june is almost over. didnt do much this june other than go to school, play video games and hunt some games. now that blockbusters are close, our hunt its mostly over. now we gotta wait for games to go on sale or any price drops. gotta keep an eye out for used games too as well for a cheap ps2. i still need one so i can play some of my games because ps3 doesn't play ps2 games unless you got the first ps3. my bro do have it but it got the yellow light and im still trying to fix it.....just need a specific screw driver and im pretty much set.
just went out for a bit with ads dars and kevs to denny's. pretty good place but our waitress is kinda slow so we stayed there for about 2 hours.
Red Faction: Guerrilla
too much side quest for this game....i want to do them all so i can get salvage, basically money in this game. need salvage to get new weapons and upgrades. the missions do take awhile to finish and some of them are quite difficult, takes time and probably proper equipments to beat some. this game will take me awhile to beat.....i would rush but i dont want to run out of games to play.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
lil too much
still trying to beat games and slowly getting there. still cant believe i beat FEAR3 too fast. still trying to beat red faction guerrilla.
me and dars played some contraction and got to round 19 in merchandize map.....one more round and we wouldve gotten the achievement of finish one game of contraction. we died from rocket dude....they basically have slight of hands, reloads so fast that they shoot two rockets.....basically instant kill.
me and dars played some contraction and got to round 19 in merchandize map.....one more round and we wouldve gotten the achievement of finish one game of contraction. we died from rocket dude....they basically have slight of hands, reloads so fast that they shoot two rockets.....basically instant kill.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Fear M3
still gotta beat red faction.....looong game like GTA, too much side quest but it is fun destroying everything. still hooked to zombie mode/survival mode though.
played more multiplayer with dars. we continue our campaign, me as the pointman and dars as the ghost. i think we're almost done. still gotta play games with max players.
beat the game as point man single player...gotta beat the game in coop with dars now. single player campaign is pretty short specially with the help of another player....makes it too easy. welll....i did play it on recruit because im still low level and didnt get the health plus perks yet. gotta give this game 8/10....campaign is good but my only problem is the searching for games online. its better to play this with friends than play with random people that will troll you. theres not much people that want to host a game and sometimes i cant join other games because of their connection. really need a server for online games and not peer to peer connection. online is fun but searching for games could take awhile, plus if you want to play a map, people will change the map and you wont get what you want....i try hosting but no one joins....maybe its my connection but dars can join me soo not sure how online really works.
played more multiplayer with dars. we continue our campaign, me as the pointman and dars as the ghost. i think we're almost done. still gotta play games with max players.
beat the game as point man single player...gotta beat the game in coop with dars now. single player campaign is pretty short specially with the help of another player....makes it too easy. welll....i did play it on recruit because im still low level and didnt get the health plus perks yet. gotta give this game 8/10....campaign is good but my only problem is the searching for games online. its better to play this with friends than play with random people that will troll you. theres not much people that want to host a game and sometimes i cant join other games because of their connection. really need a server for online games and not peer to peer connection. online is fun but searching for games could take awhile, plus if you want to play a map, people will change the map and you wont get what you want....i try hosting but no one joins....maybe its my connection but dars can join me soo not sure how online really works.
Monday, June 27, 2011
Zombohs Redemption
went out with kall, jamz, kevs, dars and ads today. just chilld really cuz i havent seen them in awhile. also bought FEAR3 today just because i get a FEAR2 copy with it for free and the deal last till june 30th...only reason i got it. i basically traded 2 old games for 2 new games.....even though FEAR2 is old. gotta say goodbye to Crysis 2 and Borderlands but i'll buy borderlands back with my edge card discount.
CoD: Black Ops
played some call of the dead with dars. and we got to round 26.....unfortunately we decided to kill ourselves because we dont want to get trolled by disconnecting through the black ops server and my internet. we will creep slowly to get our round 33 back.
played some multiplayer with dars. pretty fun and i can see it being fun with more people. this game is not really for competitive style its more cooperative. even in games like the tdm thing, you basically have to work with people to make the first guy loose....kinda like wager match in black ops. really fun game and i can see it being serious with friends in coop.

CoD: Black Ops
played some call of the dead with dars. and we got to round 26.....unfortunately we decided to kill ourselves because we dont want to get trolled by disconnecting through the black ops server and my internet. we will creep slowly to get our round 33 back.
played some multiplayer with dars. pretty fun and i can see it being fun with more people. this game is not really for competitive style its more cooperative. even in games like the tdm thing, you basically have to work with people to make the first guy loose....kinda like wager match in black ops. really fun game and i can see it being serious with friends in coop.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
me and dars tried our new games. we first try red faction then to bakugan after modnation. redfaction was fun online just need more people playing. bakugan was a fail because there's no online. modnation fail too because it took too long to download and install.
played for a bit....didnt get the chance to play much because downloading patches and installing took most of the time. me and dars suppose to try online but it took too long to download and
install that it accumulated too much rage.

Red Faction: Guerrilla
played some online with dars, pretty fun game. like how you have to look for guns and ability. me and dars treat those ability as perks.....basically look for backpacks that gives you special ability like jetpack, rhino, thurst, invisible and more....cant remember all of them.
played for a bit....didnt get the chance to play much because downloading patches and installing took most of the time. me and dars suppose to try online but it took too long to download and
install that it accumulated too much rage.
Red Faction: Guerrilla
played some online with dars, pretty fun game. like how you have to look for guns and ability. me and dars treat those ability as perks.....basically look for backpacks that gives you special ability like jetpack, rhino, thurst, invisible and more....cant remember all of them.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Red Fact
Friday, June 24, 2011
Gather the Magic
i recently bought the nintendo controller....the one that comes with monster hunter tri. i bought it at eb game because its $14 used + 25% off from their promo thing happening. i bought it so i wont regret anything. im still looking for dark cloud 2 if worse comes to worse i'll have to buy the game online. im still skeptical buying stuff online thats why im hesitant.....but when the time comes i'll do it.
Magic 2012
been playing this game and i gotta say i am having fun playing the game. im trying to finish the campaign atm and trying to get as much cards as i can and trophies. trophies for this game is easy but you cant get platinum....because its too easy...well all trophies are bronze. this game is addicting but once you get all the decks and the cards its pretty much over. since theres not much decks in the game, you will probably encounter the same decks more than once in online multiplayer. but still.....if you just play this game for time to time and not hardcore it should be fun.
Two Worlds 2
been farming for money and managing my village so i can get money. getting pretty addicting since im not that overpowered and my goal is to make a mage thats why im saving some of my equipments to transfer to my mage. me and karl finish 5 missions; 2 more to go and we are done the adventure quest.
Magic 2012
been playing this game and i gotta say i am having fun playing the game. im trying to finish the campaign atm and trying to get as much cards as i can and trophies. trophies for this game is easy but you cant get platinum....because its too easy...well all trophies are bronze. this game is addicting but once you get all the decks and the cards its pretty much over. since theres not much decks in the game, you will probably encounter the same decks more than once in online multiplayer. but still.....if you just play this game for time to time and not hardcore it should be fun.
been farming for money and managing my village so i can get money. getting pretty addicting since im not that overpowered and my goal is to make a mage thats why im saving some of my equipments to transfer to my mage. me and karl finish 5 missions; 2 more to go and we are done the adventure quest.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
The Final Hunt?
went for another block buster hunt. went and bought tornado outbreak and bakugan battle brawlers since its really cheap and those are the last games in the shelf and i also bought resident evil afterlife because i want to complete the collection since i have the first one. so far i bought red faction, tornado outbreak, two worlds 2, bakugan, vanquish and enslave.....too much games to play. but playing two worlds 2 atm.
Two Worlds 2
played more multiplayer with karl trying to beat the coop missions. pretty long to do one mission.....about an hour+ for each.
CoD: World at War
played Verruct with ads and dars since dars bought the maps. got to round 16 first try and then died after we died we tried again and kept trying......but fail. highest round 10.
Two Worlds 2
played more multiplayer with karl trying to beat the coop missions. pretty long to do one mission.....about an hour+ for each.
CoD: World at War
played Verruct with ads and dars since dars bought the maps. got to round 16 first try and then died after we died we tried again and kept trying......but fail. highest round 10.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Ragin Gamerz
CoD: Black Ops
played more call of the dead with dars. try to get our hi score back.....but the connection is too gay. we keep getting disconnected until we rage quit. we got to round 18 then it dc us. too gayy.
Two Worlds 2
start playing some single player then later on tried to play co-op with karl. pretty fun game in co-op would be more fun playing with friends.
CoD: Black Ops
played more call of the dead with dars. try to get our hi score back.....but the connection is too gay. we keep getting disconnected until we rage quit. we got to round 18 then it dc us. too gayy.
Two Worlds 2
start playing some single player then later on tried to play co-op with karl. pretty fun game in co-op would be more fun playing with friends.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
Good Finish
beat the game as a hero!!! now time to beat other games. i played this game before and i beat the game as infamous then. so i decided to beat it again as a hero now that sony gave this game for free as part of their welcome back program. ill give this game 7.5/10. i encounter lots of random glitches in the game and too repetitive for me, its more fun being infamous than being a hero because you can do anything with infamous status while as a hero you have to maintain your karma, basically be good. still a good game though......i would like to play the second one though see what will happen next.

Little Big Planet
finally beat all the levels in this game....now its time to wait till little big planet 2 becomes cheap. good game but its more fun to play with friends and theres actually replay value for this game as long as people keep making maps and posting them online, you can create your own map too. ima give this game 8.5/10. really fun game but you do get frustrated playing it specially if you cant beat a level. random people online trolls you. playing by your self is not as fun.
beat the game as a hero!!! now time to beat other games. i played this game before and i beat the game as infamous then. so i decided to beat it again as a hero now that sony gave this game for free as part of their welcome back program. ill give this game 7.5/10. i encounter lots of random glitches in the game and too repetitive for me, its more fun being infamous than being a hero because you can do anything with infamous status while as a hero you have to maintain your karma, basically be good. still a good game though......i would like to play the second one though see what will happen next.
Little Big Planet
finally beat all the levels in this game....now its time to wait till little big planet 2 becomes cheap. good game but its more fun to play with friends and theres actually replay value for this game as long as people keep making maps and posting them online, you can create your own map too. ima give this game 8.5/10. really fun game but you do get frustrated playing it specially if you cant beat a level. random people online trolls you. playing by your self is not as fun.
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Sat Sunny
finally get some sun on a saturday!!! did some painting again for 4 hours. almost done tho next week is a two week pose soo thats ganna be fun.....maybe. too much blockbuster hunting i saw one near sheridan today and i should go and chack...naybe next week because i didnt had the car with me today. so far i bought modnation, prince of persia, two worlds two, enslave and vanquish....alllot of games right there. dars told me to buy the used game red faction plus i gotta go check the blockbuster near sheridan so the list might continue......good thing im not into movies because if i am....my money wouldve been gone.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Nerd Rage!!!
went to wasabi with fam today to celebrate fathers day. getting bored of wasabi now....iunno....i probably just need to start working out again so i can eat allot, just gotta chew and swallow.
CoD: Black Ops
me and dars played more call of the dead....we finally master our kiting place. we got to round 33, new record, BUT!!!!! some console error about the server and it didnt record our score.........rage rage rage rage rage. ohh wellll....well just redo the same thing some other time but for now we need to cool off from call of the dead OR get revenge and try again lol.
CoD: Black Ops
me and dars played more call of the dead....we finally master our kiting place. we got to round 33, new record, BUT!!!!! some console error about the server and it didnt record our score.........rage rage rage rage rage. ohh wellll....well just redo the same thing some other time but for now we need to cool off from call of the dead OR get revenge and try again lol.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
More Zombeh Slayin
CoD: Black Ops
MORE call of the dead. played with dars today and we try a new strategy...dars kite inside the lighthouse while i kite outside the lighthouse. we did good...got to 20 rounds with my crappy guns. i was using the Ak74u because i got unlimited supply on the wall and a random box gun and the gun i had was the AUG....couldnt get rid of it because of the max ammos we keep getting. our kiting plan is pretty good....we just need to master it cuz im use to kiting inside the lighthouse.
i recently saw the new dlc for the 3rd dlc for black ops called Annihilation. the zombie maps looking pretty good. it is in some jungle place called Shangrila. lots of traps in this map and looks pretty bright. monkeys are back in this game and it looks like they steal power ups. this map looks pretty narrow too.
saw most of the stuff in the ign video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1bwnAHNRtw
im trying to clear out the 2nd city...i think im at 80%. im almost there.
CoD: Black Ops
MORE call of the dead. played with dars today and we try a new strategy...dars kite inside the lighthouse while i kite outside the lighthouse. we did good...got to 20 rounds with my crappy guns. i was using the Ak74u because i got unlimited supply on the wall and a random box gun and the gun i had was the AUG....couldnt get rid of it because of the max ammos we keep getting. our kiting plan is pretty good....we just need to master it cuz im use to kiting inside the lighthouse.
i recently saw the new dlc for the 3rd dlc for black ops called Annihilation. the zombie maps looking pretty good. it is in some jungle place called Shangrila. lots of traps in this map and looks pretty bright. monkeys are back in this game and it looks like they steal power ups. this map looks pretty narrow too.
saw most of the stuff in the ign video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r1bwnAHNRtw
im trying to clear out the 2nd city...i think im at 80%. im almost there.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Scavengerz Proz
went to a blockbuster hunt with ads and kall and eventually dars. dars couldnt come because he had to take his G test, good thing he pass his test. we went to brampton and went to allot of blockbuster....at the end of the day i bought; two worlds 2, vanquish, enslave and dark could.....looks like i spent allot of money but i wont be buying anything for awhile so i guess it worth the spent. blockbuster is closing so i got 50% off for vanquish and enslave and 70% off for two worlds 2 but i got normal used price for dark cloud + edge card.
CoD: Black Ops
played more call of the dead, single player though because i wanted to get the scavenger achievement called Shooting on Location and you have to kill 10 zombies with one scavenger shot from over 100 feet away. got it and i didnt beat my single player record of 28 because i died at round 28......ohh well.
CoD: Black Ops
played more call of the dead, single player though because i wanted to get the scavenger achievement called Shooting on Location and you have to kill 10 zombies with one scavenger shot from over 100 feet away. got it and i didnt beat my single player record of 28 because i died at round 28......ohh well.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
CoD: Black Ops
played more call of the dead with dars and we beat our record! from 17 to 20....not bad. how we died; dars died cuz he keep getting stuck on a rock and no juggs in the start of the round. round 20 dars died then his horde came to my kite stop and block my way....the end.
played more call of the dead today but this time with 3 people; me ads and dars. we got to round 21! new record!!!

100% neon city and max out my hero karma. doing as much quest as i can and trying to get as much trophies as i can get. ill probably play the evil karma after to get the bad guy trophies....if i feel like it when i beat the game.
CoD: Black Ops
played more call of the dead with dars and we beat our record! from 17 to 20....not bad. how we died; dars died cuz he keep getting stuck on a rock and no juggs in the start of the round. round 20 dars died then his horde came to my kite stop and block my way....the end.
played more call of the dead today but this time with 3 people; me ads and dars. we got to round 21! new record!!!
100% neon city and max out my hero karma. doing as much quest as i can and trying to get as much trophies as i can get. ill probably play the evil karma after to get the bad guy trophies....if i feel like it when i beat the game.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Call of the Zombeh
CoD: Black Ops
me and dars played call of the dead and we focus on getting high rounds, nore more fooling around with easter eggs. our strategy is for me to kite down the lighthouse and dars to kite down where the ak74u is, basically beside where i kite. we died because there was a massive horde from my route going to dars route blocking my way. at the end we beat our high score of 16 to 17.....getting better.
me ads and dars played the advance rounds in the dome we got to round 10 then quit because its too long. after the dome ads had to go so me and dars just stayed and try to lvl up.....so we went to the zombie island dlc and beat it........i am now lvl 41. we just need to do the braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains quest then were done all quest in zombie island.
CoD: Black Ops
me and dars played call of the dead and we focus on getting high rounds, nore more fooling around with easter eggs. our strategy is for me to kite down the lighthouse and dars to kite down where the ak74u is, basically beside where i kite. we died because there was a massive horde from my route going to dars route blocking my way. at the end we beat our high score of 16 to 17.....getting better.
me ads and dars played the advance rounds in the dome we got to round 10 then quit because its too long. after the dome ads had to go so me and dars just stayed and try to lvl up.....so we went to the zombie island dlc and beat it........i am now lvl 41. we just need to do the braaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaains quest then were done all quest in zombie island.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
More Stufff?!
went to walmart again but this time with dars. we went there cuz dars dsnt know how to get there and i want to check wut else they have left. so dars bought modnation then after walmart we went to ebgames since its right next to it. there was a deal at eb buy 2 used game get one half price.....sooo dars was about to buy 2 games but didnt want to buy a 3rd but i wanted to buy prince of persia for 8 dollars.......so we used the deal thing and my prince of persia cost $4 instead since they half price the cheapest game.
still playing the good guy role. got the hero rank and finally got to the second city by opening the bridge. i played this game before and i did the bad guy ending so this time ima do the good guy.
still playing the good guy role. got the hero rank and finally got to the second city by opening the bridge. i played this game before and i did the bad guy ending so this time ima do the good guy.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
tipical saturday....
saturday again and i got painting class. its the same as the past 3 saturdays........gloomy outside....cold. i bet tomorrow and the rest of the week will be sunny and warm. well next next week we got our 2 week pose so ill probably skip next week if i feel like it.
CoD: Black Ops
still playing call of the dead. doing more achievements with dars online to get the co-op achievement and the scavenger achievement. the co-op achievement is hard to get w.o 4 people so well probably wait till we get full party.
CoD: Black Ops
still playing call of the dead. doing more achievements with dars online to get the co-op achievement and the scavenger achievement. the co-op achievement is hard to get w.o 4 people so well probably wait till we get full party.
Friday, June 10, 2011
Call of Escalation
now that its out on the ps3, we bought the cod black ops second map pack escalation finally get to play call of the dead. me and karl went to wallmart, eb and bulk barn. we bought mod nation and karl bought other random stuff. me and dars bought stuff online too. dars bought his rpg called agarest: generation of war and i bought resident evil 5 gold edition.
CoD: Black Ops
played multi with ads and kall for a bit till we get to play all 4 multiplayer maps....gotta say dont like the maps on domination especially convoy. only map i really like was zoo, its fun playing that map. after fooling around in multiplayer me and ads moved to zomb with dars, we only played call of the dead. i got to round 11 they got to round 12 because i got disconnected when they reach that high level. i played solo after so i can get the achievements and i did. i got the easter egg achievement and the VR-11 achievement. as for the rest of the achievements.....we have to do the easter egg in coop, defeat george romero and kill 10 zombies with the scavenger 100 feet away.

Thursday, June 9, 2011
Moh Recipes
made some tuna wraps today cuz we had leftover wraps during our pork-chop bbq e3 session. it was good, made 3 wraps. well now that e3 is finally over and the games are coming im not really hype for any of them. the new consoles they announce was nothing special to me, the wii u and psvita is not really a big deal. im more hype for the games than the consoles. they keep making stuff we already have why not focus on making the current consoles better. they should just upgrade the ps3. make wii u portable cuz it already looks portable. xbox probably doing this right but i think they are behind. they giving more features to the xbox that the ps3 already have they need to upgrade the xbox. only looking forward to games really....probably uncharted 3, assassins creed, dark souls, dead island, dragon dogma....allot more. i know some of the games are coming out 2012 and allot of good games im waiting for are coming out 2012....so ill just wait.
just farming the dome now since i got nothing better to do. farming by yourself doesnt give good loots. the price only give 3 items but the prices increase the amount of player in the game.....need to play with people to get good loots.
Little Big Planet
im at the last chapter....almost done!!!!
CoD: Black Ops
played with dars and chini in zombie ascension and kino....died fast in ascension cuz we dont have a plan. good game in kino tho....until we got disconnected.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
made some crepes today. turned out good but not perfect yet. for the crepes i only used some icing and some nutella no fruits cuz i didnt want to use banana and i dont have any strawberries. watch underworld evolution since i got it free in psn store cuz it was part of their welcome back program i believe. there was 3 free movies but this was the only movie i havent watched so now it is done.
Little Big Planet
almost done this game, one more world to go and then its time to try and grab as much items as i can. its a very fun game and now its time to wait till little big planet 2 becomes cheap + game of the year.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
iTs Continue?
ads and dars slept over so we can watch nintendos conference at 12pm. nintendo was okay.....im more hype to the games rather than the wii u. wii u would be good if its portable but it seems like it has to stay with the console.
after grilling some pork-chop and more meat PLUS darwins banana we went and watch x-men first class. first class was a good movie, i enjoyed it. didnt show much character development but the movie is all about prof. x and magneto so i wont complain there. i think this might be the best x-men movie so far.
Little Big Planet
while waiting for ads to pick up dars at my house, me and dars played some lbp. i played lbp before but i never beat it because the time lbp came out was the time where my bro was hording the ps3....and now that i have my own i can finally play and beat this old game. this game is more fun playing with friends. need 4 players so i can get all the items cuz i want to collect items rather than trying to get high score or beating the level.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Über E3 LAN
ads and dars came over to watch E3. we watch all E3 conference starting with microsoft to sony......thats a really long time. we then cook some pork-chop and made some wraps. while we are waiting for sonys conference we played boderlands cuz ads and dars brought their ps3s over so we can LAN up!
overall i gotta say the best conference today was sony. just because they have allot to show and more games im more excited about. microsoft did show halo 4, i knew its coming.
ads and dars slept over and the epic e3 continues.
LAN'd with ads and dars here at my house. we decided to play because we have the downloadable contents now and we beat the game already, hording for items basically.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Bad Weather...
thunder storm outside and had school today. this weathers not good for an art student, its my enemy whenever im going to school because i have to carry my art stuff on the way to school and when im going home.
got psn plus in one of my account and i downloaded all the free psn plus games/adons. gotta play all of the game because it looks like the game will be disabled once my ps plus is gone.
got psn plus in one of my account and i downloaded all the free psn plus games/adons. gotta play all of the game because it looks like the game will be disabled once my ps plus is gone.
Friday, June 3, 2011
Welcome Back
psn welcome back program is now online.....problems tho........big problems. i try to download my free games and error keep occurring. so i went ahead and press o to go back then there i notice......my free game 1 is gone and i didnt even download anything so i hope they fix that and let me download more my game cuz if not that would be a big deal because my friend dars tried both his free game 1 and 2 and didnt get to download anything and now he lost both in the store.
me adds and dars was playing but ads had to go because he needs to do some stuff so me and dars continue on.....didnt know that we beat the game. so i guess well do ads missions instead and beat his game.
me adds and dars was playing but ads had to go because he needs to do some stuff so me and dars continue on.....didnt know that we beat the game. so i guess well do ads missions instead and beat his game.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
psn store is finally online! no point really.....since im not a plus member yet so not much really change but now ads downloaded the map pack for cod w@w so we played zombies. also watched KONAMI conference about their projects and the releases that will happen in the future, pretty entertaining and good presentation. looking forward to the mgs HD collection.
Orange Box
welll....that was fast. i beat portal. im GLaD that its a good game and i gotta say i had fun even tho its pretty short and the puzzles are strait forward to me, this is the first time i played portal too. play for about 2-3 hours good game but now i gotta see the alternate ending that leads to portal 2.
Call of Duty: World at War
played zombies with ads and dars in both shi no numa and der reise. died fast in shino about 12 rounds but der reise was epic!! we got good guns and survive till round 31. basically how its concluded was......everyone starts dying because we ran out of ammo so we just ran around use teleport till we get good drops either max ammo or kaboom. at the end dars and ads die around round 29 so they dont have good guns anymore while i still have mine.....round 31........i had 900+ points cant use teleport or traps....i died when i was about to jump off the balcony by the cat walk and the zombie came out of the window and ambush me.
played zombies with ads and dars in both shi no numa and der reise. died fast in shino about 12 rounds but der reise was epic!! we got good guns and survive till round 31. basically how its concluded was......everyone starts dying because we ran out of ammo so we just ran around use teleport till we get good drops either max ammo or kaboom. at the end dars and ads die around round 29 so they dont have good guns anymore while i still have mine.....round 31........i had 900+ points cant use teleport or traps....i died when i was about to jump off the balcony by the cat walk and the zombie came out of the window and ambush me.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Tu Wed
went out with ads dars and kevs to watch hangover 2...gotta say its good i wasnt expecting anything really just hoping its as good as the first one and it is. after we just chill at dars for a bit till we all decide to go home.
may 31st and still no psn store....wonder whats taking so long. i thought they will have full service by now but i guess they werent prepare to launch it yet plus they have to add the free psn plus membership for everyone. its either something still wrong or they're waiting to tell everyone at E3....either or its upsetting people but at lease online is back.
i did start a project for myself to keep me busy. nothing big really just making a helmet....gotta try and do as much stuff as i can while i have the materials from my art classes.
psn store still down but i heard that i should be back by the end of the week.....if not then well hear more in E3.
Red Dead Redemption
just farming some gang hideouts to level up. lvl 31 atm and will probably farm more till lvl 33 so i can get a new mount.
Orange Box
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