anyways, how i EV train is simple. i follow the EV chart of what to kill to get this case i am training machop for attack and speed, therefore, i have to kill ekans which gives 1 point to attak. but first and foremost, i infect the pokemon i want to train with pokerus to give it 2x the points it gets then i give it a held item that boost EV of what i am training, in this case its Power Bracer because i am training attack. after doing the pokerus and giving him power bracer i go hunt for ekans (near violet city) then start killing bunch until i kill about 26 because 1 ekans gives me 10 points and the max points for EV is 252. to check if i maxed out, since i am lazy, i save my file and give my pokemon medicine like carbos, protien, calcium, etc. on what im training so i give machop a protien and if it doesnt affect him anymore means i maxed out that EV if it did ill just have to load my file and kill more ekans.
i was training him while i was watching some anime.
notice it has pokerus and his attack is extremely high.
the EV points i've trained are attack 252 speed 252 and sp.defence 4.
...yea dont really like its ability :( but ill make use of it.....i think ima teach it dynamic punch just because it wont miss.
there are 6 power items for attack, sp.attack, defence, sp.defence, speed, and hit points.
just look how badass seravee is :P
i will take his picture but not now....since he's posing with is comrades. just need to buy 100 dynames and 100 virtue to finish the first season main characters
i am now continue playing my emerald because i dont know who to train next. im just waiting for another ds to come by so i can trade my machoke to evolve it.
i am now continue playing my emerald because i dont know who to train next. im just waiting for another ds to come by so i can trade my machoke to evolve it.