went to school early but i didnt go to surface design instead i went to the commons and did some of my homework. i started my artist statement for business, i finish my scams and fraud case study, i started my media lab final project. i also applied for spring/summer course for painting 2.....stupid idea not to take it this term.
last day of march and tomorrow is the 1st day of april. achools almost done and time to sleep! like what i've been doing the start of term 2.
i still have to grab a picture for my surface as my reference work plus i have to finish my "coloring book collage." then i have to finish media probably in school unless i get to install photoshop in my comp. then theres the grant application for business....then theres scams and frauds....then i still have to make a chair for 3d but i do have an idea.....kinda......
Pokemon Black
got more pokemons to train and im training them all together. i only need the hold items for the battle subway which cost 48BP each. i need choice bands choice scarfs life orbs etc.
Crysis 2
still lvling up slow. i do take advantage of the perk Retrieve. its a perk that lets you acquire dog tags when you kill an enemy. and i got upgrade 2 for it which is killstreak cost 1 less dog tag. its like hardline in cod. so what i usually do is go grab a turret and just kill everything with it, 6 kills ceph gunship....not badd. lvl 31 at the moment and still trying to lvl up as much as i can but its getting really really slow. i try to lvl up at lease one then i usually go to dead space 2 multiplayer. i was trying to keep my rank high, i got to rank 600s...since i didnt play for 2 days because of other games....i am in rank 1300s now. but my kill to death ratio is still good. i really thought that my KD in this game would be bad and i didnt care about it until i saw my KD being 2.0s
Dead Space 2
still didnt touch the single player of this game but i probably will soon. i got to lvl 12 and im just playing this game for fun and not serious unlike crysis.
played a bit of keats story so i can catch up to ellens. i didnt finish the chapter but i think im halfway there. its faster because i already know what to do and where to go because i played ellens story first. only thing lagging me is the ids karma....gotta lvl up as much ids as possible.
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
i finally change the set up of my room! buttt i didnt do any of my homework and my interpretive is due tomorrow....probably will start as soon as possible.
i finally finish my interpretive drawing project! took 20mins to do......
Dead Space 2
played multiplayer with darwin....prettty jokes lolll
dead space 2 online
how the multiplayer works in dead space 2 is simple. there are two teams, the humans and the necromorphs and both teams have different objectives in 4 different maps. the humans objectives are deliver, activate, defend and destroy while the necromphs are defend and destroy. and each team only consist of 4 players, a simple 4v4 but the necromorphs do get some npcs because necromorphs die easy, i find myself with a negative kill to death ratio whenever im a necromorph.
lvling in this game is the same as any other online multiplayer. humans gets experience from doing objectives, killing, assists, and healing. necromorphs gets experience from executions, killing and assists. both race gets bonus from matches when they win a round. lvling grants humans suits and guns while the necromorphs acquire passive abilities like increase melee damage or increase range damage.
the game is simple....as a human you have to do the objective to win a round and as a necromorph you have to stop the humans from doing the objective to win a round.
overall, i find this game hard and imba specially when your facing a max level opponent, it can be one sided sometimes. its really fun when its played by low level players. and the game is about team work and to me its not about getting the most kills in the game, its about winning!! win here win there win win everywhere.
i finally finish my interpretive drawing project! took 20mins to do......
Dead Space 2
played multiplayer with darwin....prettty jokes lolll
how the multiplayer works in dead space 2 is simple. there are two teams, the humans and the necromorphs and both teams have different objectives in 4 different maps. the humans objectives are deliver, activate, defend and destroy while the necromphs are defend and destroy. and each team only consist of 4 players, a simple 4v4 but the necromorphs do get some npcs because necromorphs die easy, i find myself with a negative kill to death ratio whenever im a necromorph.
lvling in this game is the same as any other online multiplayer. humans gets experience from doing objectives, killing, assists, and healing. necromorphs gets experience from executions, killing and assists. both race gets bonus from matches when they win a round. lvling grants humans suits and guns while the necromorphs acquire passive abilities like increase melee damage or increase range damage.
the game is simple....as a human you have to do the objective to win a round and as a necromorph you have to stop the humans from doing the objective to win a round.
overall, i find this game hard and imba specially when your facing a max level opponent, it can be one sided sometimes. its really fun when its played by low level players. and the game is about team work and to me its not about getting the most kills in the game, its about winning!! win here win there win win everywhere.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Stop f00lin around?
procrastinate again.....one of the things i do best. instead of starting my interpretive, due this thursday, i clean my room! its beneficial to me...i guess. my excuse for that is!!! i dont know whether i can use acrylic paint or not. BUT!!!!! i am doing my scams and fraud blog posting assignment. which is pretty easyyy.
i still got to do my surface design color book thing....just remember that we have that. i still didnt rearrange my room, probably do it tomorrow. i still got to ask my bro about his useless computer so i can install photoshop on that and do my media which is due on monday!
Pokemon Black
More training!!! i am filling up the pokedex while i do training so thats two things in one.
Crysis 2
STILL in multi player at lvl 30. lvling is tooo slow!! even if im getting 20 kills per game....welll maybe because i only play tdm. i dont want to play relay because i dont want to be put in a noob team so i rather play solo tdm...makes my life easier. this game is connection heavy, whenever im the host....its like god mode. if im host i usually use guns i dont normally use like shotgun or sniper because i gain experience when i level guns plus i get to unlock attachments for the gun.
i still got to do my surface design color book thing....just remember that we have that. i still didnt rearrange my room, probably do it tomorrow. i still got to ask my bro about his useless computer so i can install photoshop on that and do my media which is due on monday!
Pokemon Black
More training!!! i am filling up the pokedex while i do training so thats two things in one.
Crysis 2
STILL in multi player at lvl 30. lvling is tooo slow!! even if im getting 20 kills per game....welll maybe because i only play tdm. i dont want to play relay because i dont want to be put in a noob team so i rather play solo tdm...makes my life easier. this game is connection heavy, whenever im the host....its like god mode. if im host i usually use guns i dont normally use like shotgun or sniper because i gain experience when i level guns plus i get to unlock attachments for the gun.
Monday, March 28, 2011
More Mondeh
went to school today and good thing i didnt feel lazy because i saw while i was waiting for my monrning class to start that we have a final test for media lab. i also need to go to the remainder lectures in business. next week i got media lab due which is our final project....same stuff we do in-class...should be easy if i can get my hands on a computer. for business our grant application is due and we cant hand in stuff late, its basically our last day for business and i hope i pass cuz i did miss a major assignment.
i still have allot of stuff due, mostly final projects. interpretive which is due this week, scams for posting in her blog and some papers, surface, media and business......pretty much all of my courses. this what happens when your being lazy.
Pokemon Black
i was trying to complete my pokedex but got bored. i started training pokemons since i got those power items now that increases effort values, instead of killing 60+ pokemon with pokerus and macho breace i only need to kill 28 to max out one stat. was hatching eggs while waiting for the lecture to start and i notice that 10 people in the lecture hall is playing pokemon. i turn on my C-gear and only saw one but people are probably saving battery. i also saw the 3ds for the first time. someone in my lecture class brought a 3ds and was just playing the whole time......its sooo shiny.
i still have allot of stuff due, mostly final projects. interpretive which is due this week, scams for posting in her blog and some papers, surface, media and business......pretty much all of my courses. this what happens when your being lazy.
Pokemon Black
i was trying to complete my pokedex but got bored. i started training pokemons since i got those power items now that increases effort values, instead of killing 60+ pokemon with pokerus and macho breace i only need to kill 28 to max out one stat. was hatching eggs while waiting for the lecture to start and i notice that 10 people in the lecture hall is playing pokemon. i turn on my C-gear and only saw one but people are probably saving battery. i also saw the 3ds for the first time. someone in my lecture class brought a 3ds and was just playing the whole time......its sooo shiny.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Lazy Sunday
sleepy sleepy....wasted my whole day sleeeeping. still need to do homework for my classes...got my mails for school too., now i need to go talk to the people in sheridan bout my courses and stuff.
Pokemon Black
almost done the pokedex. seen 150 caught 120ish...didnt see the event pokemons yet of course cep for victini. prob will start EV training soon....also, i notice im missing one nature for ditto...quite....aarrgghhh ganna need to farm dittos......AGAIN!!
Crysis 2
still playing the multi...prob play single once i reach mac lvl. currently 25. i want to get to 27 so i can try out new guns.
Pokemon Black
almost done the pokedex. seen 150 caught 120ish...didnt see the event pokemons yet of course cep for victini. prob will start EV training soon....also, i notice im missing one nature for ditto...quite....aarrgghhh ganna need to farm dittos......AGAIN!!
Crysis 2
still playing the multi...prob play single once i reach mac lvl. currently 25. i want to get to 27 so i can try out new guns.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
More things
fridays critique in 3d was okay. im pretty sure my group did awesome because our explanation for our metal process work is solid, my figures explanation is also solid and the class cant really say anything bad on our project. next project in 3d is the chair. we have to build a chair our of wood or whatever material we choose....itlll take......the rest of the class to do, i think. scams.....didnt go just because its more group work and im ganna do the work by myself....cuz im awesome? after schools done, got home and play some crysis 2...gotta lvl up ryt? kev also got the game, so we got a new recruit....he'll prob catch up to darwins lvl in no time. then chilled at kevs house and play some lbp2, mvc3 and castle crashers with jamz chris and drei.
Crysis 2
still didnt touch single player. im lvl 21 in multi right now and i unlock the volt smg, JAW (launcher) and the machine pistol. need to try these new guns. it seems like the games been too laggy lately....they shouldve added an option to search games local only not global....there maybe an option for that but i dont see it anywhere.
Pokemon White
thinking of doing the subway battles but also thinking of finishing my pokedex since i found my lucky egg. i cant really go far in the subway battles because none of my high lvl pokemons are EV trained, so i cant keep my battle streak. this generation of pokemon is just too weird.....but its okay....gotta adapt to this game.
Crysis 2
still didnt touch single player. im lvl 21 in multi right now and i unlock the volt smg, JAW (launcher) and the machine pistol. need to try these new guns. it seems like the games been too laggy lately....they shouldve added an option to search games local only not global....there maybe an option for that but i dont see it anywhere.
Pokemon White
thinking of doing the subway battles but also thinking of finishing my pokedex since i found my lucky egg. i cant really go far in the subway battles because none of my high lvl pokemons are EV trained, so i cant keep my battle streak. this generation of pokemon is just too weird.....but its okay....gotta adapt to this game.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Crysis 2?!!
went to school today....got a txt msg early in the morning around 8am..."yo im going to sheridan lol fck the hospital." sooo darwin came over to sheridan. i had to do my critique before leaving plus we have a group project to do, which took about 40mins. after my surface and group meeting, i ended up not going to interpretive....just cuz. then me and dars went to erin and bought crysis 2......
Pokemon Black
FOUND MA LUCKY EGG!!! it was held by a pokemon i put in the daycare :/
i probably complete the pokedex first before ev training. i did breed some pokemons but i dont have power items yet that give +4 EVs. i do have pokerus and macho breace...but itll take long to max out one stat...i think its around 60+ pokemon kills.
Crysis 2
this game looks amazing! the graphics is soo nice and im having fun with the multiplayer...i didnt even touch the single player yet. i did get the limited edition because its the first shipment, just like dead space 2. with the limited edition u get xp bonus, platinum dog tag, SCAR camo, and attachments. gotta stick with this for now...i really like how kills dont count towards your killstreak instead you have to grab the dog tags of the enemies youve killd....peace campers, no killstreak for you! there's also a new "dolphin dive" in the game...just like black ops, you sprint and hold the crouch your character slides and you can shoot while sliding...winning! well i like this game now soo peace cod!! ill only play cod for zombies now....or new map pack.
Pokemon Black
FOUND MA LUCKY EGG!!! it was held by a pokemon i put in the daycare :/
i probably complete the pokedex first before ev training. i did breed some pokemons but i dont have power items yet that give +4 EVs. i do have pokerus and macho breace...but itll take long to max out one stat...i think its around 60+ pokemon kills.
Crysis 2
this game looks amazing! the graphics is soo nice and im having fun with the multiplayer...i didnt even touch the single player yet. i did get the limited edition because its the first shipment, just like dead space 2. with the limited edition u get xp bonus, platinum dog tag, SCAR camo, and attachments. gotta stick with this for now...i really like how kills dont count towards your killstreak instead you have to grab the dog tags of the enemies youve killd....peace campers, no killstreak for you! there's also a new "dolphin dive" in the game...just like black ops, you sprint and hold the crouch your character slides and you can shoot while sliding...winning! well i like this game now soo peace cod!! ill only play cod for zombies now....or new map pack.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
finally finish my surface...well i finish the 3 postcards and i only need the envelope now. tomorrow i have the critique and the work period for interpretive. i also got a group meeting for my 3d cuz we got our critique on friday.
CoD: Black Ops
starting to get my money back up again. starting to get bored of it again because i got allot of gold guns. i am trying out other guns to see which gold i should buy next, like the enfield and spectre. i also notice this other shooting game called Crysis 2. the graphics looks amazing but i wonder if the games ganna be fun for me, got use to cods fps style. this game its like a compilation of halo, cod and battlefield.
Pokemon Black
i've been trying to get an adamant ditto for quite awhile now....AND I FINALLY GOT IT. over 60+ dittos capture and i only have 1 adamant nature. im happy to get that nature and now i can make my team.....commence the EV training......and for some reason......i lost my lucky egg, not so lucky now. so i guess completing my pokedex mite take some time till i can get another lucky egg from the guys treasure thing at route 13.
CoD: Black Ops
starting to get my money back up again. starting to get bored of it again because i got allot of gold guns. i am trying out other guns to see which gold i should buy next, like the enfield and spectre. i also notice this other shooting game called Crysis 2. the graphics looks amazing but i wonder if the games ganna be fun for me, got use to cods fps style. this game its like a compilation of halo, cod and battlefield.
Pokemon Black
i've been trying to get an adamant ditto for quite awhile now....AND I FINALLY GOT IT. over 60+ dittos capture and i only have 1 adamant nature. im happy to get that nature and now i can make my team.....commence the EV training......and for some reason......i lost my lucky egg, not so lucky now. so i guess completing my pokedex mite take some time till i can get another lucky egg from the guys treasure thing at route 13.
Almost there
kinda start my surface. i made my stencils, its just 2 flowers. i need these for my postcard. the tast is to make 3 postcard and 1 envelope for the postcard. tomorrow ill finish the whole thing....hopefully....i wake up early, doubt it.
CoD: Black Ops
45k atm...will prob play a couple more games so i can buy another gold gun. was playing more games, mostly mercenary because no ones online. got 50k and was debating between scorpions and spectre. ended buying the....GOLD SCORPIONS. i bought the scorpions because of the dual wield attachment.....thats two gold scorpion for the price of one!!
Pokemon Black
trying to finish this underwater thing in Undella Bay, access-able after beating the game once. in this place ull need dive and inside the ruins are bunch of treasures. i did some reaserch and it seems there 3 lvls in this place. first floor has the most items and im making sure ill get all of them before moving on. i found the map online and now im following it because its taking too much time trying to figure it out on your own. i didnt even know you'll need an escape rope, flash and strength.
CoD: Black Ops
45k atm...will prob play a couple more games so i can buy another gold gun. was playing more games, mostly mercenary because no ones online. got 50k and was debating between scorpions and spectre. ended buying the....GOLD SCORPIONS. i bought the scorpions because of the dual wield attachment.....thats two gold scorpion for the price of one!!
Pokemon Black
trying to finish this underwater thing in Undella Bay, access-able after beating the game once. in this place ull need dive and inside the ruins are bunch of treasures. i did some reaserch and it seems there 3 lvls in this place. first floor has the most items and im making sure ill get all of them before moving on. i found the map online and now im following it because its taking too much time trying to figure it out on your own. i didnt even know you'll need an escape rope, flash and strength.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Time Loss
too much stuff due so little timeeee....cuz ive been wasting those 'time'. got to do grant app, surface (should start tomorrow), 3d, interpretive project 3 and 4, media lab....basically all my courses got stuff due this month and next month....death sentence ryt there, overrkilling me.
i skipped media and lecture today cuz its just work period and i told my self "ill start surface"...i lied to myself....again. didnt start surface.....it feels like surface is toooo easy because all we do is splash paint and stamp some stuff and ur basically done....all u need to do is go to the critique and explain what u did why u did it and how....thats the whole thing there. for my 3d its a group thing...suppose to meet up tomorrow but they didnt text me so i guess well meet up on wednesday? well see.....hopefully im motivated to do surface tomorrow.........motivation?
i still want to change the set up in my room....ill prob clean everything tomorrow cuz my dads getting pissd me not cleaning my room. also, it looks like osap didnt get my osap form...........its been a week now and the school sent me a letter saying i owe them $800+....wtffff...making me rage. ill probably talk to the finance office and gotta talk to them about summer school and my courses.....so much stuff to be said so little time. cuz everytime i finish class i just want to go home.....i dont want to go home late cuz its cold...plus it started raining which is worse cuz i dont want to get sick.
i still didnt start keats chapter to catch up to ellens in folklore. ill probably do that tomorrow too....for my "break". then whenever i get bored ill probably start pokemon white or something....i dont really want to start dead space 2 yet....iunno what im waiting for...maybe i want to capture card it or maybe im just looking for a holiday to finish it all in one go. ill finish other games first before i start dead space 2, dont want to get hooked.
CoD: Black Ops
played to do more contracts!! at 40k!!! 10k to buy another gold gun...scorpions???
Pokemon Black
still playing trying to get egg moves for my pokemons. still trying to find this adamant ditto....i have 40+ dittos....none adamant.
i skipped media and lecture today cuz its just work period and i told my self "ill start surface"...i lied to myself....again. didnt start surface.....it feels like surface is toooo easy because all we do is splash paint and stamp some stuff and ur basically done....all u need to do is go to the critique and explain what u did why u did it and how....thats the whole thing there. for my 3d its a group thing...suppose to meet up tomorrow but they didnt text me so i guess well meet up on wednesday? well see.....hopefully im motivated to do surface tomorrow.........motivation?
i still want to change the set up in my room....ill prob clean everything tomorrow cuz my dads getting pissd me not cleaning my room. also, it looks like osap didnt get my osap form...........its been a week now and the school sent me a letter saying i owe them $800+....wtffff...making me rage. ill probably talk to the finance office and gotta talk to them about summer school and my courses.....so much stuff to be said so little time. cuz everytime i finish class i just want to go home.....i dont want to go home late cuz its cold...plus it started raining which is worse cuz i dont want to get sick.
i still didnt start keats chapter to catch up to ellens in folklore. ill probably do that tomorrow too....for my "break". then whenever i get bored ill probably start pokemon white or something....i dont really want to start dead space 2 yet....iunno what im waiting for...maybe i want to capture card it or maybe im just looking for a holiday to finish it all in one go. ill finish other games first before i start dead space 2, dont want to get hooked.
CoD: Black Ops
played to do more contracts!! at 40k!!! 10k to buy another gold gun...scorpions???
Pokemon Black
still playing trying to get egg moves for my pokemons. still trying to find this adamant ditto....i have 40+ dittos....none adamant.
Catchin UP!
slept most of the day...dad kept waking me up cuz their internet in his comp dsnt work....so i just go back to sleep whenever i've been disturbed. i did kinda start my surface project....i still got allot of stuff to do for this week and all the projects that stacked up.
Castle Crashers
played for a bit just to lvl...we just got the 2nd princess in the volcano place.
CoD: Black Ops
doing more contracts trying to earn my money back. currently at 10k and ill most likely buy the gold scorpion next....ive been doing good with those guns with extended mags...iunno why scorpion and not MPL or Specter. then after scorpions......i gotta have to start using other guns and see which one ill be buying next. i had been using the enfield......the guns good but feels weak, specially if compare to op guns like ak47 or famas.
Castle Crashers
played for a bit just to lvl...we just got the 2nd princess in the volcano place.
CoD: Black Ops
doing more contracts trying to earn my money back. currently at 10k and ill most likely buy the gold scorpion next....ive been doing good with those guns with extended mags...iunno why scorpion and not MPL or Specter. then after scorpions......i gotta have to start using other guns and see which one ill be buying next. i had been using the enfield......the guns good but feels weak, specially if compare to op guns like ak47 or famas.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Ignite the Space, then Extract it
fridays class was just a work period for our group metal things.....now i have go to school during my break to get together with my group to make the washroom signs. didnt go to scams because the assignment is posted online so ill just do that and mail it to her.
went to the dentist today, didnt take long. after that is video games....
Dead Space Ignition
beat the game........now that i beat ignition and extraction, i can finally play dead space 2. i need to beat the 2 games to gain access to more stuff in the game. cant remmber what you get if you beat extraction but you get the hacker suit if you beat ignition. overall, i like the story in ignition....but too short.....ohh well its just basically a bunch of minigames....u hack this then hack than then hack this...nothing much to it.

Castle Crashers
bought the game and playing it with kev atm. dars didnt play yet because hes too busy with his homework plus he has to go to work weekends. my main in multiplayer is the red lightning dude....i put him in magic.

CoD: Black Ops
not much in cod anymore....i just go on and do contracts then go to a different game. 30katm tho....almost there for another gold gun. played at night with people....plus my contracts reset so i had more contracts to do. got to 50k and i bought the gold FN FAL.
went to the dentist today, didnt take long. after that is video games....
Dead Space Ignition
beat the game........now that i beat ignition and extraction, i can finally play dead space 2. i need to beat the 2 games to gain access to more stuff in the game. cant remmber what you get if you beat extraction but you get the hacker suit if you beat ignition. overall, i like the story in ignition....but too short.....ohh well its just basically a bunch of minigames....u hack this then hack than then hack this...nothing much to it.
Castle Crashers
bought the game and playing it with kev atm. dars didnt play yet because hes too busy with his homework plus he has to go to work weekends. my main in multiplayer is the red lightning dude....i put him in magic.
CoD: Black Ops
not much in cod anymore....i just go on and do contracts then go to a different game. 30katm tho....almost there for another gold gun. played at night with people....plus my contracts reset so i had more contracts to do. got to 50k and i bought the gold FN FAL.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
woke up early today to start my project but fail. i started cooking my lunch, which took some time, and then watching anime, i did took out my illustration board. then karl pickd me up to go check for games in futureshop, wallmart and eb. nothing new, nothing interesting. then we chilld at kevs house play some lil big planet 2.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Activate Traps
sleep for 12hrs today...woke up eat then played video games. ill prob sleep early today so i can do homework that are due on friday, plus start the projects due next week and the week after.
CoD: Black Ops
played some multi to do some contracts then went to zombies. played with drei and dars this time. got up to round 34.......it was unlucky because we couldnt get any good guns so we got to round 30ish with me having the raygun and them loosing their rayguns because no one can revive them, also, andrei was the only one with the thundergun and he lost it. we have to activate traps to kill zombies which is bad because we dont get money from traps.....we died cuz we couldnt kill every zombies and all the one hit kill traps are in cool down.
CoD: Black Ops
played some multi to do some contracts then went to zombies. played with drei and dars this time. got up to round 34.......it was unlucky because we couldnt get any good guns so we got to round 30ish with me having the raygun and them loosing their rayguns because no one can revive them, also, andrei was the only one with the thundergun and he lost it. we have to activate traps to kill zombies which is bad because we dont get money from traps.....we died cuz we couldnt kill every zombies and all the one hit kill traps are in cool down.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
More unproductiveeenez
woke up early but fell asleep, therefore, i woke up late....again. will ruin my sleeping patterns again. did nothing the whole day other than video games, i was ganna start my surface design.
CoD: Black Ops
i was playing online to do contracts plus helping ads get pro perks then we moved to zombies with andrei n kev. kev left first for dinner then while we were in game ads left for dinner too. but the whole purpose of the zombie was to grab trophies and i got all cep 1, shoot a teammate or be shot by a teammate with an upgraded crossbow and kill 6 zombies with the explosion. then me and andrei trying to grab crossbow but it was too late.....we started palying serious because were at round 27. we got to round 33 and grenades does not crawlify the zombie anymore.....so we kept on going until we ran out of raygun and only have 7 shots with my zeus cannon......still going and no max ammo, andrei died several times and i cant revive, down to 3 shots........died at round 38. the dream to round 40 was ruind because we cant re-roll rayguns and no max ammo. but it was a good run cuz we started trophy hunting and ended up being serious bout the game.

played ellens story. did some quest and finish chapter 4....i didnt even get all the ids in chapter 4. stop after beating ellens chapter, next is keats./
CoD: Black Ops
i was playing online to do contracts plus helping ads get pro perks then we moved to zombies with andrei n kev. kev left first for dinner then while we were in game ads left for dinner too. but the whole purpose of the zombie was to grab trophies and i got all cep 1, shoot a teammate or be shot by a teammate with an upgraded crossbow and kill 6 zombies with the explosion. then me and andrei trying to grab crossbow but it was too late.....we started palying serious because were at round 27. we got to round 33 and grenades does not crawlify the zombie anymore.....so we kept on going until we ran out of raygun and only have 7 shots with my zeus cannon......still going and no max ammo, andrei died several times and i cant revive, down to 3 shots........died at round 38. the dream to round 40 was ruind because we cant re-roll rayguns and no max ammo. but it was a good run cuz we started trophy hunting and ended up being serious bout the game.
played ellens story. did some quest and finish chapter 4....i didnt even get all the ids in chapter 4. stop after beating ellens chapter, next is keats./
Monday, March 14, 2011
Win Win Everywhere
went to all 3 classes today. we did nothing in business, she just gave us time to do our grant application thing in class then the lecture was just some guy talking about his advertising art stuff. then media was just intro for project 4, our final project in that class.
Pokemon Black
still training my pokemons. i did explore the whole Unova now. gotta try and catch as many stuff i can....i still need to finish Unova pokedex, just need version exclusive from white and the starters...plus those monkey guys. also, while i was waiting for my lecture to start, i was training my pokemon and i found a shiny Sawk.....it doesnt look shiny, i almost killd it too. my first shiny pokemon in pokemob black. im thinking of getting pokemon white too.
Pokemon Black
still training my pokemons. i did explore the whole Unova now. gotta try and catch as many stuff i can....i still need to finish Unova pokedex, just need version exclusive from white and the starters...plus those monkey guys. also, while i was waiting for my lecture to start, i was training my pokemon and i found a shiny Sawk.....it doesnt look shiny, i almost killd it too. my first shiny pokemon in pokemob black. im thinking of getting pokemon white too.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Daylite Savin'
did nothing the whole day....was ganna do my project but got too fckn lazy. woke up really late because of the stupid daylight saving, now the time is ahead 1hr. playd some minecrfaft with kev...found another spawner, spider spawner. i got 4 spawners near my house so far.
Pokemon Black
Still trying to complete my pokedex but its taking too long to evolve these useless pokemon i never ganna use. now im just training my team to go through the other half of Unova. this gen of pokemon suks.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit to kill more time. trying to do contracts to get money, at 10k atm.
Pokemon Black
Still trying to complete my pokedex but its taking too long to evolve these useless pokemon i never ganna use. now im just training my team to go through the other half of Unova. this gen of pokemon suks.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit to kill more time. trying to do contracts to get money, at 10k atm.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Have you ever?
Have you ever get chills while......
chilld with kev and raya today. playd some lil big planet 2 at kevs then watch social network movie. after dropping raya off the go station, me n kev ate at mr. greek then went to dars timmies. we chilld at timmies for awhile and played pokemon there.....but that timmies is tooooo wierd so we left.
Pokemon Black
still trying to update the pokedex. too lazy to train my high lvl pokemons so i can explore more. i wanna finish the Unova pokedex b4 meddling with the national dex.
CoD: Black Ops
played because i see ppl online, plus gotta do those contracts. got 50k and i bought the gold steakout right away. next on gold gun will be the FN FAL then.......maybe the L96A1....not sure, hvnt been sniping lately.
chilld with kev and raya today. playd some lil big planet 2 at kevs then watch social network movie. after dropping raya off the go station, me n kev ate at mr. greek then went to dars timmies. we chilld at timmies for awhile and played pokemon there.....but that timmies is tooooo wierd so we left.
Pokemon Black
still trying to update the pokedex. too lazy to train my high lvl pokemons so i can explore more. i wanna finish the Unova pokedex b4 meddling with the national dex.
CoD: Black Ops
played because i see ppl online, plus gotta do those contracts. got 50k and i bought the gold steakout right away. next on gold gun will be the FN FAL then.......maybe the L96A1....not sure, hvnt been sniping lately.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Im Bi-winning
went to 3d today but didnt go scams...ill just do the homework and mail it next week. i went to square one after school cuz i need to mail my osap. really tiring using the transit...left 11am at sheridan got home at 3pm. didnt feel like staying long in square one.....dont want to get overrun by the highschoolers in the mall.
Pokemon Black
since i beat the game, im just trying to fill up the pokedex as much pokemon as i can. i should be training my pokemons to 70s but too lazy.
Pokemon Black
since i beat the game, im just trying to fill up the pokedex as much pokemon as i can. i should be training my pokemons to 70s but too lazy.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Gotta catch em' all pkmn
surface design we just did some work things for some collage things and interpretive we just critique our stuff. tiring day...thought im ganna get sick because its raining.
Pokemon Black
22:13 beat the first half of pokemon. now its time to play the second half where some of the previous generation pokemons comes in.
Dead Nation
played with kevs for 3 missions.....were in normal mode.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit just to do some contracts. at 30k cod points atm....almost there gold steakout!! lol
Pokemon Black
22:13 beat the first half of pokemon. now its time to play the second half where some of the previous generation pokemons comes in.
Dead Nation
played with kevs for 3 missions.....were in normal mode.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit just to do some contracts. at 30k cod points atm....almost there gold steakout!! lol
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Bacon Ranch
slept the whole dayyy againnnn. was thinking of doing my homework for scams but got lazy....ill just do it tomorrow if i have time. i still have to go to square one but ill prob go friday since i have to carry my art stuff to school tomorrow and i dont want to walk in the mall with it.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit with ken. just did some contract to get money, 20k atm. ima buy the steakout shotgun then the FN FAL assualt rifle.
Pokemon Black
done alll the gym leaders and now im just training my pokemons to beat the elite4
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit with ken. just did some contract to get money, 20k atm. ima buy the steakout shotgun then the FN FAL assualt rifle.
Pokemon Black
done alll the gym leaders and now im just training my pokemons to beat the elite4
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Thats why HE's Lost
rested today because i slept late, too much rage from mondays class. clean my room and planning to rearrange it. nitetime!....me ads kev dars and chinnie went to swiss chalet for darwins bday, suppose to be at my house maybe because darwin cant find his bacon. the package ads been waiting for arrive and i got my thermal compound for the ps3 and the easycap. looks like its time to record some gamz.
oh yea....and kev bought dead nation for the ps3.
darwins compass is broken....thats why he's always lost...
Pokemon Black
just beat the 7th gym leader.....omg im almost done the game.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit. only played to check which gun will do best HK21 or Stoner63...so i played 3 games with only HK21 and 3 games with Stoner and see which one ill do good with and and i add up the amount of kills i got in those 3 games and stoner wins.....so i bought the gold camo for the Stoner63 then i went back to pokemon. next gold mite be the Steakout cuz iunno why but i suk at using the SPAS but i like all the gold camo for all the shotguns.
Dead Nation
played with kev for one mission pretty funnn lol
oh yea....and kev bought dead nation for the ps3.
darwins compass is broken....thats why he's always lost...
Pokemon Black
just beat the 7th gym leader.....omg im almost done the game.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit. only played to check which gun will do best HK21 or Stoner63...so i played 3 games with only HK21 and 3 games with Stoner and see which one ill do good with and and i add up the amount of kills i got in those 3 games and stoner wins.....so i bought the gold camo for the Stoner63 then i went back to pokemon. next gold mite be the Steakout cuz iunno why but i suk at using the SPAS but i like all the gold camo for all the shotguns.
Dead Nation
played with kev for one mission pretty funnn lol

Back too skool = boredom
went to school today from 8am - 4pm. went early to do my media even tho i have business, it was useless because i didnt do the work. but i finish my media and did went to the lecture thing. too tired tho....the time i got home i crashed to bed slept for 5 hours from 5pm -10pm....now i cant sleep.
Pokemon Black
this is the reason why my sleeping pattern got meesd up. just finish the 5th gym leader and heading for the 6th.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit till i get 50k so i can buy another gold gun. i might buy the stoner63 in the lmg category. but still debating....HK21 or stoner. next gold after lmg is shotgun then ill have at lease one gold in each categories of gunz.
Pokemon Black
this is the reason why my sleeping pattern got meesd up. just finish the 5th gym leader and heading for the 6th.
CoD: Black Ops
played for a bit till i get 50k so i can buy another gold gun. i might buy the stoner63 in the lmg category. but still debating....HK21 or stoner. next gold after lmg is shotgun then ill have at lease one gold in each categories of gunz.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
The End Begins...again
wellll.....didnt start any of my project. still in lazy mode, hvtn been productive lately. too much sleep imo. ill probably do everything tonight....cep for business just because its fckn hard. i have to do allot of research, type it out, print it...all these steps to make it good...but w.e well see what happpens.
already screwed for business so w.e...i guess ill go to school tomorrow to work on my media. me and kev went to erin to buy pokemon blk n wht. but its sold out at gamestop so we went zellers which is cheaper. while at gamestop i went ahead and grab the celebi event for my diamond and soul silver. then went to ads to chill for a bit. kev bought white and i bought black.

CoD: Black Ops
played again because my friends are always on....taking full advantage of double xp.
already screwed for business so w.e...i guess ill go to school tomorrow to work on my media. me and kev went to erin to buy pokemon blk n wht. but its sold out at gamestop so we went zellers which is cheaper. while at gamestop i went ahead and grab the celebi event for my diamond and soul silver. then went to ads to chill for a bit. kev bought white and i bought black.
CoD: Black Ops
played again because my friends are always on....taking full advantage of double xp.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Wrong Start
just woke up late, plan for today already goneeee. suppose to go to sheridan then dentist plus my projects....unproductiveee~. plus the whole days gone because of the dentist.......3 hrs is too much. then went to my cuzns birthday. so much stuff to do so little timee.
happy birthday josh
CoD: Black Ops
played with people after my nap just because everyones online. i also bought the gold PSG1. next gold..........will probably a lmg or shotgun. i was using the stoner and the steakout.
just doing some quests' for ellens story. dont want to start the chapter yet because it takes me about an hour to finish cuz i have to farm and finish the ids karmas.....and i got work to do.
happy birthday josh
CoD: Black Ops
played with people after my nap just because everyones online. i also bought the gold PSG1. next gold..........will probably a lmg or shotgun. i was using the stoner and the steakout.
just doing some quests' for ellens story. dont want to start the chapter yet because it takes me about an hour to finish cuz i have to farm and finish the ids karmas.....and i got work to do.
Friday, March 4, 2011
over it is....?
last day of my break...since i dont count weekends. been loafting around the house for the whole week. at lease i finish my interpretive drawing project..all thats left is business, scams and media.
got tons of work to do tomorrow in addition to that i have to go to sheridan and the dentist....hopefully i finish everything by sunday or ill be screwddd.
CoD: Black Ops
playd some zombies and played some multiplayer. had a big party so we had to play ground wars...still fun even tho we couldnt play with the new maps. i also bought the gold commando.....iunno what to buy next. probably the L96A1 sniper or the PSG1...iunno
i got keats to chapter 4 now back to ellen.
got tons of work to do tomorrow in addition to that i have to go to sheridan and the dentist....hopefully i finish everything by sunday or ill be screwddd.
CoD: Black Ops
playd some zombies and played some multiplayer. had a big party so we had to play ground wars...still fun even tho we couldnt play with the new maps. i also bought the gold commando.....iunno what to buy next. probably the L96A1 sniper or the PSG1...iunno
i got keats to chapter 4 now back to ellen.
Thursday, March 3, 2011
First Strike
the new map pack for Call of Duty Black Ops comes out today and of course we bought it.
finish my interpretive project (Y).
did nothing after finishing my interpretive drawing. slept, eat, watch anime.
CoD: Black Ops
bought the map pack and the first thing we did was a ffa in the new maps. then me ads drei and dars playd.....zombie ascension.....first attempt.....we got to level 29 until we decide to split and kite our own zombies because we were getting overrun.

keat at chapter 3s final boss. didnt face him yet because its late and i need some sleep.
finish my interpretive project (Y).
did nothing after finishing my interpretive drawing. slept, eat, watch anime.
CoD: Black Ops
bought the map pack and the first thing we did was a ffa in the new maps. then me ads drei and dars playd.....zombie ascension.....first attempt.....we got to level 29 until we decide to split and kite our own zombies because we were getting overrun.
keat at chapter 3s final boss. didnt face him yet because its late and i need some sleep.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Nice Day Today
well its productive day so far...i started my interpretive drawing project, hopefully i can finish it today. its also sunny outside...hope it doesnt rain/snow next week, not even sure bout the weather now since i have a break.
looks like i can start dead space 2 and no more assassins creed brotherhood. my bro traded assassins creed and probably some other games to buy fight night.....good thing i didnt start the story for assassins creed.
finish chapter 2 for ellen.
played keats story...currently at chapter 2. ellen at chapter 4. ima try and keep up with ellens chapter so ima bring up keat to chapter 4 asap.
comparing the two characters, i gotta say that keat is much stronger than ellen just because he got this rage mode going on when u fill up the bar and his ids are more into area of effect types.
CoD:Black Ops
played for a bit just to shoot around...get some contracts done.. then me and ads played combant training to grab some perks and fool around, also, to try quickscoping with the snipers....i still need practice.
looks like i can start dead space 2 and no more assassins creed brotherhood. my bro traded assassins creed and probably some other games to buy fight night.....good thing i didnt start the story for assassins creed.
finish chapter 2 for ellen.
played keats story...currently at chapter 2. ellen at chapter 4. ima try and keep up with ellens chapter so ima bring up keat to chapter 4 asap.
comparing the two characters, i gotta say that keat is much stronger than ellen just because he got this rage mode going on when u fill up the bar and his ids are more into area of effect types.
CoD:Black Ops
played for a bit just to shoot around...get some contracts done.. then me and ads played combant training to grab some perks and fool around, also, to try quickscoping with the snipers....i still need practice.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
First Day Marchin'
went out with ads to go to eb and grab his blur for 4.99. i would get that game but i didnt want to because i dont like racing games anymore....i use to but got bored of them. went to pho and eat some brunch for me and kev then went to kevs house to troll ads and show him kevs new 320gb ps3 loll...trololol
i said im not ganna go far/play but i just finish chapter 1 for ellen story. its cuz im bout to play dead space 2 but my bro took it and start playing it since i started folklore and is already in the ps3 i just decided to keep playing. i got hookd grinding and lvling up my ids by completing their karmas....pretty sik game but i dont really like the story.
i said im not ganna go far/play but i just finish chapter 1 for ellen story. its cuz im bout to play dead space 2 but my bro took it and start playing it since i started folklore and is already in the ps3 i just decided to keep playing. i got hookd grinding and lvling up my ids by completing their karmas....pretty sik game but i dont really like the story.
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