oh yea....and kev bought dead nation for the ps3.
darwins compass is broken....thats why he's always lost...
Pokemon Black
just beat the 7th gym leader.....omg im almost done the game.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit. only played to check which gun will do best HK21 or Stoner63...so i played 3 games with only HK21 and 3 games with Stoner and see which one ill do good with and and i add up the amount of kills i got in those 3 games and stoner wins.....so i bought the gold camo for the Stoner63 then i went back to pokemon. next gold mite be the Steakout cuz iunno why but i suk at using the SPAS but i like all the gold camo for all the shotguns.
Dead Nation
played with kev for one mission pretty funnn lol