Magic 2012
been playing this game and i gotta say i am having fun playing the game. im trying to finish the campaign atm and trying to get as much cards as i can and trophies. trophies for this game is easy but you cant get platinum....because its too easy...well all trophies are bronze. this game is addicting but once you get all the decks and the cards its pretty much over. since theres not much decks in the game, you will probably encounter the same decks more than once in online multiplayer. but still.....if you just play this game for time to time and not hardcore it should be fun.
been farming for money and managing my village so i can get money. getting pretty addicting since im not that overpowered and my goal is to make a mage thats why im saving some of my equipments to transfer to my mage. me and karl finish 5 missions; 2 more to go and we are done the adventure quest.