co-op is good and you get to use guns you havent unlock in multiplayer to try them out. fun game but well c how this will compete to mw2(mw3)....still cant believe they "re-releasing" this game lol.