Sunday, January 31, 2010

God of War

well since i got nothing better to do at the moment...i started playing god of war 1 in my ps3 since my brother bought the god of war collection so after i finish god of war ima start playing god of war 2. i cant even download the god of war 3 demo because my brother used the code in his ps3 :(

well i still didnt start my - 3d pop-up book 3 pages..two - 2d design got to paint some fish for my project. three - self portrait for life drawin. so much to do so little time...because i play too much ps3.

later today...

went to my uncles birthday and met my cousins....i havent seen them since i was about 6 years old in the Philippines....looong time ago.

i also finish god of war and now starting god of war 2........i still need to start my projects....ill try and start more ps3 (only when im taking a break)