Sunday, November 29, 2009
The wiiware
well i've been playing these wiiware games and its pretty fun, more games to ruin my projects. ive been playing pokemon rumble with my friends and i just got contra remake and gradius rebirth all these nostalgic games. i also got crystal defenders r2 ill get r1 if r2 is good...even though i shouldve got r1 first. also downloaded final fantasy my life as a dark lord, dont know why but these tower defense games are so much fun. me and adrian was playing defend your castle and it is fun but its tiring because you keep have to press A to the enemy and throw them up and imagine that with 20 enemies on the screen and each waves takes about 2 mins in the level we decided to give the wii a rest, wouldve been fun with 4 players.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
well im proud of myself that i actually finish my project *thumbs up!*.
well yesterday me and kevyn went to our school event "so you think you can dance sheridan" and Blake Mcgrath is one of the judges and i got to say that it was worth going there, there was allot of good dancers that performed. today me and kevyn went to our old school sja because it is multicultural night......wasted my $5 but ohh well got to see how my old schools like now.

well my room is messy again but i finish my project and thats how it turned out to be. i was thinking of making it green or orange but that means i have to mix color and i am using gouache paint (im just being lazy). but im digging this blue color now.

yeah this is the hand i was working on a while back i got it back weeks ago but i was too busy.....playing cod.
theres deathscythe too, didnt finish because im busy.....with cod.
its pretty sad because i could have finish all of my work if im focus.
i didnt even start my english, painting, imaging, and now theres a new 3d project. forgot to take a picture of my dragon fly for my 3d project....ill do that when i get it back.
btw that hand is a B+ :D
and yeap i change my url from to
well yesterday me and kevyn went to our school event "so you think you can dance sheridan" and Blake Mcgrath is one of the judges and i got to say that it was worth going there, there was allot of good dancers that performed. today me and kevyn went to our old school sja because it is multicultural night......wasted my $5 but ohh well got to see how my old schools like now.
yeah this is the hand i was working on a while back i got it back weeks ago but i was too busy.....playing cod.
theres deathscythe too, didnt finish because im busy.....with cod.
its pretty sad because i could have finish all of my work if im focus.
i didnt even start my english, painting, imaging, and now theres a new 3d project. forgot to take a picture of my dragon fly for my 3d project....ill do that when i get it back.
btw that hand is a B+ :D
and yeap i change my url from to
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
School Work
well this week is a killer because everything is due and im doing everything in the last minute, not a good idea. well today's introduction to 3-d and i just finish my dragonfly because my old bug was destroyed. but yesterday was life drawings in class drawing while in imaging we just have to hand in our projects and we also receive our new project. all i've been doing is projects on after the other. i really need to start these projects ahead of time but i cant do them at home because theres too much distractions here. i've been playing call of duty thats why its hard for me to do these projects and i also got the new super mario bros. i also havent been building any gundams because of my projects. it seems like these projects are like me building gundams, it kills time but i already have mw2 to waste my time on.
Friday, November 20, 2009
New Moon
well after my useless classes today me and kevyn just met up with kim, angela and shilpa in the theater to watch new moon. me and kevyn thought that it would be sold out so we were thinking to watch 2012 instead but luckily its not. i got to say the movie is pretty good and ill say its better than the first one.
after watching the movie we called it a night and play.......cod
after watching the movie we called it a night and play.......cod
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
well tuesday is here and it went by pretty fast because i've been doing this over and over again since september. well what we did in life drawing class today was a practice for next weeks inclass project where we have to draw a person like what we always do. cod mw2 hype is still here and i've been playing it exactly a week now and i got to say when you first get it the game will surely looks different in many ways but once you keep on playing it, it will look exactly like cod mw. well its just a normal day other than i got to see kevyns face again since of mw2 i havent seen anyone in the group.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Fam Jam
just sent time with my family to watch the paquiao boxing fight and it was a good fight because it last till the end, moneys worth. did nothing today other than play cod, really need to start on those homework projects or else ill fail my courses.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Still at it
well still addicted to MW2 cant stop playing. basically today was a pointless day for painting class because we did nothing other than talk about our paintings and talk about our project and thats that. the project given to us is hard because we need 4 painters/paintings then make a "report/summary" of the painters or paintings then after thats done we have to imitate the paintings that we chose. hopefully i finish this in time just because MW2 is here and i cant really focus.
after my class today i went strait home just to play ps3 then me, kevyn and andrei play a game of domination. after our game of domination, we took a little break then me and kevyn continue to play the spec ops game and i got to say i enjoy playing that co-op game....but zombies is better..
after my class today i went strait home just to play ps3 then me, kevyn and andrei play a game of domination. after our game of domination, we took a little break then me and kevyn continue to play the spec ops game and i got to say i enjoy playing that co-op game....but zombies is better..
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The effect
first off, i think im totally addicted to modern warfare 2 now because thats the only thing i've been thinking off since the day i start playing online (its a bad thing). well today in 3d we start doing our individual projects which is making any kind of bugs using wires. i really like that class because its fun and maybe its more hands-on compare to other class that i have because we actually make something. my deathscythe project will take awhile because i have to do my homework plus i have to play MW2. i also got a new tv in my room its really good but the thing is that my dad put it up too high that my neck kills everytime i play but w.e its there and i can play ps3 and watch tv in hd now. the side effect was.....kevyn didnt sleep because of the game and got ownd because he missd his midterm LMFAO..........................ownd
Monday, November 9, 2009
Got it today at 1:30 am and i also won a poster and call of duty is awesome.....better than what i had expected. basically me andrei and kevyn went to gamestop because we all preordered call of duty and these people are asking us questions to win a call of duty poster and the question i got was "how many shot does a wonderwaffle have" an i answer 3 and i got it right, thats how i got a free poster.
i took a picture of the poster i got and the version of the game that i bought.
i took a picture of the poster i got and the version of the game that i bought.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Death Modin' ?!! (",)
well did nothing today other than spend my time with gundam death scythe. i started and finish the legs today and it did took quite the time to finish one leg plus the brain storming.

I basically melt those holes on its legs and the put some clear plastic underneath and color them green for the lower part and yellow for the upper, i used a sharpie marker. i also paint those circle parts of the knee gold. i got those clear plastic from my 00 gundam kit.

these are the step by step of how i install the tubes. i basically made holes for the tubes to go through(those "tubes" are from my old earphones) and used a glue gun to put them in place. those tubes do hinder the articulation of deathscythes legs but not as much. i like how the legs turn out to be because even though it lacks articulation now, deathscythe can stand solid with all his equipment now.
I basically melt those holes on its legs and the put some clear plastic underneath and color them green for the lower part and yellow for the upper, i used a sharpie marker. i also paint those circle parts of the knee gold. i got those clear plastic from my 00 gundam kit.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Uncharterd 2...done
finish uncharter 2 today in normal dificulty got to say it is a pretty good game but it does gets boring once in a while. i also started the modification to my deathsycthe hell custom, hope for it to be awesome after im done with it. after my english me and kevyn went to the gym and workout then played basketball for a bit then went to our class. introduction to 2d is a fun class because our project is about making our own character. after school me and kevyn went to the mall just to check whats new and to see if well find anyone we know, we went to go grab shawarma after. then adrian came to my house then we just chill and watch some funny videos on youtube.
Video Games
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Got and did it?!
well underestimated my painting class because i am doing horrible in that class. painting is not for me just because of the trouble bringing the paints and other materials plus i just cant paint properly...OR...the professor doesnt teach us anything all he does is critiques our work, basically we are just learning from our mistakes. i also pre-ordered COD modern warfare 2 today, pretty late but i get a copy for sure and it will ruin my school life for sure.....
i also found this picture while i was cleaning my computer. this picture was the reminder of our failure during the stop light pub in downtown ryerson university, its because of the rockstar energy shot...we didnt have any beer so we tried to pump our selves up with caffeine (didnt work).
i also found this picture while i was cleaning my computer. this picture was the reminder of our failure during the stop light pub in downtown ryerson university, its because of the rockstar energy shot...we didnt have any beer so we tried to pump our selves up with caffeine (didnt work).
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
3D Class :)
introduction to 3d didnt disappoint me yet because today we start a group activity of making bugs out of wires and its so much fun. today was just a warm up on making our own individual bugs project and im still thinking of what to make for my project.....
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Another game
just play basket ball with kevyn because we wanted to check sheridans gym and im surprise i still know how to shoot a ball and actually getting it in. i haven't play any ball since high school of grade 11 and that is a pretty long time ago. we also checked out the wieght room and i got to say that even though the equipments are old its better than joan of arc's. for todays lesson in life drawing is the same as always but the model was late so we only had an hour of class basically just practice for next week. while imaging, i totally skip it because just the thought of me going there is enough.....i still dont like that class im just hoping i pass.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Playing more games
today i just played uncharted 2. i started all over again in my ps3 because my save file is in my brothers ps3 which reminds me that i should grab those save files if i dont want to start over new games specially in borderlands.
doing my homework at the moment in which i should have finish during my reading week, thats what a slacker is for anyways.
doing my homework at the moment in which i should have finish during my reading week, thats what a slacker is for anyways.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
just finish bioshock today and i got to say it is a good game. bioshock is not as good compare to other fps out there but even if its different i still like it and i know that bioshock 2 is ganna be way better than the first one. still cant wait for it to come out and i stil didnt pre-order modern warfare 2, hope they dont ran out of copies before i get mine, im planing on pre-ordering it soon anyways.
mann im wasting too much money these days....
mann im wasting too much money these days....
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