Sunday, February 14, 2010

Buzy weekend

me kevyn darwin and adrian chilled and played video games since its too cold outside....cant really do much. me darwin and kevyn went to square one....bad choice...because kevyn bouight avalanche exia without even finishing dynames and i bought 1/144 cheridum just because its $19. then we just went to my house and play some games.

we went to wasabi :)
me ken kevyn karl justin darwin adrian and it was awesome :D ate as much as i can till its worth 15 $$ but apparently we have to pay more that 15 :(

after wasabi we just chilled at darwins place for a bit and build gundams....i build cherudim while darwin clean his sword impulse and kevyn continue building dynames because he wants to build exia. after scaring kevyn because he fell asleep at darwins basement, we went to adrians house and watch the olympics and it was epic because we got so into it. then after watching we just played some wii games to pass the time.