beat final fantasy 8.....last battle, first party was....zell (junction), rinoa (junction) and selphie. selphie died replace by iervine who died shortly then replace by squall (junction) who died when griever died because griever cast his limit break before he died and squalls vitality junction was blown away. the final party was quistis, zell and rinoa.....invisible moon ftw. [60hrs gameplay]
volunteer again...i think this is the 3rd day...
playd cod with the gameshare account....epic game....the account was a lvl 12 and i got 111kills on terminal demolition...from 1.50 - 1.80 kdr loll just epic "i totally got promoted after that" LOL.
kev bought greenday rock band phase...then we playd at his house because ads wants to transfer the greenday songs
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Last Day D School
todays the last day of my driving school. he didnt even care anymore and gave us the answers. good thing i finish the booklet handed it in and finally......its over.
kev and ads came over just because. kev finally got rock band and now hes about to buy greenday rock band, prob tomorrow.
kev and ads came over just because. kev finally got rock band and now hes about to buy greenday rock band, prob tomorrow.
2nd Day?
me and my friends volunteer again today just because we know not much people can go, plus its fun to just chill with people you dont see often. so we started at 630pm finish around 9pm, were suppose to start earlier but its too hot. after we finish our job we just went back and eat then just talk about whats happenin.
driving school tomorrow.......arrgghhh......still didnt finish the book. i just need to write a paragraph about some BS driver observation.
i still need to buy those paint and putty for my GNX......i want to start but i need the materials first. prob get them when school starts (random times we go to square).
driving school tomorrow.......arrgghhh......still didnt finish the book. i just need to write a paragraph about some BS driver observation.
i still need to buy those paint and putty for my GNX......i want to start but i need the materials first. prob get them when school starts (random times we go to square).
Friday, August 27, 2010
just went and helped my friend to hand out fliers. basically we went door to door promoting to vote for his dad and ask if we can put a sign up to their lawn. well....didnt really go that well but we got some people so its better than nothing. after everything we just went back and chilld. eat some pizza and play some video games just to kill time.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Start the LVL UP!
im so bored that i started cleaning my room!!! then tried to play some cod then i went back to ff8. im starting to max out all the characters. so far; squall, quistis and zell are at 100.
went to kevs house and watch kick ass. good movie (Y).
went to kevs house and watch kick ass. good movie (Y).
Feelin' it over!?
now that im at the final boss in ff8, it feels like i dont want to play it anymore because i already know how its going to end. i really never played it before rather iwatched my brother play it....thats why i know the story. i mite start CTR after.....whenever i got nothin better to do.
my schedules still messd up and i might need a mac for one of my classes. something called digital media arts.......this computer is too weak to handle anything, its already outdated.
my schedules still messd up and i might need a mac for one of my classes. something called digital media arts.......this computer is too weak to handle anything, its already outdated.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
sighh....its overrrRR
went and took my G2 test today. first off, my instructor was pissd at some guy. for the whole time while im driving to Brampton he was on the phone and yelling at some guy. plus, im sooo tired i was falling asleep while driving LOLL!!! i even hit the curved....its a good thing i woke me up. then during the test.....i got some guy and he keeps complaining......"press the the gas." putting sooo much pressure on me. but finally got my G2......time to get my G ASAP!!
i check my schedule and i got some digital media lab and.....HISTORY of wesetern art. aarrrggghhh....i hate history.
me kev ads dars and jaime went to go watch scott pilgrim vs the world (i think i spell his name right). gotta say its a pretty good movie. after the movie we just went and grab some mcdolands and darwin told me that i didnt finish dq9 yet......since i beat corvus i didnt bother with the game.....dunno if ill continue to play or maybe ill just go back to it.
i check my schedule and i got some digital media lab and.....HISTORY of wesetern art. aarrrggghhh....i hate history.
me kev ads dars and jaime went to go watch scott pilgrim vs the world (i think i spell his name right). gotta say its a pretty good movie. after the movie we just went and grab some mcdolands and darwin told me that i didnt finish dq9 yet......since i beat corvus i didnt bother with the game.....dunno if ill continue to play or maybe ill just go back to it.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Almost there!?
disk 3 ff8....i got all the GF and all ultimate weapons except for quistis.....working on it. max lvl squall and zells at 91. not sure if im ganna use rinoa for as my 3rd, i would use irvine but i need pulse ammo and im too lazy to farm energy crystals.
well tomorrows my driving test......hope it doesnt rain and hopefully i pass.
me ads and kev went out and checked if toys r us still got that rock band set......unfortunately......they dont have it anymore. so we just venture around the area. went to superstore, eb games, walmart and futureshop........nothing new.
ff8 - disk 4
well tomorrows my driving test......hope it doesnt rain and hopefully i pass.
me ads and kev went out and checked if toys r us still got that rock band set......unfortunately......they dont have it anymore. so we just venture around the area. went to superstore, eb games, walmart and futureshop........nothing new.
ff8 - disk 4
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Tiring Day!!
went to angelas party from 7pm to 430am. got home around 440ish and played ff8 till 530ish. then i have to take a nap because i have driving at 12pm.......tired
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Driving day....
ive had another driving school today and all we did was watch some video. then he gave us a surprise quiz. everyone in the class has the same answer and we all have 8 mistakes and he said were only allow to have 5......looks like we all got ownd there. and oh...more people join the class so im not the only guy anymore. also drove in the freeway in heavy rain....i think im getting better.
happy birthday to my friend angela....finally 19 :)
happy birthday to my friend angela....finally 19 :)
Friday, August 20, 2010
Fast Phase FF
Still playing final fantasy 8 and im almost done disk 2. i wonder if im rushing this game to fast. i am taking my time drawing magics till i reach 100. my characters are pretty much stronger than their lvls which means i can take on monsters easily since the monsters lvl are base on your characters lvl.
arrgghh...driving school tomorrow plus i have to drive home. also, my test is next week.....just hoping it doesnt rain.
i receive a mail from sheridan college and its a sticker for our student ids. its basically a sticker that changes the year from 9/10 to 10/11......guess were not getting a new id.....
i just finish disk 2
arrgghh...driving school tomorrow plus i have to drive home. also, my test is next week.....just hoping it doesnt rain.
i receive a mail from sheridan college and its a sticker for our student ids. its basically a sticker that changes the year from 9/10 to 10/11......guess were not getting a new id.....
i just finish disk 2
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Final Fantasy 8....playin it
we gameshare two psn games; final fantasy 8 and ctr: crash team racing. and i've been playing ff8 since yesterday. im pretty far, im at the part where irvine need to snipe edea. i didnt beat ff4 yet and here i am playing a new game.
ohh yea a little late but....r.i.p. LifeBrandRobot - he now loss the capability to play mw2 loll. nothing to worry darwin said he will buy black ops with us which means he will buy a ps3.....probably xmas if not summer.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Dragon Quest 9....
finally finish dragon quest 9...took me forever because i didnt stick with one job for my main character. it took me 44hrs of gameplay. i beat the game with:
Paladin lvl 28
Martial Artist lvl 48
Priest lvl 42
Mage lvl 41
cant believe i beat the game with my lvl 28 paladin.
Paladin lvl 28
Martial Artist lvl 48
Priest lvl 42
Mage lvl 41
cant believe i beat the game with my lvl 28 paladin.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Monster Rancher....done?
well just beat monster rancher....kinda. i got to s rank then it starts to get boring. unlock some of the strong monsters with the help of the internet. i used the dragon to beat the s rank and after s rank theres ss and sss rank. thats kinda easy to get since the tournaments only got 4 monsters but the monsters do break the 999 limit. the game gets boring pretty fast and they did take off some monsters that im familiar with like the gabu or that raptor and the jelly dude.
this site basically helped me unlock the monsters:
this site basically helped me unlock the monsters:
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monster Rancher? DS?
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
wat cha hate?
i started palying ff4 again and i dont even know what im suppose to do and where to go. i hate this...i shouldve beat the game before moving to pretty far at dq9.....i should beat it now b4 moving back to ff4 or chocobo fables but im too busy doing random quest. i just saw the trailer for call of duty black ops........and it looks like it will ruin my life....again....just like mw2..........peace schooool
iunno if i should pre order the game or wait......i think if i wait...ill kill me cuz i hate waiting. i just hope the games not as broken as mw2.....cuz im seeing the same thing as mw2.....i think it uses the same engine cuz its exactly the same. most of the guns, the call signs are back, customizable killstreak, explosions. i just hope theres no corrupt perks....that will give advantage to noobtubes or w.e explosives they have in the that explosive crossbow thing.
iunno if i should pre order the game or wait......i think if i wait...ill kill me cuz i hate waiting. i just hope the games not as broken as mw2.....cuz im seeing the same thing as mw2.....i think it uses the same engine cuz its exactly the same. most of the guns, the call signs are back, customizable killstreak, explosions. i just hope theres no corrupt perks....that will give advantage to noobtubes or w.e explosives they have in the that explosive crossbow thing.
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Drivin School....
finish the first day of driving school today. its soo boring plus i got to wake up really early. good thing he let us out 3hrs early. the class is pretty small, 5 the only guy *yess*. they just give you hints of what to do when your driving, what to look out for, what to do in different situations, etc. they also give you homework, gotta answer some questions and you have to answer the whole book.
GN X = Galantmon? / GUNDAM?
i started the color scheme of the GN X......thinking of making him look like galantmon (its a digimon) since he got a lance and im giving him gyans shield. i was thinking of giving him a sword by dismantling my flags gun sword thing but i need another gun sword thing. also made a Lead Gundam color scheme and it looks pretty cool.
so i made these layouts of GNX galantmon and GNX 00....i actually made allot since i dont know which one to pick....i made some gold GNX, desert GNX, white knight and dark knight GNX. but these are the top 3rd lol
Galantmon Color
Lead Gundam color - looks like 00 gundam lol
so i made these layouts of GNX galantmon and GNX 00....i actually made allot since i dont know which one to pick....i made some gold GNX, desert GNX, white knight and dark knight GNX. but these are the top 3rd lol

too much stuff going on cant really focus on one thing. im doing this gundam project, playing dq9, playing mw2, playing cod4 campaign, i still need to beat ff4 and that chocobo game....and now were planning on buying either ff8 or ff9 on the psn....gameshare. and after my GN X i mite start to mod my flag....sicne i dont really pay attention to it mite as well make him look better. also, im starting this driving school tomorrow omg gotta wake up at 7am leave around 8am then it starts at 9am - 3pm OMG im ganna die....i gotta do these sit ins every saturday then my driving test on august 23rd.....hope i pass :D
Friday, August 6, 2010
Finally a Gundam post...
its been awhile since i made a post about gundams.
anyways, im trying to mod my GN-X 3 into something.....havent really decided what. im thinking of Galantmon theme....since GNX uses a lance. plus need to buy some paint and a putty at the hobby store. gotta post some pics soon...still thinking of what to do atm.
cod time?? still trying to get the far i unlock every single atttachments for every submachine gun *thumbs up* now im working on assault rifles....i just need the F2000 extended mags then im done.....prob move on to lmgs since i only have 2 lmgs with extended mags. i guess ill alternate between lmgs and snipers.
anyways, im trying to mod my GN-X 3 into something.....havent really decided what. im thinking of Galantmon theme....since GNX uses a lance. plus need to buy some paint and a putty at the hobby store. gotta post some pics soon...still thinking of what to do atm.
cod time?? still trying to get the far i unlock every single atttachments for every submachine gun *thumbs up* now im working on assault rifles....i just need the F2000 extended mags then im done.....prob move on to lmgs since i only have 2 lmgs with extended mags. i guess ill alternate between lmgs and snipers.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
More DQ MW2
still playing dragon quest 9.....too much grinding trying to lvl up my characters and trying to get as much gold as possible. i think im almost done the game......gotta check how much hours of gameplay i got. and still playing modern warfare nothing better to do. trying to lvl up guns, unlocking equipments...mostly extended mags. still gotta do some driving.....not looking forward to, dunno why but its soo boring.
characters on dq
main - 30 gladiator
38 - martial artist
37 - priest
37 - mage
gotta update this once i beat the game.
characters on dq
main - 30 gladiator
38 - martial artist
37 - priest
37 - mage
gotta update this once i beat the game.
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