been doing nothing really...go out, game hunt, eat, sleep, video games, boring stuff basically. so i start playing dead rising 2 since i got really nothing to do since psn still down. heard it will be back up by the weekend and hopefully its tomorrow but i do have doubts about psn coming back up because its been down for such a long time. if its up its up if its down then itll be down till may 31st since they said full psn will be back up by the end of may just hoping online will come having a class tomorrow helps till psn comes back unless it comes back up at midnight tonight but i doubt it will be up by then....probably around noon or maybe early morning, ill probably check if its back up before i got to school...then again....i might loose motivation to go to school.
Fallout New Vegas
i know this game is never ending but i decided that i am done with it. lvl 22 and i work with the yes man, youll know what i mean when you get to that part. so i just end up destroying the world.... annihilation of everything is my answer in this playthrough.
i gotta say i enjoy this game, it didnt take that long for me to beat it because psn is down and i cant play any online games. i cant really compare it to other fallout because i never played any until 3 but then i didnt even beat 3, just got to the part where i found megaton...i think thats what the city called, it has the nuke in the middle of the city. there are some glitch here and there, looks like they rush the game and didnt had time to clean the bugs but i still enjoy the game but not the quest cuz doing quest basically effects the whole world and when you do something right or wrong will change peoples. in some quest i did, i found my self stuck and i spent allot of time doing the quest and one major thing that block me is that the person i need to talk to is already dead and it felt like i accomplish nothing but i didnt really care. ill give fallout new vegas 8/10.....why 8......well maybe the only thing that ruind the game for me is the glitches.
Fallout New Vegas ~Spoilers~throughout my playthrough i supported the NCR because they appear to be the big people in this game. as for whos leagion i joind or should i say who i gave the platinum chip too is!!!.....myself. i kept the chip to myself and took out Mr.House and took over his computer with YesMan and now i guess i work for the YesMan. i also became friendly with the brotherhood of steal then when i know that they dont have a purpose anymore! i activated the self-destruct mechanism in their bunker and thus annihilating the brotherhood of steal. after gaining access to powerful weapons, i then overrun all the "clans" such as Great Khans, NCR, Legion, etc. i just basically annihilate them....i basically conquer everything since i got bored.
Dead Rising 2
start this game and i gottta sayyyyy im having so much fun just roaming around trying to figure out what items i can combine! i think im lvl 19+ right now. a really fun wonder used for this game is still expensive and its been out for quite sometime now.