been pretty busy these days. specially with my messed up sleeping schedule. i sleep around 3-4am and wake up later around 12noon or 2pm, feels like i wasted my day. I've been busy with streaming and also looking for a good job that's will fit my specialty which is arts. Just been hard looking for that job...i might look for a volunteer just for the experience and maybe they can refer me to others. I also haven't been doing much art things because I need to buy some painting materials plus this artist block is really killing me. I just dont know what else to make and I dont have any inspirations right now.
also going to take my G driving license soon. my instructor told me that the date will be in may 14th and im not that confident on passing it, maybe because i hate driving. I do just want to get it out of the way so i dont have to worry about it anymore. the big goal here is to find a decent job and start earning some money, pay my student loan, then hopefully everything is stable then....seems minuscule but its hard to get it started.
been busy streaming every night. im glad that people do chill even though im not playing warframe, since most of my followers are warframers. the channel did grow really fast, at first i was happy enough to get 10 followers but that was blown away with the amount of people who follow me now. i do need to thank other streamers who gave me shout outs and raids which i know made my channel explode. i do raid them back and also give them shout outs as a courtesy of giving something back. it does feel nice to have people chill with you while streaming, especially the environment the followers give me. I do get some trolls from time to time but i just ignore them and if things do get out of hand i just straight up banned them. i guess i can call this a hobby now because i am having fun doing it and chilling with the viewers which is awesome and im glad that they also like the environment i give them.
Dark Souls 2
I've been playing dark souls 2 on and off stream and i've gotten further with my off stream character compare to my on stream character, maybe because i already know the areas i need to go to and what to expect...making the stream character a test character. i need to keep playing but i've been too distracted with things plus i've been spending most of my time on warframe.
new updates after the other. there is a new event with the new update which introduce rescue 2.0 and i already finish the update when they release it. veteran players do eat the content really fast. right now im just leveling up the Amprex which i have 4 formas on it and will probably put one more...well see how it goes.
Castlevania: Symphony of the night
i started playing castlevania on stream. not sure why but i just felt like playing this game again. this is my favorite castlevania game so why not? anyways i've gotten pretty far, i think im about 77% completion out of 200% so almost half way...just need to explore the castle more now that i have the bat form.