Friday, December 31, 2010
Almost tym for 2011
last day of 2010 and here comes 2011......damn lots happen in 2010 hope 2011 is as much fun as 2010 or more. famjams gonna start soon and school is just around the corner. gotta make sure i wake up early because my classes are 8ams.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Da Calm After the STORM
well now its time to rest after all those shopping and fam jams....gotta make this count because jan 1st is coming and more fam jams are coming. been playing borderlands. also, ive been using turtle beach and i need to get use to the sounds.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Trollz
me karl and kev went into the battlefield, its me and kevs 3rd time going. my plan is to scavenge the left overs from previous days and to help kev and karl look for the stuff they want. so first we went to bestbuy cuz karl wanted blu-rays there we saw the turtle beach and kev bought it. next we went to gamestop to check if they have ninja gaiden 2 for the ps3, kev wanted it because its 10$$ but he got trolled and said the game is only available online. then we went to another bestbuy to check more blu-rays and turtle beaches, unfortunately theyr out of turtles and no more blu-rays. then we took a break and eat. went to square one so kev can change his monster hunter tri copy because it was scratch and he dsnt want to risk it not working half way through the game. at square i saw at gamestop they have turtle beach on sale so i went and lined up....while i was in the line i can hear a mom and her son talking, the son want to buy the turtle beach BUTTT theres only one left. here the trolling.....the son is right behind me and im going to buy the turtle beach.....the lasttt oneeee. so i bought it then the mom got madd cuz they lined up for nothing while the kid bolted out of gamestop...........iunno why but it felt good getting the last headset. also, it looks like we have a new hunter....jaime got a wii and he's planing to buy monster hunter tri.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Box Dayz`
first...celebrated xmas at my cuzns house. chilled at my cuzns from 2pm till 12am. got home stayed up till 3am till i get a headache...fell asleep....woke up at 5am and went to line up at bestbuy. went with darwin, kevyn and russle. got to bestbuy and bought 2 games; borderlands for 29 and bioshock 2 for home at 10am. really tiring day, cant believe i went out without eating anything nor drinking head was ganna explode because the line up at bestbuy is ridiculous and its freezing outside, was not prepare because i woke up and left. then inside bestbuy is a battle field, so much people inside. i didnt even have a plan to buy anything in there....i was just ganna go in an grab whatever i find cheap and i found borderlands and bioshock. after our firs bestbuy we went to different store until we went to another bestbuy then i saw borderlands for we thought the turtle beach headset for the ps3 was was still 99.
check my grades for this semester!!! and im happy i pass everything!! got a 3.00 impress actually i thought ill get around 2.60s LOL
went out again with kevyn and adrian to walmart to check if they have cod black ops....unfortunately its not there so me and kev bought a wii charger, split it because we only have one controller. kev also bought a blu-ray. then thats that.......until tomorrow because karl called me and said if i want to go to bestbuy and other places with them and i said yes just cuz. soooo....into battle field tomorrow again!!!!!!
check my grades for this semester!!! and im happy i pass everything!! got a 3.00 impress actually i thought ill get around 2.60s LOL
went out again with kevyn and adrian to walmart to check if they have cod black ops....unfortunately its not there so me and kev bought a wii charger, split it because we only have one controller. kev also bought a blu-ray. then thats that.......until tomorrow because karl called me and said if i want to go to bestbuy and other places with them and i said yes just cuz. soooo....into battle field tomorrow again!!!!!!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
final this year is almost done!! not rly hoping for anything special this christmas. new years around the corner finally 2011 and almost my bday....darn...getting old already.
Friday, December 24, 2010
MH Tri!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Gar-Badge day!
keep telling myself to clean but no action.....rooms getting worse, keep piling up water bottles....will clean eventually, prob tomorrow.
cleaned my room a bit....and then chilled with kev dars and ads and went to some greek buffet.
cleaned my room a bit....and then chilled with kev dars and ads and went to some greek buffet.
Monday, December 20, 2010
Games Games gamz
been doing nothing other then sleep eat video games.....reach 8th prestige lvl 11 atm. didnt play zombies today because i wanted to prestige........prob play later. still gotta buy gifts, prob just do it later today.
didnt get to play zombies...everyone wants to lvl up
didnt get to play zombies...everyone wants to lvl up
Sunday, December 19, 2010
More ZombZ
played cod all day -.-
been playing multiplayer all day so at night we played some zombies. it was me vince and dars but vince bailed half way. we played in 'FIVE' and we made a new record of round 30 with just me and dars. i had the raygun and a random gun while dars got his shotgun and a random gun. during round 30 we got fire sale and i bought the box, i got the freeze gun. we both died a couple of times and ran out of monkey bombs...we thought it was the last wave of zombies so we decided to face them.....and it wasn't. we got caught off guard and instantly died.

im around lvl 40ish in multi player....almost there for 8th prestige.
been playing multiplayer all day so at night we played some zombies. it was me vince and dars but vince bailed half way. we played in 'FIVE' and we made a new record of round 30 with just me and dars. i had the raygun and a random gun while dars got his shotgun and a random gun. during round 30 we got fire sale and i bought the box, i got the freeze gun. we both died a couple of times and ran out of monkey bombs...we thought it was the last wave of zombies so we decided to face them.....and it wasn't. we got caught off guard and instantly died.
im around lvl 40ish in multi player....almost there for 8th prestige.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Gaming starts now!`
been playing video games none stop since my break starts....gotta abuse this because next term i got 7 courses. played CoD:Black Ops with dars today...we started at 12am ended at 2:44am. we played on 'FIVE' and we set a new record of 22. we got far because i got two upgraded guns, the mp5 and the freeze gun. darwin keep dying because he didnt get any good guns. been playing monster hunter too before i sleep.
Friday, December 17, 2010
The break begins....
my break officially starts today....just chillin at home and playing cod, hoping i didnt fail anything.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Last Day....then Freedomm
painting class today and we have our final test....he said its easy, that itll take 1.5hour to write. we also have to hand in one painting we did.
CoD: Black Ops
was playing zombie early EARLY this morning we started around 11pm-2am-ish. played with 4 people this time. the team was me lifebrandrobot, russle, and don.....we played at kino and FIVE then don left then piztolwhipped joined, played FIVE...after that i went to sleep cuz i got school today....still....nothing will beat the one game of kino with me vince, kev, and dars.....from 12am - game!!!.
update - played zombies again with dars. played from 8-11pm and we beat our record is 26.
CoD: Black Ops
was playing zombie early EARLY this morning we started around 11pm-2am-ish. played with 4 people this time. the team was me lifebrandrobot, russle, and don.....we played at kino and FIVE then don left then piztolwhipped joined, played FIVE...after that i went to sleep cuz i got school today....still....nothing will beat the one game of kino with me vince, kev, and dars.....from 12am - game!!!.
update - played zombies again with dars. played from 8-11pm and we beat our record is 26.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
End of 3d and Surface
went to my last day of 3d and surface design. did critiques for both and went home...nothing much.
tomorrow i got final test for painting and i got to hand in one of my paintings....then its freedom!
CoD: Black Ops
played some zombies with dars. beat our records of 21 in kino and got up to round....25ish....somewhere there and our 'FIVE' lvl 9 to round 13/15 somewhere there. also dead ops arcade from 12 to 20ish. it was just me and dars no one else wants to play cuz their too busy studying.
tomorrow i got final test for painting and i got to hand in one of my paintings....then its freedom!
CoD: Black Ops
played some zombies with dars. beat our records of 21 in kino and got up to round....25ish....somewhere there and our 'FIVE' lvl 9 to round 13/15 somewhere there. also dead ops arcade from 12 to 20ish. it was just me and dars no one else wants to play cuz their too busy studying.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Gotta hold it!
schools almost over....was debating whether i should skip or not but ended up going cuz im bored at home, only down side is the freezing cold weather.
its freezing cold....good thing the winds arent that strong. fml
CoD: Black Ops
reach 7th prestige....yess 9 custom classes.
played for a bit with people...and iunno if its just me but the connection sucks. specially when im in a party, we keep getting disband. this happens after the new patch thats suppose to fix all these stuff. plus in this new patch., u cant mute people in the lobby, it seems like this patch made the game worse for me. it made me rage quit because i cant start a game....i keep disconnecting me specially when we have a full party. my NAT says OPEN then sometimes does say that STRICT or MODERATE is bad but i was OPEN and its still bad. hopefully theyll fix this but not anytime soon. the new patch just came and theres new contracts and other changes i dont even know / care about.
its freezing cold....good thing the winds arent that strong. fml
CoD: Black Ops
reach 7th prestige....yess 9 custom classes.
played for a bit with people...and iunno if its just me but the connection sucks. specially when im in a party, we keep getting disband. this happens after the new patch thats suppose to fix all these stuff. plus in this new patch., u cant mute people in the lobby, it seems like this patch made the game worse for me. it made me rage quit because i cant start a game....i keep disconnecting me specially when we have a full party. my NAT says OPEN then sometimes does say that STRICT or MODERATE is bad but i was OPEN and its still bad. hopefully theyll fix this but not anytime soon. the new patch just came and theres new contracts and other changes i dont even know / care about.
Monday, December 13, 2010
How long has it been?
didnt go to media lab today because i haded my stuff online. this is the last week of school and im not going to my history class because i already write my final test and i dont want to grab my cheap skecthbook back so im thinking i should just go to interpretive drawing....gotta leave the house at 1pm will prob get home at 7pm if i stay for the full class. hopefully its not ganna be freezing death tomorrow.
finish both interpretive drawing and surface design. just need to mount my surface design.
CoD: Black Ops
still prestige 6th...been busy with school projects. reach lvl 49.
finish both interpretive drawing and surface design. just need to mount my surface design.
CoD: Black Ops
still prestige 6th...been busy with school projects. reach lvl 49.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Slacking spre
didnt do any of my project this weekend......will prob start outlining for my interpretive drawing. surface is easy and i already submitted my medial lab. so basically i only have 2 more projects to make and i have to hand in 3 projects and do critiques on them then i got my painting test.
Saturday, December 11, 2010
stayed home and catch up to my sleep cuz im not getting enough sleep playing cod.....and doing projects. so me kev and ads chilled, went to osmos and then to ads house. at house house we played some gamecube games on the wii. we played final fantasy crystal chronicles with 3 players. after FFCC i played some MGS twin snakes while ads and kev watch me play and eventually went to home around 5am. i couldve reach lvl 40ish in cod but ill do that tomorrow/today.
went to kims house because she told me she has free food. its her sisters birthday and theres too much food so i went there and eat.
gotta do interpretive drawing final project, its a triptych. im thinking making the 3 panels my window and in those panels is the weather outside....morning, noon and the sunset. then i have surface design....for that...its just random. after these projets im done.....all i have to do is go to class and do these critiques cuz we get mark for those.
went to kims house because she told me she has free food. its her sisters birthday and theres too much food so i went there and eat.
gotta do interpretive drawing final project, its a triptych. im thinking making the 3 panels my window and in those panels is the weather outside....morning, noon and the sunset. then i have surface design....for that...its just random. after these projets im done.....all i have to do is go to class and do these critiques cuz we get mark for those.
Video Games
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Thursday!~stayed late?
went to painting for our last painting. stayed at sheridan with ken and kev till 10pm to do homework. done my i dont have to do them at home.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Skipperz part 2
went to my history class today because we have our final test. i skip interpretive drawin again because i dont have the stuff she told us to bring so its kinda pointless to go.
CoD: Black Ops
played some zombies with dars in kino got to round 17. dar got unlucky with the box.
Red Dead Redemption
played some undead nightmare till round 12 after our CoD zombie run and some co-op missions.
CoD: Black Ops
played some zombies with dars in kino got to round 17. dar got unlucky with the box.
Red Dead Redemption
played some undead nightmare till round 12 after our CoD zombie run and some co-op missions.
Monday, December 6, 2010
skip my monday class because its just work period. id rather stay home and work on other stuff than go to school and waste money. ill just work on my medial lab tomorrow morning in the learning commons because i dont have the 8am lecture. so far today i workd on my 3d sculpture...its basically base on an ash tray made up of straws and the light sources is in the middle, kinda reminds me of iron man. so what i did is i added more straws to make it look packed, it looks like it exploded. i was thinking of making it into a lamp but you have to press the light source pretty hard to turn it on and a straw wont do it so yea i just left it the way it is and add more straws. i still have to print out my history report and gotta do the coloring book for surface.
done surface coloring book.
done my 3d, color book, sketchbook, inspiration book, history report and hand painting done.
not done - final interpretive drawing, final surface design, final medial lab and final test for painting and history.
i wanna finish all my final project by this week so in the weekend im free. all i have to do is show up for the critiques and im serious!
done surface coloring book.
done my 3d, color book, sketchbook, inspiration book, history report and hand painting done.
not done - final interpretive drawing, final surface design, final medial lab and final test for painting and history.
i wanna finish all my final project by this week so in the weekend im free. all i have to do is show up for the critiques and im serious!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday work!
woke up kinda late today because i slept at 3am finishing up my history report paper thing. so far i finish 2 things; the hand painting and the history paper. only thing left for me to do are....history inspiration page(due this week), interpretive drawing(due next week), surface design colour book( due this week), surface design final project(due next week), medial lab(due next week) annddd just have to write the final test for painting and history. after all theseeee im doneeee....freeedommm...i can taste it.
started my 3d....and im debating weather i should make it better or leave it. the sculpture already looks nice as a "sun". if i try to make it better ill make it into a lamp.
Monster Hunter Portable 3
I saw some videos about it and i got the chance to play the japanese version and i gotta say....even tho i dont know whats going on because the text are in japanese...the game looks niceee. i cant wait to hunt these new monsters PLUS!!! the slash axe is here! cant wait to use it.
CoD: Black Ops
reach 6th prestige.
started my 3d....and im debating weather i should make it better or leave it. the sculpture already looks nice as a "sun". if i try to make it better ill make it into a lamp.
Monster Hunter Portable 3
I saw some videos about it and i got the chance to play the japanese version and i gotta say....even tho i dont know whats going on because the text are in japanese...the game looks niceee. i cant wait to hunt these new monsters PLUS!!! the slash axe is here! cant wait to use it.
CoD: Black Ops
reach 6th prestige.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
arrggh...procrastinate! did nothing the whole day...woke up at 11 then i doze off and woke up at 1pm...played cod till 4pm.....lazy to do homework.
CoD: Black Ops
still 5th prestige but got to lvl 42.
CoD: Black Ops
still 5th prestige but got to lvl 42.
Friday, December 3, 2010
More fridays
just cleaning up my room. need to start on my stuff before i forget everything. other than cleaning my room....i played video games!
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
played overrun with LifeBrandRobot....its just the two of us and it is HARD! the game is too hard with 2 people. need a full party of 4.
CoD: Black Ops
of course playing this game....5th prestige lvl 31 atm. too easy to lvl up in this game. just keep doing challenges and you'll be fine.
Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare
played overrun with LifeBrandRobot....its just the two of us and it is HARD! the game is too hard with 2 people. need a full party of 4.
CoD: Black Ops
of course playing this game....5th prestige lvl 31 atm. too easy to lvl up in this game. just keep doing challenges and you'll be fine.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Coming to an EnD
went to my painting paint. thats what we did the whole time.....then for next week well be our last painting session because the week after that is our final test.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
did my painting homework. the homework is to paint your hand. still thinking that i should the do my photoshop homework..i only need to do is to make the background then ill do the rest at school in design.
-> update - finish my photoshop background for my media lab.
dead nation also came out yesterday...i think it was nov 30th. if not....well...its out so it doesnt matter. want this game too its not because its a ps3 exclusive because its a zombie game.....who doesnt like zombie games, unless its not that good then i wouldnt buy it. this is why i need a capture card because of these zombie games. must...record.....funny game.
CoD: Black Ops
reach 5th prestige.
-> update - finish my photoshop background for my media lab.
dead nation also came out yesterday...i think it was nov 30th. if not....well...its out so it doesnt matter. want this game too its not because its a ps3 exclusive because its a zombie game.....who doesnt like zombie games, unless its not that good then i wouldnt buy it. this is why i need a capture card because of these zombie games. must...record.....funny game.
CoD: Black Ops
reach 5th prestige.
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